Adam, Iam very sorry to hear about what happened to you. Sometimes for no apparent reason, certain people just drop out. I've had that happen to me two times in the last year plus on here, except in both cases the girls in question left the forum, at least to my knowledge. In both cases, I was keeping in contact with them at first through pm, and then through regular email, and for no apparent reason, they just stopped writing.
I was having a conversation not long ago with a very wise member of the forum, who I will not name for privacy reasons, and they told me that while there may not be an explanation as to why, and while it may be hurtful, that sometimes online the degree of accountability is less than in real life. People have busy lives, other pressures, decide to leave the forum, and what not, and friends get lost in the shuffle. I have been there, and I know it hurts. One of the people who I had this situation with, departed the scene about a month ago, at a very critical time for me, when I needed a friend, and greatly disappointed me. I was very hurt for a while, had hoped I would hear from her, and as time has gone on, realize I likely wont. As others who posted in this thread pointed out, there are many other great members of the forum to converse with. After hearing the advice of the person I spoke to about my issue, I, too had to come to this realization.
Iam sorry to hear about what happened to you, Adam, but I do think it productive that you posted about your situation. You have your friends and the members of the forum here to support you. If you ever want to talk about this further, feel free to message me anytime. Take care.
P'S One other point: What made the situation last year even more bizarre, was that I had struck up a personal friendship with the girl in question, and had been very helpful to her when she first joined. It was then relayed to me, by a mutual friend of ours, when she left, that she wanted "nothing more to do with tickling, or the forum". I sat there thinking to myself: "Am I tickling, and am I the forum, arent I her friend Mitch, who she said she likes?" It was all so outrageous. There was no rhyme or reason for her decision to disassociate from me. We hadnt had any words of any kind, and everything seemed to be going well. This, along with your situation, enforces the wise member of the forum's point to me about accountability online. It is unfortunate that things have to be this way, but, at times they are.