Hey I would just like to say that i personally think we all have been stared at since we are a minority. By elminating any and all stories that some thinks the language is "offensive" then we might as well close this forum because the evanglist christians would take offense by the sexual meaning in most stories let alone the isolationists who do not like this kind of "contact" at all...
dont you understand that this will get out of hand..
Finally i must say as a non-gay man i do not believe it to be deathly offensive that people use stereotypical "WORDS" to describe a certain trait of a fictional character, mainly becuase by attacking the author makes observeres see less of ur side and identify more with the stereotype that gays are too "touchy" about everything (not my view just a common one). I'm sorry if u find offense to that but by jumpin down sceej56 throat over a WORD u make urself seem petty insteading of askin politely that in the future sceej56 refrain from usin such words becuase they (in your oppinon) unfairly describe fictional characters. Being stared at is one thing but forcing your view on someone else regardless of how righteous it is (to you and many others i bet its really offensive) its still boils down to the fact that you were rude and you should also aplogize.
Hey I would just like to say that i personally think we all have been stared at since we are a minority. By elminating any and all stories that some thinks the language is "offensive" then we might as well close this forum because the evanglist christians would take offense by the sexual meaning in most stories let alone the isolationists who do not like this kind of "contact" at all...
dont you understand that this will get out of hand..
Finally i must say as a non-gay man i do not believe it to be deathly offensive that people use stereotypical "WORDS" to describe a certain trait of a fictional character, mainly becuase by attacking the author makes observeres see less of ur side and identify more with the stereotype that gays are too "touchy" about everything (not my view just a common one). I'm sorry if u find offense to that but by jumpin down sceej56 throat over a WORD u make urself seem petty insteading of askin politely that in the future sceej56 refrain from usin such words becuase they (in your oppinon) unfairly describe fictional characters. Being stared at is one thing but forcing your view on someone else regardless of how righteous it is (to you and many others i bet its really offensive) its still boils down to the fact that you were rude and you should also aplogize.