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Sympathy For The Devil


2nd Level Red Feather
Dec 14, 2002
It is said by some that, come the end of all things, the gates of heaven shall be burnt down and earth shall be remade in the image of hell. There are those that say this has already happened and no-one's actually noticed yet.

When asked what hell would look like most replies inevitably include rivers of fire, brimstone and usually a chain and whip theme running throughout. This though is not true as rivers of fire put far too great a load on the air-conditioning and brimstone is just far too disgusting a smell to actually live around. Oh it's fine for the tourist pictures but most residents of hell prefer something in alpine fresh.

The chains and whips however are a fairly standard feature along with skulls and ornate carvings of badly-defined yet somehow definitely eldrich items. This isn't strictly speaking necessary, they just like the look. You may find it helps to picture the average 16 year old goth bedroom at this point.

When asked what hell would sound like the answer almost always involves a background of screams, whimpers and general begging for mercy to rival the audience at any Celine Dion concert. This too is not entirely accurate, as it is well established that Hell has the best musicians and therefore has a backing track to make any rock DJ sick with envy, though the ticket price is astronomical.

Of course hanging over all this is the big question to end all questions, what does the devil look like? And again, there's a pretty standard answer, hooves, horns, trident, cape, the whole nine yards. Indeed for centuries that was in fact exactly how the big D was. However a few years back he ran into a slight snag, namely that everyone that saw those goat feet and bull horns smiled, laughed, and for some bizarre reason kept answering every question asked of them with “Okily-dokily”.

At the same time Hell itself ran into a small problem, namely that it found itself surplus to requirements. Or, more specifically, the residents of hell found themselves looking at the unemployment line. Humans have always been quick learners and frankly they were corrupting each other at a rate far greater than the demons of hades could manage. So it came to pass that a downsizing and marketing revamp occurred, the endless torments of hell replaced with the endless boredom and sheer mind-numbing horror of an endless field of grey ash were every condemned soul was sent to search desperately for someone that wasn't a total jackass to talk to.

The vast majority of its workforce were retired, given a little corner of hell to call their own and do with as they wished. Most found this an improvement as it's no fun trying to corrupt the pre-corrupted. Plus getting asked by the victim where they should leave the money after a particularly brutal torture session and if they can book in advance is depressing for even the toughest of evil spirits. Some were kept on though, special troubleshooters to run the place and provide personalized service in those rare cases where a spirit was caught at the nexus between divinity and damnation or if they were just bored. Of course, as with any job, the most important, interesting and downright fun of these cases were always singled out for special attention by the boss.


It should have been a dark and stormy night. There should have been thunder and lightning, a choking fog and the howl of dogs. Unfortunately there had been a slight miscalculation and this weather was delivered to a barbecue in Llaneli, not that this did much to dampen spirits as the locals of the town nestled high in the Welsh mountains had been staring suspiciously at the night sky and wondering where all the wet stuff had gone. No, instead it was a quiet, overcast night with a slight crispness to the air. Not that John Barman was in any mood to appreciate it as he sat staring at the TV, his face masked in shadow and lit by the moving images he watched.

John had, it was fair to say, not been having the best of times. Put it this way, take the most depressed country and western singer of all time, introduce him to John and have John recite the story of the last few months and Mr Country-and-Western would be writing Britney Spears songs for the rest of his life after realizing it could all be so much worse. John was, at heart, a good guy. Kind, courteous, polite, generous, gentle, the sort of person parents dream their daughters will bring home.

Unfortunately of course, most daughters aren't interested in anything of the sort and as a result John was once again staring at the TV instead of being out partying on a Saturday night. A bottle of vodka sat on the table in front of him, but it hadn't yet been touched and in all likelihood wouldn't be as he kept it there more for effect than anything else. Sighing he shifted about on the sofa and, as it so often does, fate decided to lend a hand as the remote slipped under his leg and, as he shifted his weight on to it, it flicked to an oldie movie station. Some may find this constant interference of Fate an odd thing, but when you're a cosmic being with a lifetime measured in an infinite number of human lives all those annoying hangups that go with the human form forced upon you by those who believe in you last many times longer. In other words, Fate is only about two ice ages into a certain feminine problem that mortal man fears for one week a month so it's no surprise she's so interested in running other people's lives.

“Rub this lamp and I shall grant you three wishes” bellowed a badly acted Genie on the TV screen, not even the black and white picture enough to hide the lack of costume and make up budget.

“Huh.” muttered John, fumbling for the remote “if it were only that easy. That's the problem with these stories, no risk. Heck for three wishes you should have to sell you soul...”

At the instant he muttered the last word two things happened. The first was his questing hand wrapped around the remote and flicked, almost of its own accord, back to the news station he'd been watching. This however wasn't really important in the ineffable plan as the second thing was a pair of long, strong, beautifully manicured hands slipping over his shoulders and down his chest.

“Really? Well that does sound like an interesting deal...” The voice was impossibly alluring, deep, dark, dangerous yet at the same time unbelievably erotic as he jerked upright, scrambling out of his seat and spinning around to confront the owner of those hands. In retrospect he might have done better to stay where he was as one look at the figure slinking its way round the end of the sofa was enough to send his mind into loops.

She was, not to put too fine a point on it, gorgeous. At least six foot tall, a mane of red hair spilling down her back, pale skin and a face that could start wars. Her body was verging on the unbelievable, perfect in every detail as it rose and fell, covered only in a sheer black latex catsuit cut low at the neck that seemed to move like a liquid over her skin. She moved with a grace and control he'd never imagined could exist, her every motion reminding him of a panther stalking its prey. Yet despite all this it was her eyes that held him captive, her emerald gaze echoing eternity into his soul.

There are times in every mans life when the only words suitable for an occasion are not found in any dictionary but contain a lot of the letter G. This was one of them.

“Oh relax John”. She said perching on one arm of the sofa, her eyes never leaving his. “Anyone would think you'd seen a ghost.”

“I, uhhh, I think you've got too much skin for a ghost.” John replied, still trying not to drown in his own drool.

“Hmm? Oh, you like the look?” She asked, standing and doing a slow turn, hands out to her sides. “I must admit I wasn't too sure about this body but it seems to work nicely.”

“Body?” John repeated, now throughly confused.

“Oh for hells sake...” She muttered, “I thought you were one of the bright ones, goes to show you should never underestimate the human race's capacity for stupidity. Okay John honey, sit down here...” she patted one end of the sofa and waited until he sat down, his body seemingly moving on autopilot. “... and I'll tell you everything you need to know.”

“Now the first thing...“ she started, sliding into his lap, her back against the arm of the sofa, long legs stretched out along its length. “.. and by far the most important, hey this is pretty comfortable!” She squirmed in his lap, and felt John rise to the occasion. “Anyway, as I was saying, the most important thing is who I am. Satan's the name, you may have heard of me.” John went to reply but was suddenly distracted as a hand slipped around his shoulder and strong fingertips started teasingly stroking his earlobe.

“As for the image.. well, you gotta keep up with the times and frankly you humans seemed to find the whole hooves and horns thing a bit... passe if you know what I mean. Though as you can feel... I kept the tail.” She finished with a wicked grin as she shifted slightly to move the curve of her ass off his thigh and for one moment that he felt sure would stop his heart, onto his growing... attention.

“Now I now what you're thinking, why keep the name right? Well, frankly, I tried a few others on for size, Margret, Martha, Britney, but they're all taken when it comes to evil and, hey, some things are easier to change than others. Now what else... oh yes, why I'm here. I swear there are days when I think I should have gone blond.” For an instant her fiery red mane seemed to ripple, flipping from red to blond and back again so quickly John almost missed it. “You see honey, I've had my eye on you for some time now, and I gotta tell you... that Tom Jones number in the shower is just not doing it for me stud.”

John gapped, he'd never told anyone about that, and for damn good reason, so the only way this seemingly insane, but gorgeous, woman could have known about it was, well, he wasn't sure what “was” was, but he damn sure knew “was” wasn't anything he'd believe any normal person could do.

“Now, I couldn't help overhearing that little comment you made and I thought that sounded like a truly spectacular idea so I came to make you a deal. Three wishes to do whatever you please, in exchange for the little detail of your soul spending eternity with me... in hell.”

“WHAT!” John yelled, jumping off the sofa, and sending the supreme being of ultimate evil sprawling onto a heap on the floor in the process. “You're insane! Let's assume for a moment you are who you say you are, why in Gods name would I do such a stupid thing!”

“Okay, first of all, please don't use the G word, okay?”

“Why not, does it hurt you? Does it feel like a dagger in your heart every time you hear it? God, God, God, God, God, God, GOD!”

“No, it's just terribly predictable that's all.“


“Besides, last time I talked to her, she was taking a few centuries off, muttered something about going old testament on about half the US for screwing up the message in favor of.. now what was it... ah, in favor of 'a literal interpretation from a bunch of self-righteous arseholes that are themselves working of an interpretation of the original text and focusing on specifics rather than a general message of peace and forgiveness as the path to salvation'.”

“God said that? Wait, how do YOU know what God said?”

“Oh come on John, you know how it is, poker nights, couple of beers, you get to talking...”

“Wait wait wait, you and God play poker together? You're lying.”

“Lying? Bitch owes me twelve bucks for dealing off the bottom.”


“Oh forget it, some things you're obviously not ready for yet. Now where was I? Oh yes, second of all, you didn't listen properly, I said you'd be spending eternity with me and be honest...” She slid around to face him, pulling up onto her hands and knees, her hair framing that perfect face as she crawled towards him. “That doesn't sound like such a horrible thing, does it?”

“Well... uh....” John struggled to form words as she started to pull herself up his thighs, her face turned up to his, her eyes staring at his once more. “But.... uh, I mean, you'd be torturing me, right?”

“Some of the time, yes. I won't lie to you John, I enjoy inflicting pain as much as the next woman, but I promise you the times in between will make the pain worth while.”

“Worth while? How can an eternity suffering in hell's torments possibly be wortOOOOOOHHHHHHHH” While to the casual reader this may seem like a strange way to finish a sentence it can easily be explained by the supreme manifestation of evil proving that when you ARE the supreme manifestation of evil you have a degree of control over every part of your body that would make a neurosurgeon jealous. Or at least it would if a neurosurgeon used their lips, tongue and teeth in their day job. For the sake of decency a brief pause shall be recorded here, feel free to fill it in whatever way you see fit. Humming your favorite song might be a good idea. Or if you've got a vivid imagination, a cold shower. Whatever works for ya.

“You were saying?” Satan grinned from her kneeling position about five minutes later.

“Ummm, you know, maybe I was being a bit hasty before...”

“I thought you'd see things my way. So is it a deal? Your soul in exchange for three wishes?”

“Well..... yes, yes I accept.” John said and just for a moment something passed across his face that, had she caught it, may have given her pause for thought. Unfortunately for her (but fortunately for the continuation of this narrative) she was a little too caught up in her own glee to notice much of anything else.

“So.... what will it be John?” She asked, voice like liquid silk, adding fuel to his fantasies. “You can have anything, anything at all that your heart desires.” She paused, sliding up to John and guiding him down until he was sitting on the couch, her hands on his shoulders, body pressed against him, her lips touching his ear.

“Money?” She purred against his flesh, her fingers tap dancing on the nape of his neck. “Power? Though I suppose they're much the same thing these days.” A laugh, an almost girlish giggle escaped those ruby lips and sent shivers coursing through Johns' body. “Or how about love?”

She slipped her weight forward, pinning him in place. “Remember, you can have anything, anyone you want, in any place or way you desire. That's gotta be at least a little tempting...”

“O.. okay! You've got a deal!” John almost yelled, the touch of her body against his seeming almost to burn him despite the fabric between them. His mind swam as she lent into him, her lips finding his with a jolt that raced through him, the kiss like biting a mains cable as she ground into his crotch.

“Oh John, you really do know how to make a girl feel devilishly happy.” She grinned as John gasped for air under her. “Now listen carefully, I do so hate having to repeat myself. The way this works is simple enough, just say what your wish is and I'll grant you the power to make it happen.”

“Uhhhhhhhh....” John groaned, still not back on the same plane of existence. “I.... I don't get... that felt.... my....”

“Humans” she sighed, standing up and moving back, “so easily distracted. Alright, we'll do the Wishing for Dummies thing then. You say what you want, and all you'll have to do is imagine the exact details. It saves a lot of boring talk and you can't say I cheated you, okay?”

“Oh... oh right. Okay.” John replied as he felt his pulse drop back down from the 300 – 350 beats a minute band. “So... three wishes right?”

“Well done honey” she purred, her eyes never leaving his now, waiting for what she knew would be the first step on a very short path. “Now... what exactly does your heart desire?”

“Uh, well, before we get to that, isn't there any other name I can call you? I mean, Satan just sounds so... melodramatic.” John asked, stammering.

She sighed, thinking for a moment. “Okay, how about... Holly?”

“Holly? Is that supposed to be a pun?”

“Hey, if you don't like it, we'll just go with my real name. Your choice.”

“Okay, okay.... Holly it is.”

“Good, now I'll ask you one more time... what is it you want?”

John turned away from her, studying a wine stain on the cream carpet closely, before almost whispering “I... I want to torture someone.”

“What was that John, didn't quite catch it...” She breathed in his ear, sending shivers through every last inch of his body.

“I want to torture someone, a... a special someone. Someone I've wanted to make scream since the first time I saw her.”

“Oh you are going to be perfect kneeling at my right hand, and foot for that matter.” She laughed, her eyes flashing red flame for a split second. “Done John, just think about what you want and you'll get it.”

“Just... just think about it right?” He said, glancing round the room which seemed to be darkening at an alarming rate. With a click all the electricity in the room died, plunging them both into blackness, though the blackness seemed a little more total where she stood. With a dramatic flare torches sprung to life on the walls, flames licking upwards for a moment before dying down to a more sedate glow to reveal what looked like a three foot tall cross of a bat and man with an overbite shoving John's sofa out of the window.

“Oh for My sake!” Holly snapped, her fingers snapping once to kill the torches again. “Sorry John, weekend workers, you know how it goes.... let's try that again...”

The torches flared back into life, though a little less dramatically this time, revealing a room that was almost beyond recognition. The walls had changed from a cheap 90's plasterboard to thick, solid stone, the floor no longer shag pile but polished black marble so perfect every detail of the flickering firelight was mirrored. The ceiling was lost in a darkness that had, in some indeterminable way, the feeling of dark clouds swirling overhead. The walls were lined with sealed wooden boxes, though in keeping with traditional bachelor pads the world over the TV was still in place, albeit turned into a brand new plasma screen. For some bizarre reason it was even showing the same cheesy movie John had been watching when this insanity began. In the middle of the room was a single piece of furniture. A rack, seemingly carved from ivory, pure white against the blackness of the room and seeming to glow as the firelight danced off it. The chains attached to the wrist cuffs seemed to sparkle in the torch light, a steel the color of blood hanging loose for now against the bone white of the rack.

She left John's side and walked over to the rack, her breath catching in her throat as she ran a hand over the piece. “My oh my.... this is a work of art. You have the mind of a poet, has anyone ever told you that? And the detail work... I hate to admit it John, but I'm impressed. Now, there's only one thing remaining, a suitable victim.”

“But.. look, if I imagine someone will it really be her or just one of your batmen in a costume?” John asked, hesitating now at this last moment of sanity.

“Oh no, no it'll be her. Or him. But I really hope it's a her because John I gotta tell you, this is definitely a rack for the female form.” John nodded mutely as she raised a single eyebrow in question. “Good... Anyway, just think of who you desire and she'll appear. For the first minute or two she'll be at your command, but that magic is only temporary I'm afraid, the human mind has an amazing ability to fight suggestion.” She raised her hand and an exquisite black leather collar seemed to melt into existence in her outstretched palm. “Put this on her and she'll obey you. And before you say it, yes she'll still be herself, her mind will be her own, but her body will obey your commands not hers.”

John took the collar, held it tight in his fingers for a long moment, sighed, closed his eyes and concentrated. He wasn't quite sure what to expect, but he knew he had expected something. A burst of light, a *BAMF*, a smell of sulphur, anything really instead of the nothing he got. The disappointment however didn't last more than about half a second as he saw the woman standing in front of him.

Shorter than him, though not by much, long black hair running down her back almost to her waist, eyes a bright blue that seemed to stare into his soul, perfect lips and a figure that bordered on the unbelievable. And, he realized with a start, he could see every curve of that figure so tight was the black silk catsuit that flowed over her like a second skin. In his hand the collar seemed to throb with urgency but he resisted, no need to rush this after all he thought.

Reaching out he put his hands on her shoulders and pulled her close, lent down and whispered his first command in her ear, felt the shiver pass through her body as she nodded her understanding. Releasing his grip he watched as slowly, seductively she walked to the rack, trailing her hands over the restraints at its foot before sliding up onto the cool ivory surface, kneeling on all fours, looking straight ahead. Holly joined John at the foot of the rack, staring at the vision before them and both trying to hide their very obvious reactions, neither with a great deal of success.

“Very, very nice indeed John.” she said, fighting the urge to drool. “Now I'd suggest you get that collar on her, in about a minute she's going to start fighting off the spell she's under.”

“I know, but I want her strapped down first.” John said, and Holly looked at him in surprise. The slight tremor in his voice was gone, replaced with something much stronger, deeper and commanding that sent a shiver up Her spine. “And as I owe this to you, it seems only fair that you get the honour of restraining our dear Amy.”

Not needing any further encouragement Holly turned and took a step closer, hands reaching out greedily for the soon-to-be-captive beauty. Suddenly, without warning, she felt something shove her hard in the small of the back, and she was falling forward, her prospective victim diving to the right out of her way. She landed flat on the rack, caught totally off balance as a pair of hands grabbed her around the waist and flipped her over, a second pair of hands snapping first her left and then her right wrist in place, leaving her hanging on the slightly sloped ivory, John and Amy standing in front of her and grinning.

Furious Holly reached out with the terrible power at her command, directing her anger in one deadly, killing blow against both of the impertinent humans standing before her... only for their grins to get bigger. It was only then that she registered the feel of leather around her throat and the empty space in John's hand where the collar should have been.

“Well what do you know... it doesn't just work on humans” John laughed as he looked at the cold rage etched on Her face as she realized just how helpless she was.

“What the HELL do you think you're doing?”

“I'd have thought that was abundantly obvious my dear.” John said, walking up and brushing the flaming red hair back from her face. “I told you, I wanted to make my victim scream since the first time I saw her, told you the truth.”

“You want to make me scream?” Holly asked, laughing. “Oh John, don't you get it, I'm evil incarnated remember? The worst pain you can dish out is the tenderest of caresses to me sweetie. So go right ahead, try to make me scream, just remember you've only got about fifty years left to live.”

“Fifty years? This won't take fifty minutes.” John replied, walking over to the nearest cabinet. “You see, first it won't be me but Amy here doing the work, I've always said that when it comes to torturing the senses and generally being sadistic you can't beat a woman's touch.” Amy cast a long look up and down her victim, her eyes dancing with delight as she let her gaze linger on the fabulous curves before her. “And second...” John said, flicking the lock open and letting the wooden doors fall open “what makes you think it'll be painful?”

In spite of herself Holly gasped as she saw the rows upon rows of feathers lined up within the cabinet. Seemingly every imaginable shape, size and form of feather that had ever been created on the planet was represented,, their purpose abundantly clear as John pulled a set of four stiff white feathers from their resting place, passing two over to Amy as he returned to their victim. “Ah, but this will never do, such a body deserves to be shown off.” He chuckled, running his palm down Holly's throat, between her breasts and over her stomach. “Now, let's see...” John kept his hand resting on her stomach, closed his eyes and concentrated on feeling warm flesh rather than cool latex under his palm.

A moment later he opened his eyes and saw the now naked beauty lying before himself and Amy. “Well, this IS a handy little talent you've given me.” He chuckled. “Now Amy, if you want your revenge on the one who brought you into this... go right ahead.”

“It will be my pleasure...” Amy purred, tucking the feathers into her hair as she reached down and roughly snapped the restraints into place around her victim's ankles. “Now let's see, I guess we might as well start at the top and work out way down...”

Amy reached down and traced the tips of her fingers around the curve of her victims chin and up either side of her neck, caressing the silky smooth skin. Her questing hands traced the very edge of her ears, gliding and teasing the soft, sensitive flesh. Holly was caught by surprise, unaware of exactly how well she'd made her new, seductive form and she convulsed in her bonds. Amy grinned, one hand moving down to rest against holly's cheek, the other tilting her head slightly to the left. Bending down she ran her tongue round the edge of Holly's ear, slow long laps that felt like fire to the captive princess of darkness. Her eyes were wider than a badly drawn anime girl's as she felt that hot tongue teasing what felt like all six of her senses. But even that didn't prepare her for the almost electric feel as Amy slid her tongue inside over the ridge of her ear and down inside. Holly bucked in her bonds, wriggling as best she could in attempt to escape but John's imagination had constructed a set of truly escape proof restraints for his wish.

As Amy continued to torment Holly with what was, after all, the lightest of tickle tortures, John frowned and stepped to the head of the rack. Pushing a hidden button he set the chains winding on their spindles, pulling them, and their victim, tight. With every turn Holly found herself more and more trapped until, finally, she was stretched out taut, held immobile almost, though not quite, to the point of pain Amy still teasing and licking her ear.

“So...” Holly growled through gritted teeth “what happens now? 'Cause if this is your big plan, I'm not impressed.”

“That's tough talk from someone in your position.” John replied. “It's quite simple really, Ms Amy here is going to tease, torment and generally tickle that perfect body of yours until you give in to one simple request.”

“And... what... might that... be?” Holly snarled, struggling to retain her composure as Amy's mouth sucked and nipped at her neck.

“That you relinquish any claim to my soul and give up the whole 'me living in hell with you' thing.”

“You poor deluded thing, you really think I'm going to give up my prize so easily?”

“No. No, not at all. Nothing about this will be... easy.” John murmured, stepping close and leaning down, his lips touching Holly's ear. “But believe me, you are going to do just that. Now if you agree to those conditions... all you've gotta do is laugh!”

Holly opened her mouth to reply, then immediately slammed her lips together as Amy brought her hands up to Holly's exposed armpits. Amy shifted round, sliding up onto the rack and straddling Holly's naked, helpless form. Not of course that the extra restraint was necessary, Holly was definitely not leaving any time soon, but psychologically it was devastating. Holly found herself caught, her ancient-beyond-measure mind trapped and controlled by the reaction of her flesh to something so far beyond her experience even she did not have the language to describe it. As Amy's fingers scrabbled and poked in her warm, soft and oh-so-smooth armpits Holly felt the desire to react, to wriggle, to writhe, to curse and scream and most of all to laugh rise inside her. Desire became need, a need that was getting worse with every passing second. A need that, to her growing horror, she realized wasn't entirely unpleasant despite the fact she felt as if a thousand pinpricks of sensation were traveling over ever tiny inch of her underarms. And with the first seeds of that evolving pleasure she realized her danger, a fog starting to form around her senses as she channeled more and more of her consciousness into fighting the need to howl with laughter.

Amy, meanwhile, was having the time of her life. Despite her best efforts she felt something inside her long to ravish the beauty trapped underneath her, the thin silk of the catsuit that hugged her body no barrier to the heat and sensual delight of her victims captive flesh. Over and over her fingers traveled over the smooth hollows, marveling at Holly's control and reveling in the power she held over this woman. Leaning down, her left hand still scrabbling over Holly's right armpit, she placed her mouth to the now-familiar skin of her left 'pit and started to lick and lap at the flesh like a hungry kitten.

The instant she did there was a definite change in the room. John looked up, somehow managing to tear his gaze from the scene in front of him, and saw the torches burning on the wall flicker. A breeze blew up as if from nowhere, getting rapidly stronger, first rushing then roaring around the room, stretching the flames out almost horizontally. The wind built quickly and strongly until it was like standing at the center of a miniature hurricane, the small isle of stillness and calm around Holly eerily quiet as the rest of the room seemed to tremble at the terrible forces being unleashed.

“What the hell is happening?” Amy said, taking the smallest of pauses as she moved to Holly's right side and started her torturous tongue trek all over again.

“Hang on a sec...” John replied, his finger running down the page of a thick, yellow book he held in front of him. “According to this its the physically manifestation of the power held with her. Something to do with sufficient stimulus interrupting her normal ability to control it.”

“Okay, great, wonderful. Now how about saying that in English?” Amy snapped, shifting her hands down to Holly's ribs and digging in, tweaking and pawing as she moved her mouth back to Holly's throat and started kissing and nibbling at an area she knew would be feeling pretty damn sensitive by now.

“Basically, the more you tickle her, and the longer she tries to control what she's feeling, the more she's going to do stuff like, well, like this. You know, tickle Satan, wackiness ensues.”

“Oh, right... why didn't you say that the first time? For that matter, how do you know that?”

John lent down and put the book by Holly's head, letting Amy read the title.

“Tickling the ultimate Evil for dummies?” Amy asked, skepticism dripping through every syllable. “And what, you just carry that around in case such a situation happens?”

“No silly rabbit, and by the way don't be cheeky, it's not too late for you two to swap placed you know.” John replied, goosing Amy's thighs with a grin. “Whatever I want, I can get. It's part of the wish. This just seemed like a good idea, that's all. Now, let's see what we can do shall we? How'd you fancy shifting round a bit....”

Amy looked up, and seeing the look in John's eyes couldn't help but grin as they shared his thought. Spinning round, she shifted from her position on Holly's hips, kneeling now either side of her head as John let the chains slacken by a notch or two. With a little slack to play with Amy squirmed her legs around Holly's arms and settled back, her weight on Holly's shoulders. Reaching up, Amy pulled the two small feathers from their nesting place in her hair, twirling them in her fingers as she lent forward. It was, of course, a wasted effort as far as Holly was concerned as she couldn't seen anything but Amy's thighs at that moment, but it pulled a chuckle from John at her natural showmanship.

A second later and it was as if they were trying to hang on to a wild bull. Despite having barely an inch to play with Holly was bucking and writhing like a lunatic as the four feathers danced and flew over her belly and sides. The wind picked up force, building to a crescendo until it seemed it would bring the whole room tumbling down. Then, as suddenly as it had started, the wind died leaving behind a silence broken only by the frantic clanking of chains from their bound victim.

Unnoticed by either Amy or John, the TV screen flickered, a slightly crude “Breaking news” caption popping over the movie John had been watching a lifetime ago. The sound was turned off of course, but the pictures spoke for themselves as a helicopter camera showed a solid wall of water rising from the ocean at least a hundred foot high.

Amy sighed, and shifted her hips slightly, pushing down a little harder on her unwilling seat. The feel of Holly's body writhing under and against her was turning her on something fierce, and it was all she could do not to start grinding into her. An evil grin stole across her face and she reached out, dipping one of her feathers into the waiting hollow of Holly's naval. The reaction was awesome, Holly's body bucking upwards even as she sucked her stomach in, trying to escape that torturous tip as John's feathers danced over her ribs and swirled back round to her stomach, tracing around her navel before heading back to her aching sides.

On the tv screen the image shifted, a camera crew in what appeared to be New York, their camera capturing the Statue of Liberty as they swung their lenses out to sea, the horizon seeming to grow larger as the oceans rose.

Holly felt like she was floating in a sea of cotton wool. Her entire existence had been reduced now to sensation, her senses dulled, the world around her gone. All she could feel was the two people torturing her flesh, the feathers and fingers flying over her body and a terrible need to do something, anything, to make this stop. Yet at the same time, a part of her wished for nothing more than for this to continue until the end of time. Her entire body was shaking now with the effort of restraining her laughter.

John sighed in triumph as he felt her shake beneath him, ready now for the end game. As much fun as this was, and he couldn't remember ever enjoying himself so much in his life, his conscience was pricking him at what he was putting this woman through for his own amusement. Reaching out he gently guided Amy forward, her body sliding over Holly as he rested her hands on Holly's hips, her chin resting on her waist. They both dropped the feathers, preferring to go with their own fingers now they could feel the desperation in their victim. Amy didn't waste any time, digging into Holly's hips, her breath coming in shallow pants, each breath caressing Holly's most private of parts. John in the meantime slid back down the rack, his fingers tracing the curves of Holly's thighs, gently tickling his way south. Over her knees he poked and prodded, kneading the kneecap and digging in behind, teasing and tantalizing Holly even as Amy tortured her hips.

Amy flicker her fingers down, tormenting the crease between thigh and body on both sides of Holly's stunning form. As if on cue John reached her helpless feet, wrapping a hand around her right foot to hold it steady he sucked her toes into his waiting mouth, while his free hand attacked her left sole. His tongue dove down, lapping between each toe in turn, his fingers curling round to stroke, prod, knead and scrape against her virgin soles.

Behind Amy's bobbing ass the TV flickered again and again, each time revealing a different camera crew in a different country, showing picture after picture of a rushing wall of water that was now only moments from the coast of what seemed like every nation in the world.

Holly had now gone utterly still beneath her tormentors, holding her laughter back now needing so much energy, so much effort and concentration she couldn't even move. She felt like she was on fire, nerves firing random messages through her gorgeous body, the ghost of past tickles caressing her and every second or two a touch like ice as Amy's breath caressed her.

As if sensing the desperation John looked up from his delightful, and tasty, work to find Amy staring down at him. Without letting Holly's toes slip from his mouth John nodded once and had just enough time to register the look of delight on Amy's face as she shifted a few inches further down their captive. Her tongue snaked out, tracing a wet, slippery path down smooth, shaved skin before wrapping around Holly's nub. Resting just the tip of her tongue against the bundle of wet, sensitive flesh Amy concentrated and flicked her tongue back and forth, back and forth, moving as quickly as she could, stimulating without quite satisfying.

From the instant she felt Amy's tongue touch her Holly had been seeing spots. Now, as that tongue started licking her over and over again she felt her world explode. Light and color burst behind her closed eyes and as the last of her will melted away she felt the ice and fire trapped within her meet, merge and overwhelm her. She howled with laughter, the sweet, sweet sound barely muffled by the girl now lying on top of her, Holly's entire body arching up, lifting Amy up with her.

At the same moment the television cameras showed the watery doom hover over New York for a moment, people frozen in place, possibly realizing the futility of panic and choosing instead to watch. Then, as if by magic, the wall fell, not down onto the city beneath it, but backwards into the ocean from which it came, leaving barely a ripple to reach the shore.

Holly slowly, oh so slowly, opened her eyes to find herself untied, though still lying on the cool ivory of the rack. John and Amy curled up on either side of her body in a three way hug, keeping her warm.

“What... what happened?” she whispered, still staring at the distant ceiling.

“It's called an orgasm.” John breathed into her ear.

“Welcome to the pleasures of the flesh.” Amy whispered, her fingers caressing the sides of Holly's breasts.

“You mean... it's always like that?”

“Better” Amy purred.

“Well... no wonder you humans always started to beg for mercy after a few days of constant pleasure...”

“A few DAYS?” Amy gasped, her gaze fixed on a sight only she could see.

“Well, anyway...” John interupted, trying to ignore his own mental image of that particular torture. “I believe I've still got two wishes left, right?” he said trying and failing to look innocent.

“Y... Yes” Holly gasped, suffering from a serious case of distraction as Amy continued to play with her body.

“And you've got no hold on me?”

“R..R...oh my... Right” Holly moaned, far more interested in what Amy was doing with her thumb and forefinger than discussing terms and conditions.

“Good, then I think I know what wish number two will be.”

“Now this I've got to hear!” Amy smirked, sitting up slightly, though her hands never left her new playmate. “How the hell do you top this?”

“Simple!” John laughed. “I wish that, from this point on until I say otherwise, Saturday night is officially our own private play time and one guess as to who's going to be the toy....”
:xpeepsofa This is one great story you have wrote here!...this features my favourite scenario...a nude girl stretched taut on a medieval rack helpless to resist tickling torture...pure bliss!!
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