Something you might not know about me is that I have a tattoo on the inside of my bottom lip (and it was one of the least painful of my many, many tattoos).
Lol, not as impressive as it sounds my friend. My Pap was from Poland and spoke mostly Polish so I learned that from him, my other grandfather was from Greece and spoke primarily Greek so I picked that up from him and I studied French for 7 years, 4 of them in high school.
Sweet! One of my best friends in the world is Greek and Polish. She doesn't speak them but let me tell you I have never ever won an argument with her 🙂
I took a few years of french as well. Just enough to try and impress the lasses when the internet was young 😀
Something you might now know about me is I am a lefty as well in most things.
Something you might not know about me is that I'm really happy I found out about Tim McGraw's music. 🙂 (haha, actually via a Taylor Swift-song called "Tim McGraw" xD)
'Cause it's freakin' awesome! 😀