Very true. 😱Mils has weird dreams sometimes.
About the same, actually.Mils likes wedges more than rolls.
TrueMils never got bitten by a dog.
True.Mils never starred in a movie.
Yes!Mils likes ice cream cake.
True.Mils works out several times per week.
True now, but when I was in my 20's I did eat a lot of it.Mils doesn't eat a lot of fried food.
No, I do like classic Sci-Fi authors such as Isaac Asimov and Robert Heinlein.Mils doesn't like Sci-Fi.
True.Mils doesn't carry much cash on him.
I wish.Mils sleeps like a baby.
True.Mils sweats a lot in the summer.
Whenever I need to run it.Mils runs his a/c consistently in the heat.