Which is your favorite car?
a Pinto
a Gremlin
What do you think our society will look like in 300 years?
How about 301 years?
Within that lone year...the human race will discover the meaning of life...
But we already know that! 😱 Haven't you read the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy? 😛
Someone needs to pinch you, you know that? 😛
O hai 😀 How YOU doin?
I'm doing pretty fucking great 😀
Hai Skip!!!!
I'm doing very well...but the question is...how in the f*** are YOU doin'? 😛
What advise do you have to heal a broken heart- had to find new homes for my cats.
What was the longest that you have ever gone without sexual intercourse?
Note: I didn't want to be rude and say fucking someone.
You exercise your elbow by lifting spoonfuls of ice cream as a workout! 😛
What were the three happiest moments in your life so far?
Where do you think you'll end up spending the rest of Eternity after you leave this world?