milagros317 said:
Thank you, HDS. It is much faster now via IE7. You are a genius.
For the first time since the new sidebar with ads on every page, I have run into the "60 second warning". 😛 😛
Glad to be usefull for once.
😛 On to 100,000 before '07, Mils! *pon-pon cheer*
MTP Jeff said:
The sidebar menu is java. Could it be that, appearing with every page-load now?
It is quite possible. From the source of the page, however, it appears to be more java
script than a pure java applet or applets. While there is a difference between the two, both can and will slow down your browser as they take time to render. However, this doesn't explain things completely. The menu has long been on the main page and I never recall delays on that page (Even back when I used IE). It also doesn't account for the long load time to just get to open. There's no menu there!
An underlying code change made during the layout switch might have done it, but without a comparison between the old and the new I couldn't tell you what it is (And given how much code goes into an average TMF page, I don't know if it could be found). But, seeing as how it wasn't really much of an alteration, was there anything you distinctly remember
adding to the code? A Google Analytics report code snippet? A new function in the menu (Like something to report to the sponsors when their ad is viewed)? If something new was added that only IE supports (And their are a great many things out there that bear this discinction, like the fade effect on the marquee I shared with Kurchatovium and Milagros so long ago), it would explain why no one else is affected: other browsers ignore it. This still would not, however, explain why the entrance page takes so long to load in IE6 unless a change was made to it as well.