And another thing....!!! : )
1, 656 views on this thread?!?! ONE THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED AND FIFTY SIX VIEWS.....yes, that's what it said when I posted this...!!!! Do you think the folks viewing this are from Alaska? I think not....even if all the viewers came 5 times....that's alot of NE area lurkers! Ok, maybe even 237 are from out of the area.....but that's STILL alot of lurkin' tickle people....
I implore you

(that's me weeping openly) either talk to me or any of the wonderful folks on TMF with 90,000 posts who have been around a while longer than me...find out what it's all about....truly, it's all a gas when you make a move to soothe your savage tickle beast....hug your inner 'lee....I'm a "everything in its own time" kinda guy, but when I start to see all of us flabbergasted about how many of us there actually are and we've got (how many!?!?) views on this regional thread...I'm starting to think we need to get the fire put under us a bit....we've got nothing to lose, but our own internal judgments about this wonderful, fun, innocent (OK and sometimes really hot!) "activity" that we all really, really love and that 99% of us would really, REALLY like to be involved in actively.... Hoping won't do it...
Let's use Tickle New England! or anything anybody wants to slap together...this is not rocket science....we're not re-inventing the wheel...We could all be posting personals files on TNE! right now...connecting safely and finding support in ways we wouldn't even imagine....yes, even in this, I'm the unwaivering optimist! Why not be? It's too much fun. I've met some wonderful people out/in here and am having a pretty good time with folks I've met aside from TMF (gasp!)....
For anyone just not sure of themselves and not ready to get in contact with anyone....keep reading, learning and get to the place where you are comfortable to move forward....For all of the rest of us....let's get in touch and see what can happen when we actually put our New England guards down and actually say hello to each other....
(man, I hope this isn't one of those communications you regret in the morning cuz you wrote at .....sweet mother.....4am!!!)
Let's do this!
And for you folks who need a sterner approach....
And for anyone who is motivated by a good guilt trip....
OK, I'm done.....
FOR NOW!!! (mmmooooooooowaHAHAAHAHAAAAHAAAAA!!!!!!!!)