I'm two weeks away from my whole life changing. I'm moving to NY, near all my family and friends, who cant wait to see me, and I'm going to have a number of job and business opportunities to choose from. Things will get better.. but know what..
My father and uncle.. two of the most .. shall we say.. stern people on the planet.. who dont like to hear anyone's bitching, complaining.. or whining.. and who cut me no slack whatsoever, have made the following statements to me.
"Mitch, we would be kidding ourselves if we thought you are over your mother's death.. or that your move.,. and new job/business is going to be easy. You have been handling things well. and it will take time. We know that being around family and friends will help, and that in time.. things will get better. You're not alone, and you have your family and friends here to support you"
THAT is helpful, and well meaning, even from two people who I've had issues with in the past.
Sometimes, when people feel depressed, everything isnt always settled in two minutes, by bulletpoint goals.. or attacks on a forum.
When my grandmother died, it took my mom a year to come back to herself. Do you think any of her social contacts had the nerve to say to her, "Sheila.. dont mourn your mom for so long". Everyone was supportive.
People do things differently.. in their own time. My belief is that I only make comments toward others problems, if I can legitimately help. teasing,. I say to you, that if you need someone to talk to, my PM box is open.