My first experience....I've had an active interest in stocking feet for as long as I can remember; I don't know why, I couldn't tell you how I just knew that I felt very strange in my tummy at an early age whenever a woman walked around the house, or was shown on the television, in stocking feet. I can remember feeling this way when I saw the David Copperfiled trick with Catherine Bach, and not only did he get her shoes off, but he also (supposedly) gave her a foot tickle. My tickle fetish didn't come along until later, as I was just happy looking at stocking feet. For years, this was all I could do, until one year, we went to visit my aunt in Scotland (I'm English, by the way).
My nan was staying with us for a fortnight or so, about a month before we were due to visit my aunt. I wasn't that bothered about it to begin with, until, for some reason, my nan happened to mention that my aunt loved to have her feet tickled.
As soon as I heard that, I couldnt wait to get there! I hadn't seen my aunt in years, so I didn't know quite how I was going to achieve it, but I did know that I would have a fortnight of staying there to find out!
Now, my aunt is an attractive blonde haired woman, who, at the time, always wore a blue nurse type uniform, and white tights. She would walk around either in open toes flat sandal style slippers, or just in stocking feet!! I was in my element! Plus, my aunt has a heart of gold, and so she didn't object to myself and my sister demanding her time! It was absolutely superb, but just one thing: how to tickle her feet? I didn't want to appear odd, and I certainly didn't want to get into trouble, so I just waited, looking at her white stocking feet whenever I got the chance. I'd often get to see her soles, as she'd be kneeling down, or she'd be playing with her shoes under the table. It was fantastic, a whole new world was finally opening itself up for me!
But how to tickle her?
In the end, it was my sister (3 years younger than me) who solved my problem, by tickling my aunt's feet while she sat down. My aunt just looked at her and smiled, saying how much she enjoyed it. Well, that was all I needed to hear. I turned around, and also began to tickle her feet for her, a slow, gentle tickling, just to relax her. Back then, this was enough for me, just to be touching her wonderful, smooth, dainty white stocking feet!! It was fantastic, and for the rest of the holiday, my aunt's feet weren't left untouched!
My parents would often go out for the evening, my uncle would be working late, my cousins weren't interested in two little kids, so it was me, my sister and my aunt. I'd instigate reasons to tickle, stroke, massage and rub her feet every night, and my aunt certainly wasn't complaining!!
At one point, I tickled her feet with her legs resting on my shoulders, and on another, we even pretended to open a beauty salon, with my aunt as the customer, and as my sister played with her hair, I paid all my attention to her feet for about half an hour or so. At one point, she even said that ticking was more relaxing than massaging, after I'd given her the option of which to have. I even complained to her for wearing white tights all the time, and not black ones!!
Now that I remember it, I can recall being on the sofa with my aunt, the rest of the family in the room, watching some holiday slides. My aunt had kicked off her slippers, and as I was sitting very close to her, and the lights were out, I gingerly moved my foot over to hers, just gently touching it. I'm not sure if she noticed or not, but she did adjust her seating position slightly so that she was closer to me!!! She later went out of the room to get a drink, at which point her slippers went on, but as soon as she came back, they came off again.
Maybe she had me sussed at the age of 11, who knows? All I know is that my aunt, like many of us here, is responsible for igniting my unfulfilled foot fetish in ways that still carry on today! She's responsible for the birth, the indulgence throughout various intervals of my teenage years. I'll talk about my later experiences at other times, but for now, I hope you've all enjoyed this one.
Cheers, everybody,