11225 said:
Vladislaus Dracula: Maybe you're right, but if story is not my talent....(then what is?) *starting to feel abit down*
But, maybe I'm wrong also. I'm just hypothesizing based on your feedback.
To be frank with you, anyone can write a story. I could write one right now. Anyone can draw a picture. They could draw one right now. It doesn't mean its going to be good, but they have the ability to do it.
My suggestion, again, to you is if you really find satisfaction in writing stories (not just tickling stories), then by all means pursue it, and become even more technically experienced. Composition, grammer, spelling, and all of the other elements (both advanced and common) are things that need to be perfected before you can make a good story.
You can have all these great ideas, but people will be turned-off to reading about them if they just seem like a bunch of ramblings.
Just like an artist, it all goes back to the basics of story-telling and getting it right. While we artists represent the story visually, you writers require the reader to use their imagination in tandem with the words in order to form a picture and follow along.
If you cannot do this in an expressive and meaningful way, then people are just going to be reading a bunch of words that are boring them. If you can't bring them into the world of the story than its a wasted effort. Its all just bllllaaaahhh to them.I suspect alot of the stories are like this, because people either are lazy like I said, or they simply haven't been convinced that what they're reading is going to entertain them if they decide to commit to reading.Stories and art are like a crapshoot. When someone looks at a picture they like it instantly or they don't (the possibility exists that they may come to admire it somehow, but thats only if they find something redeeming about it). Its the same at the beginning of a story. Its 50/50 or even worse depending on what you're failing to do.
I suggest not focusing on tickling for a while so as to broaden your interests and expand your writing abilities. Examine your favorite books and novels and study the nuances of the author and how he tells things. Get inspiration from things that give you inspiration.Also, don't rely on fanfics to help you do this. Don't do Sailormoon this, or Pokemon that. Write unique stories that belong to you and are made up of things, places, and people that you created. People will acknowledge and respect that. And, based upon how good you are at story telling, you will gain a following.
Finally, do not expect too much from people. You cannot please everyone, and you should not be trying to. Do it because you love to do it, not because you want to please others. Pleasing others is nice, but do it for yourself first, otherwise you cannot truely be happy with what you're doing. Accept that sometimes even your best stories won't fly and people won't like them. It happens. Just dust yourself off after these failures and try again with another story. If you honestly feel what you're doing is not the problem, and its the people, then maybe its a sign that you need to take your stories elsewhere to places and readers that will enjoy them.