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Somthing you might want to know.

FT Genikit

2nd Level Yellow Feather
Jul 20, 2006
I made a story called "Princess Peach and Princess Zelda" (the connection of Super Mario Bros. and The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of time) And strangly, no one gave a single reply. So I decided to se if I was the only one, and found that from 2003 - 2006 (you can stick to somthing new of you want) about 373 stories recieved no replies. I would've done it myself, but that would only be 1 reply. So I'm just wondering if it's because it's not good enough, (Even if they like the stroy that include tickling) or no replies means you have to make to make it more interesting to get their attention. (sorry if I sounded cold)
dude, look at how many stories do the exact cookie cutter bullshit but slap on different names just to seem different

why feed any critique to stories that simply mirror content of other stories

i'm not saying you are a culprit but go through these stories and try to tell me how unique they are
Nice to know how much writers are appreciated.
oriyaborealis said:
dude, look at how many stories do the exact cookie cutter bullshit but slap on different names just to seem different

why feed any critique to stories that simply mirror content of other stories

i'm not saying you are a culprit but go through these stories and try to tell me how unique they are
Well oriya, the writers need replies to be critiqued, in order to help them to improve their writing. These are aspiring writers here. If you help them to get out of the, *Cookie Cutter Bullshit* as you call it, then they won't make the same mistakes their predecessors made.
haha why waste time on unlearning foes

once they learn to learn then we can talk yes
the hollywood brother do not read every story here howeer when the hollywood brother does, he post a comment to help the writer. the hollywood brother thinks everyone who puts the stories up are very talented and deserve a round of appaluase.
I think people are just too lazy to read tickling stories. Especially if they're all repetitive (how can they not be, they're all about tickling). People would rather look at tickling art than read a story. A picture they have time and patience for. Its fast. Its immediate. A story, especially if its lengthy, is not. People have to be griped and hooked by the story at the beginning, and it has to be unique. If its not, people aren't going to devote the time to reading it when they already know whats going to happen anyway- some person or persons get tickled. Big deal.

The tickling, ironically, is the problem. While you could create a unique situation or expand your writing repertoire, it can only ever go so far when the bottomline is tickling. You're not giving yourself much to work with. Even if you have some subplot, its hard to take it seriously when tickling is the main focus. Its too distracting and domineering. If you decide to downplay it, then it becomes questionable why you even have it in there at all if its not a main focus. So you're damned if you do and you're damned if you don't. You can either have too much tickling and have it be boring, or have a little tickling, but it being pointless and not satisfying. You need to focus on making better characters rather than better tickling if you want to be able to bridge a gap and reach a happy medium.

Considering, though, that the reason a person is reading a tickling story to begin with has to do with them wanting their fetish pleasured or entertained, if you're writing about all this other stuff they don't even care about, then you're wasting your time and effort.

Honestly, using creative talent(s) for a fetish is never a good idea unless you are unique and experienced and talented enough to do something different and fresh with it and also make time for your other interests that aren't fetish related and sharing them as well so people can see find other reasons to enjoy what you do. If people aren't already into what you're doing or how you do it, then chances are they won't be now.

You have to give everyone a reason to read your stories. Find that unique quality that you possess. Search for it. Impliment it. Then come back and try again. If you're denied once more then maybe writing stories isn't your thing.

Some people can draw, for example, but it doesn't mean they're meant to or are good at it. While they may be able to impress some people, they know they're lacking and that what they currently have is just not enough. These people either make a resolve to reach new heights, or they fall by the wayside and choose some other hobby.

One way or another, they come to a crossroad.

You're at that crossroad.
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Oriyaborealis: ...........

HOLLYWOODBROTHE: I see. Thanks for the reason.

Vladislaus Dracula: Maybe you're right, but if story is not my talent....(then what is?) *starting to feel abit down*
I, unfortunately, fall under the category Vlad put out. I just don't have the mental alertness or constitution to read through an entire story, especially when scrolling down a page. I don't agree with a whole lot with oriya's "theory". It may seem that it's always "same foundation, different construction" but I know many writers who strive to make their stories different from the mould, even if it comes out the same. I've read a couple of stories, (had to print it out to read it) and they were pretty good. I thank the authors for the time they take to write the story and for any particulars I encounter that I like and for the story itself.
whoops i forgot to automatically appreciate anything that gets put in front of me even when it's total garbage :O my bad i sowwy lets be friends again ok

speaking of which time to read my party newsletter to see surefire formulas on how to gain the peoples' respect in the writing world because everything is a math formula !! bbl
oriyaborealis said:
whoops i forgot to automatically appreciate anything that gets put in front of me even when it's total garbage :O my bad i sowwy lets be friends again ok

speaking of which time to read my party newsletter to see surefire formulas on how to gain the peoples' respect in the writing world because everything is a math formula !! bbl

Don't worry. It happens every now and then. So all is forgiven. :happy:
While I admit Vlad has a point, I take exception to the generalizations that seem to be emerging from this thread...

I don't want to start a fight, but this thread has irritated me quite a bit.
Yes..this has turned to an irritating discussion.
Its irritating because its calling into question the success of tickling stories and thats making some of you (particularly the writers) uncomfortable since this isn't a formal critique on a story and it may be embarassing for you that this is out in the open. If this is all questioned, then the authors feel questioned by extension as its hit a nerve (and perhaps their pride as well). Perhaps it makes you feel taken for granted, also. You're all intitled to feel that way at first (its only natural), but I suggest you deal with it properly.

The trick is to not take it personally and to be tolerant of other people's critiques and criticism of your hobby or profession.

I am an artist, and if someone here were to say the artwork here on TT was failing to be entertaining, or some people said it flat out sucked, would I take exception to that? Should I?

No and no.

The first no is simply because of circumstance and position. I don't mean to gloat here, but I am a good artist, so generalizations wouldn't work on me if you're trying to compare me to everyone else here and what they do, so theres no need for me to take offense to any (generalizations) directed at me.

The second no is because even though the artists are being criticized, it is they, and not the critiquer, who decides how they feel about themselves and their work. Don't let others decide your self-worth for you. Even if others deny you, it doesn't mean you're doing anything wrong, necessarily.

Part of the tragedy in being self-giving and sharing your talents and abilities is that you open yourself up to pain and suffering as well as all the goodness that comes with it. If you cannot learn to associate the right reaction with the right feeling, and act accordingly and proportionately, things will always be taken out of proportion, you'll always take offense to things, and you'll always feel hurt and wronged somehow.

This thread is just a question. I do not yet see it as a besmerchment of all the writers have done for us.
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For the original question... the problem is exactly as Vlad put it. Writing a tickling story is HARD. Even if you're a good writer. Why? You have to put a situation that everybody knows, and is familiar with, into words in a way that actually sounds interesting and unique!

Next, the stories really actually only appeal to a certain number of people... there's folks that will read them, those that won't, then there's trollish fuckheads like oriya who just want to flame someone.

I suggest you place very little value on his opinion.
11225 said:
Vladislaus Dracula: Maybe you're right, but if story is not my talent....(then what is?) *starting to feel abit down*

But, maybe I'm wrong also. I'm just hypothesizing based on your feedback.

To be frank with you, anyone can write a story. I could write one right now. Anyone can draw a picture. They could draw one right now. It doesn't mean its going to be good, but they have the ability to do it.

My suggestion, again, to you is if you really find satisfaction in writing stories (not just tickling stories), then by all means pursue it, and become even more technically experienced. Composition, grammer, spelling, and all of the other elements (both advanced and common) are things that need to be perfected before you can make a good story.

You can have all these great ideas, but people will be turned-off to reading about them if they just seem like a bunch of ramblings.

Just like an artist, it all goes back to the basics of story-telling and getting it right. While we artists represent the story visually, you writers require the reader to use their imagination in tandem with the words in order to form a picture and follow along.

If you cannot do this in an expressive and meaningful way, then people are just going to be reading a bunch of words that are boring them. If you can't bring them into the world of the story than its a wasted effort. Its all just bllllaaaahhh to them.I suspect alot of the stories are like this, because people either are lazy like I said, or they simply haven't been convinced that what they're reading is going to entertain them if they decide to commit to reading.Stories and art are like a crapshoot. When someone looks at a picture they like it instantly or they don't (the possibility exists that they may come to admire it somehow, but thats only if they find something redeeming about it). Its the same at the beginning of a story. Its 50/50 or even worse depending on what you're failing to do.

I suggest not focusing on tickling for a while so as to broaden your interests and expand your writing abilities. Examine your favorite books and novels and study the nuances of the author and how he tells things. Get inspiration from things that give you inspiration.Also, don't rely on fanfics to help you do this. Don't do Sailormoon this, or Pokemon that. Write unique stories that belong to you and are made up of things, places, and people that you created. People will acknowledge and respect that. And, based upon how good you are at story telling, you will gain a following.

Finally, do not expect too much from people. You cannot please everyone, and you should not be trying to. Do it because you love to do it, not because you want to please others. Pleasing others is nice, but do it for yourself first, otherwise you cannot truely be happy with what you're doing. Accept that sometimes even your best stories won't fly and people won't like them. It happens. Just dust yourself off after these failures and try again with another story. If you honestly feel what you're doing is not the problem, and its the people, then maybe its a sign that you need to take your stories elsewhere to places and readers that will enjoy them.
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the_jimmy_james said:
For the original question... the problem is exactly as Vlad put it. Writing a tickling story is HARD. Even if you're a good writer. Why? You have to put a situation that everybody knows, and is familiar with, into words in a way that actually sounds interesting and unique!

Next, the stories really actually only appeal to a certain number of people... there's folks that will read them, those that won't, then there's trollish fuckheads like oriya who just want to flame someone.

I suggest you place very little value on his opinion.

I appriciate that you agree with me, but the last bit concerns me. Just because he's being brutally honest and isn't apologizing for it doesn't mean he's trolling anyone here. He's making very good points, actually. Suggesting that his opinion not be valued because it wasn't in your taste only leads to pompous behavior and self-importance, not to mention the inability to properly handle naysayers because you refuse to deal with them. Its not a healthy mentality to have. You may feel what he's saying is out of line, but as the door was opened here it was opened for all, not some.

I don't feel he's crossed a line just yet. Ignore him if that will help you. If you cannot do that, then report him. No one likes a taddletale though, so make sure its justified and has merit (we don't need mods running around attending to matters prematurely, thats just a waste of their time).
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Thing is, there's a difference in "having an opinion", though, and stating an insulting opinion as fact.

It could have been said like this:

"I feel that nearly all of the tickling stories lack any sense of creativity. It's as though people simply reuse the very same story time and again."

Then left at that.

The problem comes when in a communication medium that relies only on written words, with no nuances of verbal, one on one communication... words that are obviously inflammatory get used.

Sorry... I just don't have respect for people who seem to go out of their way to put someone down.
It would never be anything more than his opinion anyway. So you don't need to challenge it. Theres no way his opinions or mine or anyone elses can account for all of the stories, one way or the other. Only if they could would it be fact. Its not so don't worry about it.

Take comfort in that, not try and correct him for how he expressed himself. Thats for a moderator to do.

The issue was brought up in light of the fact that some (somewhere to the tune of 300+ according to the thread creator) of the stories had failed to recieve attention. The focus should either be on those, or on the general approach that writers need to enchance what they do if they want things to change here.

Since we're not going to talk about 300+ stories and what went wrong there, its best to look toward the future, and see what can be helped. Thats what I've been doing, I don't know what everyone else is.
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Vladislaus Dracula said:
But, maybe I'm wrong also. I'm just hypothesizing based on your feedback.

To be frank with you, anyone can write a story. I could write one right now. Anyone can draw a picture. They could draw one right now. It doesn't mean its going to be good, but they have the ability to do it.

My suggestion, again, to you is if you really find satisfaction in writing stories (not just tickling stories), then by all means pursue it, and become even more technically experienced. Composition, grammer, spelling, and all of the other elements (both advanced and common) are things that need to be perfected before you can make a good story.

You can have all these great ideas, but people will be turned-off to reading about them if they just seem like a bunch of ramblings.

Just like an artist, it all goes back to the basics of story-telling and getting it right. While we artists represent the story visually, you writers require the reader to use their imagination in tandem with the words in order to form a picture and follow along.

If you cannot do this in an expressive and meaningful way, then people are just going to be reading a bunch of words that are boring them. If you can't bring them into the world of the story than its a wasted effort. Its all just bllllaaaahhh to them.I suspect alot of the stories are like this, because people either are lazy like I said, or they simply haven't been convinced that what they're reading is going to entertain them if they decide to commit to reading.Stories and art are like a crapshoot. When someone looks at a picture they like it instantly or they don't (the possibility exists that they may come to admire it somehow, but thats only if they find something redeeming about it). Its the same at the beginning of a story. Its 50/50 or even worse depending on what you're failing to do.

I suggest not focusing on tickling for a while so as to broaden your interests and expand your writing abilities. Examine your favorite books and novels and study the nuances of the author and how he tells things. Get inspiration from things that give you inspiration.Also, don't rely on fanfics to help you do this. Don't do Sailormoon this, or Pokemon that. Write unique stories that belong to you and are made up of things, places, and people that you created. People will acknowledge and respect that. And, based upon how good you are at story telling, you will gain a following.

Finally, do not expect too much from people. You cannot please everyone, and you should not be trying to. Do it because you love to do it, not because you want to please others. Pleasing others is nice, but do it for yourself first, otherwise you cannot truely be happy with what you're doing. Accept that sometimes even your best stories won't fly and people won't like them. It happens. Just dust yourself off after these failures and try again with another story. If you honestly feel what you're doing is not the problem, and its the people, then maybe its a sign that you need to take your stories elsewhere to places and readers that will enjoy them.

For someone that's not an Administrator, you're starting to become more of an adviser than I thought. Should I call you master from now on? 😛
Jaynin said:
While I admit Vlad has a point, I take exception to the generalizations that seem to be emerging from this thread...

I don't want to start a fight, but this thread has irritated me quite a bit.

I apologize if my thread offends you. I just thought that it best for someone to know about this, and see if it can be solved.
Oh good grief 1122, please don't listen to Oriya and the like. I write, so I can appreciate what it feels like to have noone read your work. *hugs him* Keep writing, and keep posting. Some of us are still reading🙂


Oh, PS to everybody else...1122 made this 'cuz he was feeling a bit self-concious and needed a bit of encouragement. Good job.
TKLVR18 said:
Oh good grief 1122, please don't listen to Oriya and the like. I write, so I can appreciate what it feels like to have noone read your work. *hugs him* Keep writing, and keep posting. Some of us are still reading🙂


Oh, PS to everybody else...1122 made this 'cuz he was feeling a bit self-concious and needed a bit of encouragement. Good job.

Thanks for your support, Karen. *Hugged her back*
Well, not too many people have reviewed my stories. Sometimes I wonder if I'm the only one here who loves the idea of tickling Michael J Fox. BTW, the link tomy stories is in my signature.
11225 said:
For someone that's not an Administrator, you're starting to become more of an adviser than I thought. Should I call you master from now on? 😛

I don't see what being an administrator has to do with it. A person with good advice is a person with good advice.

You may call me master, if you wish.

I'll also accept lord, sire, sir, and your highness.
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