Kalamos said:
It would be great seeing a sequel... I wouldn't mind reading a prequel either.
I really can't present more of this story (or in fact, more of this universe) than I have already. Reason being, I didn't invent most of it. The core concept and most of the characters and names are the creation of a good friend, invented for a cable-access TV show that we did back in the '70s/'80s. "Spectales of Doom" was, in fact, supposed to be a series of 17 half-hour episodes for that show. It's a measure of my particular insanity that the comic panels were intended to be
videotaped, then dramatized with voices, sound effects and music. That's why every panel is exactly the same size (3x4, to accomodate the TV format), and why I needed so blamed many of the things! At any rate, while no harm has been done in presenting this non-detailed exerpt, I have no right offerning large portions of specifics without his knowledge or permission.
I had planned to present a series of non-sequential action panels in the Non-Tickling Image section of the forum one day. I feel justified in doing that, as the visual interrpretation of the characters is mine entirely, either highly stylizing or differning completely from the source. Story sense would be absent, of course, but the illustrations are highly dramatic and whimsical, and I think they would stand all right on their own.
I'm not really stuck for plot ideas, though. A few years back, I wrote a series of interlinked horror stories for internet friends. That world will be easily adapted for a tickling series framework, and I've got the first four chapters worked out in my mind already. The rest will just take labor and time, comodities not easily bought these days. I keep railing against the heat (I know I bore my close friends to tears with such whining), but it really does put a crimp in my creative style. My job is time consuming and physically draining, made all the worse by hundred degree temperatures. In the evenings, I don't dare turn on lights for fear of luring swarms of tiny insects inside. These obstructions will disappear once summer is over. I've always been a winter-weather person. That's when I'm most productive. Till then, I can only make plans and seize creative opportunities as they come. The weekends are still mostly my own (though work has intruded a lot lately), and I'll always be able to accomplish something then.
This is much more answer than you needed, I know. It's always risky giving me a an opportuinty to explain or complain! :laughing: