Sometimes.Mils buys clothes online.
I wish.Mils can fly like Superman
No, but I do have a Brooklyn Cyclones wool hat.Mils has a Dodgers wool hat.
I wish.Mils has X ray vision.
I wish.Mils has mastered telekinesis.😛
Yes.Mils turns his back to the wind.
I wish.Mils has a black belt in kung fu
Nope.Mils once wrestled a bear (and won).
I wish.Mils has several Olympic Gold medals
True.Mils stops at stop signs.
Nope.Mils has traveled through a black hole.
Sometimes.Mils walks across the street in crosswalks.
Nope, never happened.Mils was a profressional arm wrestler once 😛
Nope.Mils was a former submarine captain