Thanks for listening to all my info and critiques. Let me explain why - because you're one of the best producers,...blah, blah,... okay, I've said all that. I do like guilttrip, Viviana, (who updates once every 3 or 4 months...😕) Jessie's regular site I'm growing more fond of, even though she turned the old RealTickling site to is that possible, split personality? Hell, she just did a harem girl tickling video...on her REGULAR site!
Well, let me illustrate why I nag the great producers:
There was a company that made a video where a girl comes into this doctors office to get tickled because she actually wanted to be tickled. Great! A fantasy many of us have here. She was really pretty, actually reminded me of a pretty girl I once worked with, how excellent still! She was dressed in street clothes, no pantyhose, but what the hell. The preview GIF showed her walking in, shaking hands, being tickled on the belly, hugging the doctor/tickler (hey, another new idea, the ticklee hugs the tickler she enjoyed it so much!)
I buy the video, it was like $9.
She barely giggled, maybe three times. No laughter at all. The cameraman was moving all over the place, it was distracting as hell. The tickler never removed her shoes, and obviously not her socks either. Didn't bother with the feet at all.
He didn't even lift up her shirt to tickle her bare belly, for all you belly tickling fans. She leaves, hugs him....but hugged him again, because he motioned to her it wasn't in frame....and they left that in there! Aren't you supposed to cut the mistakes out?
SO, that's why we demand so much from the best....
That's why Spiderman 3 and Indiana Jones gets so much criticism, because they're SUPPOSED to be good. People never pick apart....the latest movie starring Carrot Top or Paris Hilton movie, for example.....
About lighting the set, can you even get that old gym set back? That would be cool, but I understand how access works sometimes...of course, sometimes if you're persistant enough, you can get anything! My teacher in college got free donuts, every day, for his whole crew on a movie he was working on..he just asked, and buttered them up.
Also, ever thought about shooting with your new camera in a bright hotel room?