I was half way through this last time when I got booted. Lets try it again.
Jen Your the best I'm not quite sure just how you pulled it off. but you did it in classic style. Thank you soooo much for a wonderful weekend. I'm sure I speak for all who attended.
Crissy and Adem; just as last year it was a treat to see you both. very nice talking with you Adam,we got to know each other a little bit better. I enjoyed it.
Beth and Shem; Thank you very much for the invite to torture night as we did. I loved the smerk on your face Shem when she told you to watch where your hands were going "MISTER" LOL A Kodak moment I think.
Tom I'm glad I finally got to meet you in person. We had talked somany times in the room and it was nice to put a face with the name. Oh B.T.W. Thanks for helping the girls. LOL YEA RIGHT! Like they needed Help.
Dave Your personallity is next to none. Thanks for that. and for bringing along Tracy Talk about a trooper, WOW she was T-T-T-T-T-T-T-Tremendous. "300 pounds of crap an't goin to smell like a garden" LOL I love it.
Ed and Pat ; Always look forward to seeing you both.I just might bring a pair of clippers myself next year. I do believe that everything happens for a reason Patti and And it is clear to see your well on your way to a very happy life. Thanks for talking with me. and thanks for giving me that little push i needed to cross over for the "LER TO THELEE" side. I'll never be the same . Next time I"LL bring my own powdered sugar SNORT SNORT SNORT.
Ray and Tracy you guys are super I do indeed hope all works out for you with your Knee Tracy. Ray you are a REAL sport to put up with what these evil women can dish out. I saw the pics 'Rue Paul' you ain't.!
Michelle and Randy. I truly hope all works for you guys you are a GREAT couple and so much fun to talk with . Earth Wind and Fire? WOW man what I wouldn't have given to be there for that one. Oh that reminds me Michelle, I'll be right back, I need to get a SNACK! MMMMM much better, but it's missing something, and I can't put my finger on it. LOL. I have got to get off to bed so I'll stop here Again thanks to all you people for being you. "I wonder what the Vanillas are doing now? Poor souls. God bless you all till next time. "Here , let me wipe off a place for you to sit down."