You want pics?? 😀 I guess it's all part of my introduction...I will try to find non-riddiculous ones!
Moooooooo 😀 I'm sorry it's so big... ;_;
Here is another!
see that one I don't look like mooo =)
Very cute. 🙂
You want pics?? 😀 I guess it's all part of my introduction...I will try to find non-riddiculous ones!
Moooooooo 😀 I'm sorry it's so big... ;_;
Here is another!
see that one I don't look like mooo =)
Me and Veritanne from yesterday!
We are KAOSPATRULJEN (Chaos Patrol)
just wants to tell everybody that we dont usually have weapons at our partys..
But Cavum is crazy sometimes, and cant controle him self 🙂
(the guns are fake)
just wants to tell everybody that we dont usually have weapons at our partys..
But Cavum is crazy sometimes, and cant controle him self 🙂
(the guns are fake)
Me and Veritanne from yesterday!
We are KAOSPATRULJEN (Chaos Patrol)
sweet and a shame they are fake guns.. I can bring my real ones.. yeah baby.
Me and Veritanne from yesterday!
We are KAOSPATRULJEN (Chaos Patrol)
Hello everyone,
It's been a loooong time since I've posted anything and since I have nothing of intellectual value to post, here is a couple of pics of me during my brief stay in New England.
why are all the chicks there hot?
Cause it's Norway? 😛
Why does all the chicks in the US wear flip flops? 😛