My fellow forum members,
Anyone who knows me in real life knows that I'm a stubborn, irascible fellow who is firmly convinced of my own rightness most of the time. I have kept this aspect of my personality firmly out of the forum for some time, since this is after all a tickling board and I so enjoy all your many contributions. But since there is now a "General" section, and I have come to like and respect so many of you, I think it's time to open up a little, so to speak.
So ...
I have a number of "pet peeves". One of my favorites is a disturbing trend I see in society and specifically in politics today. This is the media and politicians tending to blur the lines between two very different things: The right to an opinion and freedom of expression, and the right to an equally weighted opinion. I see this as dangerous and occasionally more than a little ridiculous.
For instance: I am considered one of the best in my field of over 18 years (not ready to say what to the forum at large quite yet, suffice it to say that I am a professional), and I have also read some books and watched some documentaries on television regarding military history, law, and medicine, all of which I find interesting for entirely different reasons. To someone outside of those fields, I could probably express a fairly complex idea and make them believe I had the education to back it up, because I know some of the commoner ideas and can speak some of the "language".
Do I have the right to an opinion about anything I choose to express it about, certainly, says so right in the constitution. Do I have the right to have that opinion in these fields given equal weight with a professional who has dedicated a significant portion of their life to developing their education and practicing these demanding fields? Don't be absurd. ... "Excuse me sir, do you think I need my appendix out? What's that, you're a canine dentist? That's OK, I just want your opinion. You think it should come out immediately? And you just happen to have a pair of incisor pullers with you that should function just fine for such a simple operation, since they look just like the retractor you saw on ER the other day? Fine. Just let me lay down."
And yet, again and again, we see "activists", "libertarians", (read:busybodies) put in round table discussions with competent professionals, who must then spend most of their time attempting to educate these people as to why their ideas either have already been tried and discarded or are impractical.
To be honest, when a layman attempts to present their opinion as being "every bit as good as mine" in my professional field of endeavor, I find it very insulting. This has nothing to do with intelligence (LOTS of people are brighter than I am, which I freely admit), and everything to do with education and experience, which cannot be gained by reading lightly in a field or watching TV!
When I go to a doctor with a problem, I am paying for their expertise and education. It is part of their duty to educate me enough, in common language, that I have some understanding of the problem and treatment so that I can participate actively in my recovery. It is not among their obligations to attempt to educate me as they would an intern in their field, simply to tell me what I need to know to get better. I make sure I pick an individual I can trust, and then let them do their job. Makes sense to me.
This trend scares me, because it gives the wrong people too much influence, control, and power over our social and political system. You see politicians kowtowing to this particular tendency every day (can you say "committee"). When was the last time you heard of a committee doing anything useful. Really.
I have come to admire and respect a great many member of this forum, and look forward to some intelligent responses. This is particularly aimed at:
DVNC, Pirate, Dave, QJakal, Strelnikov, Myriads, Jeff, EvilQueen
But I am interested in hearing what anyone and everyone has to say, particularly if they don't agree or don't agree completely with me. Love a good fight 😉.
Anyone who knows me in real life knows that I'm a stubborn, irascible fellow who is firmly convinced of my own rightness most of the time. I have kept this aspect of my personality firmly out of the forum for some time, since this is after all a tickling board and I so enjoy all your many contributions. But since there is now a "General" section, and I have come to like and respect so many of you, I think it's time to open up a little, so to speak.
So ...
I have a number of "pet peeves". One of my favorites is a disturbing trend I see in society and specifically in politics today. This is the media and politicians tending to blur the lines between two very different things: The right to an opinion and freedom of expression, and the right to an equally weighted opinion. I see this as dangerous and occasionally more than a little ridiculous.
For instance: I am considered one of the best in my field of over 18 years (not ready to say what to the forum at large quite yet, suffice it to say that I am a professional), and I have also read some books and watched some documentaries on television regarding military history, law, and medicine, all of which I find interesting for entirely different reasons. To someone outside of those fields, I could probably express a fairly complex idea and make them believe I had the education to back it up, because I know some of the commoner ideas and can speak some of the "language".
Do I have the right to an opinion about anything I choose to express it about, certainly, says so right in the constitution. Do I have the right to have that opinion in these fields given equal weight with a professional who has dedicated a significant portion of their life to developing their education and practicing these demanding fields? Don't be absurd. ... "Excuse me sir, do you think I need my appendix out? What's that, you're a canine dentist? That's OK, I just want your opinion. You think it should come out immediately? And you just happen to have a pair of incisor pullers with you that should function just fine for such a simple operation, since they look just like the retractor you saw on ER the other day? Fine. Just let me lay down."
And yet, again and again, we see "activists", "libertarians", (read:busybodies) put in round table discussions with competent professionals, who must then spend most of their time attempting to educate these people as to why their ideas either have already been tried and discarded or are impractical.
To be honest, when a layman attempts to present their opinion as being "every bit as good as mine" in my professional field of endeavor, I find it very insulting. This has nothing to do with intelligence (LOTS of people are brighter than I am, which I freely admit), and everything to do with education and experience, which cannot be gained by reading lightly in a field or watching TV!
When I go to a doctor with a problem, I am paying for their expertise and education. It is part of their duty to educate me enough, in common language, that I have some understanding of the problem and treatment so that I can participate actively in my recovery. It is not among their obligations to attempt to educate me as they would an intern in their field, simply to tell me what I need to know to get better. I make sure I pick an individual I can trust, and then let them do their job. Makes sense to me.
This trend scares me, because it gives the wrong people too much influence, control, and power over our social and political system. You see politicians kowtowing to this particular tendency every day (can you say "committee"). When was the last time you heard of a committee doing anything useful. Really.
I have come to admire and respect a great many member of this forum, and look forward to some intelligent responses. This is particularly aimed at:
DVNC, Pirate, Dave, QJakal, Strelnikov, Myriads, Jeff, EvilQueen
But I am interested in hearing what anyone and everyone has to say, particularly if they don't agree or don't agree completely with me. Love a good fight 😉.