"Christ's teachings were contextualized with God. Because of this, humans are virtually incapable of interpreting Christian ideals without religious doctrines; they can't live the WAY without the RULES."
I wholeheartedly agree with you that there has to be rules. Everybody lives by a set of them. If you had good parents (and no not neccessarily christian ones) your taught what's right and wrong, and not to do the wrong thing. If your a parent I'm sure you teach your children in the same way. Everybody has a set of rules that they want to live by and no one can stick to them indefinitley, we all screw up sometimes. As far as "religous doctrines" are concerned: are you reffering to the written word of God (the bible) or are you reffering to the "add ons" that have been made by human beings? Traditions of men or what's written in the book?
"And these rules are very strict, stringent and seem to encourage an existence where humanity is subservient and pleasure is a luxury to be enjoyed only at God's suffrance."
Strict and stringent? Where in the bible does it say that you can't enjoy life? Let's do a run down of the some of the commandments. It's not the translation I prefer, but it's the one I have on my computer.):
1) "I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. Thou shalt have no other gods before me."-This to me would be the toughest one, but if your going to commit to him why would you have any other God before him?
2) "Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.
Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work:
But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates:"
So God says to take a day off..somehow I fail to see this as anything but a rule I am very happy to follow.
3)"Thou shalt not kill."-Although I must admit to being quite tempted on this one, especially at my last job.
4)"Thou shalt not commit to adultery".
Now the definition of adultery as it was 300-400 years ago (around the time the King James was written, that is the translation that I am quoting from, before it was revised it said "thou shalt not adulterate".)
adulter: "to corrupt, debase, adulterate."
adulterant: "that which adulterates, adulterating."
adulterate: "spurious, counterfeit, of base origin, or corrupted by base admixture." verb: "to render spurious or counterfeit ... by the admixture of baser ingredients."
adulterer: "one who adulterates, corrupts, or debases."
adulterous: "pertaining to, or characterized by, adulteration; spurious, counterfeit, adulterate.
Not what you thought it was? Most decent people don't like corruption and phoniness, I'd like to think. Hard rule to follow? For some I'd imagine.
5)"Thou shalt not steal."
I think most people would agree that theft is immoral, even legal theft.
6)"Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour."
I've been on the recieving end of that one and it's no fun.
7)"Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour's."
I tend to believe that these were written for my benefit and peace of mind as well as God's. Whom am I harming if I'm jealous? Only myself.
8)"Thou shalt not make thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the waters beneath the earth:"
Little bit of history: the jews were commonly sacraficed and tortured to appease idols.
Perhaps you can tell me the specific rules that you believe to be unfair, so I don't bore you to death. I left the other two out unless you specifically have a question about them.
"Normally this wouldn't be a problem for me for those people who want to live this way, but it REALLY turns my blood to fire when people force OTHERS to live the same way."
Again I wholeheartedly agree with you. But I can't keep apologizing for the way fundamentalists act, and the way misguided Christians bible thump (I hope you don't think that's what I'm doing because I'm not, I'm merley defending my faith).
"Understand that Christian dogma (as we know it) basically contextualizes children as property and that they not only "belong" to the parents, but it is the parents duty to imprint Christian beliefs onto them; the belief imprinted that part of being a Christian is to "save" people."
I don't recall where it specifically states that our children are our property, but we sure as Sheol are responsible for them. Nor does the bible teach us to brainwash them. It mereley teaches us to show them the truth that we know. If God wanted us to brainwash our children why would he give us free will? Now as far as "saved" is concerned know that there are three views of what the afterlife is outside of the Kingdom of God: 1)The most popular, well known, and terror inflicting eternal torment. 2)Anniliation 3)Salvation for all. Now I firmly believe in the third of these and if your interested to know why here is a webpage for you to learn:
There are countless other articles on this website dealing with the subject.
"Basically, Christian beliefs today have become crusading; they forcibly try to deny birth control, psychologically condition people against certain sexual concepts and practices, and even ban literature that doesn't agree with their interpretations."
Again I'm done apologizing for fundamentalists. The literature: I take it your reffering to that whole "Harry Potter" fiasco, I loved the movies. You have a group of overzealous people whom have been taught through tradition and not scripture. As far as sexual practices go: in case you haven't noticed I'm on this forum with you.
"I've met a lot of faithful people here who are noble and represent the best parts of Christianity (and GRR! do they irritate me, LOL)"
I hope not too much.
"but in life I've met a lot who convince me by behavior that they only believe what they believe because its been drilled into their heads so deeply that it cannot be removed. THAT is why I get so angry because most people like that have not been given a choice without a strong bias being implanted beforehand. And THAT is what I'm against."
I'm against that to, God wants us to love him out of our will alone, not mereley because our parents told us so. This is why being able to answers a child's questions is important, rather then shutting them down with "you'll go to hell if you do."
"Other than the fascist tendencies of Christian politics, I guess there's nothing I can really argue about angrily..."
Christian politics are not Christianity and guess what...you have my sincere apology for all the ways man has corrupted God's word and used it for corrupted purposes (there I apologised, but that's the only one your getting).
Again I don't want you to think that I'm trying to bible thump you or change your point of view, I am merley attempting to communicate the reallity of what Christianity is and what people have tried to turn it into. I hope I haven't offended anyone. Have a nice evening.