kopfhorer said:
My first story got rave reviews, most notably from one of this site's mods. I've since written other stories which have gotten no replies but apparently lots of views.
One of my follow-up stories got the critique "didn't read, too long". That way I know to keep my build-up to the story's climax as brief as possible next time.
Drac, I hear what you said about pictures being more instantly-gratifying than stories. Pictures are a lot more immediate than any medium which requires imagination, save audio programs (radio drama and such).
It is probably a lot to ask for TT members to be editors and/or critics. FWIW, if I see a stand-out story, photo, cartoon, etc., I will comment about it.
Exactly. By asking people to read a story, you are actually asking them to do much more than that. If you want them to give you the time, you have to give them something worthy of it. If you don't want to compromise your ideas and stories like that, then you have to admit and accept that your audiance is going to be narrower than you'd like it, and you need to learn to be content with that. You cannot please everyone, nor should you aim to.
I know this sounds incredibly harsh and dooming, but its just a fact of life. People are discriminative about this sort of thing, especially as clique, grouped, and divided as the tickling interest is.
Even if one detail is off, and it doesn't cater to someone's specific interest, quirk, kink, or turn-on they won't like it as much or at all, and any feedback they give you may just be empty lip-service and idle praise, and thats a shame. I could draw an upper-body tickling picture, for example, and not get many hits, knowing that its because many more people than that are looking for foot-fetish tickling and what I did simply did not interest them. (Although I don't draw enough tickling/fetish stuff to definitely validate this as a fact, even though its otherwise true that foot fetishists have formed a heavy portion of the user base).
Its very precise, stories, art, and videos, and people discriminate based on their leanings. Considering it is a fetish for most, that just makes this issue and their expectations even higher and their wants and demands even more difficult to appease and satisfy.