Well - 808K views of the original Scenes of Desperation thread. I intentionally avoided padding my own post to better judge public interest and to let free thought prevail.
Thanks for everyon'e input. I love the occassional inclusions of SOD themes by several artisits as part of their larger storylines, but I'm a bit disappointed no one has yet dedicated an entire comic to the desperation / predicament theme.
So, I'd like to propose a contest and public poll to entice artists of all styles to submit current or new artwork, with winner selected by the forum membership.
1. Submit at least 1 work to scenesofdesperation@yahoo.com that meets the general spirit of this thread's original post...we'll defer to artistic interpretation. We'll also defer to the artists to define "work" as they see fit...comic, graphic novel, drawing, poser, animation, etc.
2. Works will be submitted now through 1 Jun 12, with a public forum member voting period to follow
3. Works judged on talent, originality and best representation of theme
4. Prize: $500
Hopefuly this will shake the trees a bit...looking forward to your submissions.
Thanks for everyon'e input. I love the occassional inclusions of SOD themes by several artisits as part of their larger storylines, but I'm a bit disappointed no one has yet dedicated an entire comic to the desperation / predicament theme.
So, I'd like to propose a contest and public poll to entice artists of all styles to submit current or new artwork, with winner selected by the forum membership.
1. Submit at least 1 work to scenesofdesperation@yahoo.com that meets the general spirit of this thread's original post...we'll defer to artistic interpretation. We'll also defer to the artists to define "work" as they see fit...comic, graphic novel, drawing, poser, animation, etc.
2. Works will be submitted now through 1 Jun 12, with a public forum member voting period to follow
3. Works judged on talent, originality and best representation of theme
4. Prize: $500
Hopefuly this will shake the trees a bit...looking forward to your submissions.