JoBelle said:
I have SUCH difficulty believing that a major television network didn't do a thorough background check on these girls prior to filming....... Blah Blah Blah Blah..... This show had more millions associated with it than ol' Joe was supposed to have. Doubtful they would risk even one of 'em.
Giiiiirl! True dat! That's what I'm sayin'. Marcusb is on the right track, too. I think this scandal was crafted, and that this show was to some degree was manufactured. Too many clues.
I'm not an avid wathcer, but from what I've seen I've noticed a few editing oddities on the show.
The butler isn't a butler.
Evan isn't "just" a construction worker. He supposedly owns the company he works for, a $1.9 million firm.
"Oh, it's so sad that one of the girls has to leave now...." Sara always has some prophetic last word before a girl gets kicked out, as if she already knows it won't be her (like... it was part of her contract agreed to by her agent...?)
Sara's already been on news programs..... wearing a diamond pendant...
Miss Peacock was not in the kitchen with the rope like she said she was...... wait, wrong thread....
Evan and Sara both have some acting & modeling in their background, albeit on the fringe edge of the industry. And I understand that there's something fishy about the production company (Rocket Productions, or whatever)...... they have a connection with Evan, or with the FM people, something like that....
I think this 'scandal' was done to win ratings, like the Survivor porno-scandal a season ago. And if the scandal didn't play well across the country, I wouldn't be surprised that they filmed two endings to be safe. Theyr'e all just trying to sell canned hams, DVDs of 'Jackass: The Movie" and Lever 2000 soap (you know, the commercial with all the touching...)
Now I'm fine with all of this - I don't feel duped or scammed. I can watch or not, it's only entertainment. But I don't think anyone's life is going to be ruined by this; it will only help.