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Tales From the Low Roads, Chapter 26 (M/FFF, UB; */F, feet).

I dunno... Jar Jar's exaggerated features would fit real comfortably into certain scenes. Maybe I should work him into the background of a crowd in Chapter 27; or, following the Lucas example, redraw him into a earlier episode...

Oh god, no.

Well, as long a he doesn't talk. Mesa just couldn't handle that.
Not to worry! Mesa no feel confident crafting such inane banter anyway!
Have you seen the Robot Chicken SW spoofs? They have some great Jar Jar sendups (voiced by the actual voice actor from the films).
I've got three RC Star Wars specials on dvd (all I assume there are right now), along with all the regular season collections. Those guys certainly are expert at snagging celebrity voices... I'm constantly amazed at the number of high profile actors who don't mind making fun of themselves! That's particularly true for Ahmed Best, so well known for essaying a role that's universally despised. RC skewers Jar Jar pretty thoroughly, as I recall!

Binks is pretty insufferable, but the personality that appalled me most in "Phantom Menace" is that damned double-headed color commentating team at the pod races. That character's so asinine, there's practically no way to parody it!
The double-headed thing is what happens when Lucas tries to be "cute." *Shudder*

I didn't know there was a third Robot Chicken SW episode. I know the first two. Is the 3rd any good?
It's pretty darned funny… on a par with the other two (as I recall… haven't watched the first ones in quite awhile). The Emperor has a lot to do in this episode. Here's a link where you can have a look at it:

http: //www.adultswim.com/shows/robot-chicken/extras/ivc/starwars3/
I knew I should have gone to sleep, but couldn't help reading this chapter after 1:00 AM one Sunday night. I vowed to write a thoughtful reply when time permitted. Time permitted, memory did not. Sigh.

What was most memorable, even for my memory, was the instantly popular bat. Frightfully cunning, a nearly unstoppable force of nature, his small stature and nimble aerobatics makes defense difficult for poor Mercy. The fact that a small creature could immobilize such a capable woman emphasizes how powerful the effect is on her. For me, the size difference gives her reaction a visceral reality you could almost literally feel. Her expressions of helpless hysteria might be the best lee reaction I have seen in Low Roads.

The bat was a nice contrast to the opposite extreme: the mighty, many tentacled, Demon Lord Feathers, an equally enjoyable, unstoppable force of nature, or rather, of the supernatural.

There was so much else going on, a Dreamtime battle, a Little Big Head appearance, the Spinster plotting, touring a surprisingly fetish related aquarium and some talk of a sea voyage. A complete commentary would become a novella. I enjoyed the variety of this chapter.

I am excited for the upcoming sea voyage. It feels as if I am going myself.

It's pretty darned funny… on a par with the other two (as I recall… haven't watched the first ones in quite awhile). The Emperor has a lot to do in this episode. Here's a link where you can have a look at it:

http: //www.adultswim.com/shows/robot-chicken/extras/ivc/starwars3/

Thanks for the link -- the whole show is available there. It had some very funny moments, but I didn't think it was as strong as the first two.
I knew I should have gone to sleep, but couldn't help reading this chapter after 1:00 AM one Sunday night. I vowed to write a thoughtful reply when time permitted. Time permitted, memory did not. Sigh.
Not at all! Your most welcome critique is perfectly timed to be fully appreciated, Lee! I'm the one who's reacting late; please forgive the time it's taken to answer this considerate bounty of congratulations. My tardiness in no way reflects the degree to which I savor it! Your approval has always been treasured, this time no less than previously! My sincere thanks!

What was most memorable, even for my memory, was the instantly popular bat. Frightfully cunning, a nearly unstoppable force of nature, his small stature and nimble aerobatics makes defense difficult for poor Mercy. The fact that a small creature could immobilize such a capable woman emphasizes how powerful the effect is on her. For me, the size difference gives her reaction a visceral reality you could almost literally feel. Her expressions of helpless hysteria might be the best lee reaction I have seen in Low Roads.
Savvy indeed, referring to the bat as a force of nature! That's exactly the way I conceived him… the wording is precisely what I had in mind, positing him as a sort of air elemental as he trails Rodan-like destruction in the wake of his supersonic assault! Mercy's side of the story has been characterized by little guys victimizing big guys; the giant-killer status she claims in Dreamtime must be surrendered to someone even smaller in the waking world. Which isn't bad, if she can summon the humility… her defeat could serve as a lesson, not only against hot-headedness but in terms of tactics. The little squirt flies even better than she does; if she hopes to master arial attack, she couldn't have stumbled across a better example to emulate!

Thank you, again, for singling out Mercy's big reaction in the chapter's last scene! I was very pleased about the way that turned out, and it's most gratifying to have the impression confirmed!

The bat was a nice contrast to the opposite extreme: the mighty, many tentacled, Demon Lord Feathers, an equally enjoyable, unstoppable force of nature, or rather, of the supernatural.
Thank you, Lee! I'm mightily obliged that you feel I've done this awesome infernal royal justice! I've had a great time, here and in his previous appearance, drawing Lord Feathers and crafting activity for him! My gratitude once again to Feathers (in his TTC member incarnation) for his generous permission! I favor plenty of fantastical elements in this story, and this satanic majesty, with his classic multi-appendaged design, beefs up the wonder prodigiously!

There was so much else going on, a Dreamtime battle, a Little Big Head appearance, the Spinster plotting, touring a surprisingly fetish related aquarium and some talk of a sea voyage. A complete commentary would become a novella. I enjoyed the variety of this chapter.
Most kind of you! I do strive after variety, and it's tremendously rewarding to have the effort recognized! The appearance (blue moon appearance, for a character I still consider key) of Little Big Head signals the start of a fearsome confrontation I've been indicating for several chapters. I'd always planned that this series should work toward big action plateaus, with the connecting tissue providing intrigue, along with character and plot-building exposition. One of those action high points is looming!

I am excited for the upcoming sea voyage. It feels as if I am going myself.

That's a tremendous compliment! It's exactly the sense of reader involvement I hope to engender! The impending sea journey won't be long in coming; I certainly hope it lives up to expectations. I'll do all I can to insure that it does!

Thanks once again for providing such enjoyable commentary, Lee! I alway look forward to reading your perspective; it adds so much to the whole experience!

Thanks for the link -- the whole show is available there. It had some very funny moments, but I didn't think it was as strong as the first two.
That could easily be! I'd have to review the first two specials to even remember what all was in them, but it makes sense that the creative team would be running out of parody opportunities. I did get a kick out of plenty of the bits, though; that business about the rookie driving the Death Star had me in stitches!
Another magnificent addition to the epic, LBH.

I find that bat to be very creepy, especially when he launches at Mercy. Well engineered tickling scenarios though, and the scene in the carpet shop was great physical comedy.... it's just those claws and fangs near the soft skin put me on edge, and with Mercy's tight black top with low neckline, it makes her even more prone. I like the panel with her on the bed - some great perspective there.
Bliss harbor looks picturesque in the daylight and the layout of the beach and aquarium has a sense of realism, with all the vivid coral and cerulean water providing a new medium in this series, the undersea world (if memory serves).
Also, the later scene with the Lord Demon reminds me of a disturbing Manga film I saw many years ago called Urotsukidogi. Strong stuff, but I feel this version with the tickling (rather than violating and immolating) tentacles fits the story - I particularly like the blue chap with the dungarees in the crowd scene -an instant appeal to his incredible phizog, colouring and attire, and audibly gave a 'yay!' to the appearance of the Spinster - looking as hilarious as being tickled by her would be, and a double 'yay!' for that champion of rubbery and gelatinous B-movie/Lovecraftian goodness - Sid - who needs to appear in my series at some point, lest tentacle-crazy Babs resign her post and seek him out for her own intimate, slippery frolics.

Anyway, great job, and all ahead full to the next chapter (rich coming from me, I know)
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Another magnificent addition to the epic, LBH.
Thank you, Kitch! A delight to hear from you, and I'm so pleased you enjoyed Chapter 26!

I find that bat to be very creepy, especially when he launches at Mercy. Well engineered tickling scenarios though, and the scene in the carpet shop was great physical comedy.... it's just those claws and fangs near the soft skin put me on edge, and with Mercy's tight black top with low neckline, it makes her even more prone. I like the panel with her on the bed - some great perspective there.
I understand entirely the concern you have about sharp objects in close proximity to helpless flesh… sounds more like a setup for actual torture rather than the fun giggly variety. Ideally for me, tickling should involve a moist rubbery touch as opposed to anything bone-hard and pointy; only a rather deliberate quest for variety over my personal preferences (which I don't even adhere to that strictly… tootsies always trump any other area of attack by a large margin) would make this idea seem acceptable. That said, I'm most pleased that the slapstick at the rug merchant's place worked well for you! This series is frequently so dire, the chance for a light, brisk tone can't be squandered! Thanks too for your nice observation about my use of perspective! I really enjoy working high and low views, canted angles and the like into the story's visual strategy. Anything that helps to break up the linear aspects of the storytelling is a benefit!

Bliss harbor looks picturesque in the daylight and the layout of the beach and aquarium has a sense of realism, with all the vivid coral and cerulean water providing a new medium in this series, the undersea world (if memory serves).
Thank you! You're most kind to say so, as a sense of realism (well… cartoony realism, if that makes any sense) and immediacy is what I chiefly strive for in my settings… all the better to draw in the reader and make him care about the characters' dilemmas. I'm fond of any submerged action set-pieces (I always preferred Irwin Allen's "Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea", for instance, over his "Lost in Space"), and a few more will definitely show up before Angie and Fiona reach Pantataria. Your own Fish Tales has made liberal and fruitful use of this same dynamic… a chief reason (among many… the prospect of a wet, slippery Lucy certainly hasn't hurt my interest) that I've enjoyed it so thoroughly!

Also, the later scene with the Lord Demon reminds me of a disturbing Manga film I saw many years ago called Urotsukidogi. Strong stuff, but I feel this version with the tickling (rather than violating and immolating) tentacles fits the story -
Oh yeah, I'm really familiar with "The Wandering Kid", primarily in its OAV incarnation but I'm somewhat conversant with the manga too! That was the first exposure I had to the "tentacle rape" subgenre of Japanese pop entertainment and I found it extremely disturbing, though the qualities of visceral excitement, strong characters and layered storytelling finally overrode my initial revulsion. I found Feathers' fine design for his lusty infernal lord, with his stark visage and plentitude of grasping appendages, a kindred to those of Toshio Maeda's apocalyptic villains. I'm sure that impression strongly inspired my decision to have him loom over the proceedings, as Maeda's Overfiend tends to do; Feathers' portrayal of his character sizes him at more-or-less reasonable human dimensions. Being supernatural, I suppose he might have a measure of control over his size, so I still might be on safe ground!

The use of demonic tentacles to prod and tickle rather than dismember certainly is more agreeable to the tone of the Low Roads stories, though one might be easily excused if the association makes for queasy viewing! Once seen, the depredations of "Urotsukidoji" can't be easily ignored!

I particularly like the blue chap with the dungarees in the crowd scene -an instant appeal to his incredible phizog, colouring and attire,
I'm glad you like that guy! He's become one of my go-to faces-in-the-crowd (I've found business for him in two earlier chapters), and I plan to hand him a major performing opportunity in upcoming Chapter 28! Repeat background appearances frequently serve as auditions in my comix… some designs, I just can't get out of my head and character development (deliberate or not) is bound to follow!

and audibly gave a 'yay!' to the appearance of the Spinster - looking as hilarious as being tickled by her would be, and a double 'yay!' for that champion of rubbery and gelatinous B-movie/Lovecraftian goodness - Sid - who needs to appear in my series at some point, lest tentacle-crazy Babs resign her post and seek him out for her own intimate, slippery frolics.
I figured you'd be pleased about the reappearance of Sid, however brief or peripheral it unfortunately was! I had a reason for bringing these important personalities together at this time, that being that I'm closing in on another big dustup (similar to the Swillwell raid in Chapter 17), and all of them are scheduled to take part. Groundwork needs to be laid and this is an early step toward securing their involvement. And it certainly never hurts to have the principals show their faces and let the reader know they're still part of the story! Even for fiends, it pays to advertise!

Sid, needless to say, is drooling ravenous to co-star with glorious, luscious Babs as often and intimately as circumstances will permit! Barbara has become his #1 pinup sweetie… "pinup" as in "pinned against the wall", perhaps, but for Sidney, it's been a fond dream come true, the nearest he's ever likely to feel of love! I really ought to feature the pair in a side-story extravaganza myself one of these days! And of course, you have an open invitation to employ the evil old libertine in any capacity you care to! What a thrill it always is to see his slime-coated visage in your excellent art style and daring scenarios! A radical break from my own staid treatment, and all for the best!

Anyway, great job, and all ahead full to the next chapter (rich coming from me, I know)
Once more, thank you for your generous appraisal! Chapter 27 will be a bit longer in coming than normal, as I've taken a few months off from production to upgrade the images in all past installments (rescanning at a slightly larger size and redoing some of the substandard color-work in the earliest chapters). Once finished (and I'm nearly done with it now), I'll replace all images in this Artist's Pad collection with the improvements; thereafter, I plan to restart work on the continuing series. Hopefully, the wait won't be too long… I'm most eager to get back on track!
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I think it's good that you're exploring the stuff you don't necessarily like and I keep meaning to do the same with my story.
Your creature designs are original and have a lot of character. I don't think your style is staid - it suits the tone of the narrative more than mine would. I quite like putting my own spin on other people's ideas, but I think there's little I'd want to change about Sid or the Spinster, and the Blue chap if I were to draw them. I do think I'd like to see a range of quality figurines based on the Low Roads gang, with Sid the latex rubber consistency of a 'Boglin' (the pricier ones).
The big fella could have a big part in the Prickly Hills story. I would like to discuss the narrative link that could take him into the Fox Sisters Universe as a sidl-ling (There's a bell jar in the Doctor's office with his name on it) in more detail, and with 'Deet about a possible inclusion of his Bounce Chix in cameo-to-supporting roles. I have a few other girls from the original story to create that collegiate milleu, but not enough - not that i'd sideline the Chix to non-speaking roles. I've been aching to put them bosom to bosom with the Fox Sisters, and PAPH would be a great opportunity.
The recolouring idea is something I have in mind for pages 1-3/4 of Fish Tales. The first few pages make the impression, and I'm afraid that is a huge bucket of fail on my part - I detest the colouring on the intro panels, so I think a re-scan of the original drawings will happen, but not before the story is complete.
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I'd love to see your take on the Blue Guy sometime (Blue Guy… I guess I'm gonna have to come up with a name for him now! Something monosyllabic and blunt, to show that he's a hick! That's two names I haven't got… one for the bat and one for the new guy! Damn work never ends…)! I'm also very keen on plastic figures, and it'd be neat to see a whole range of models based on Community art characters! The Fox girls would look particularly sweet… lovely Lucy'd be a big seller (I'd pick up dozens myself!) I never really was conversant with Boglins… I can remember when they came out, but never owned one. But I suspect you're right: Sid would just about have to be molded in some form of squishy rubber for accuracy! Make him all the more pliable to wind around and cozy up to adorable Babs!

Sid would indeed seem perfect for a story set in Prickly Hills academia! If there was any moldy specimen suited to be an exhibit under glass, a mini-Sid would be the ideal curiosity! Fox Sisters plus Bounce Chix might be an overload of pulchritude for any one institution (as if there could possibly be too much of such a wonderful thing!) I truly hope you're able to make that happen! "Bossom-to-bossom" contact amongst the six would make for the most explosive Fox fireworks yet!

I had to review the early pages of Fish Tales, the coloring of which seems exemplary to me… however, I'm not about to second guess your artistic acumen. One hates to go all George Lucas and start willy-nilly fiddling with product that already works perfectly well. On the other hand, you have to completely satisfy yourself first; I know that little bugs in my own artwork drive me crazy, stuff that others probably don't even notice. As far as the early Low Roads chapters were concerned, though, the fumbling was far from small. The goofs I was making with highlights and texturing were appalling, so the time spent making corrections really will do a world of good. Not that I probably won't look back a few years from now and think the whole blamed thing is an embarrassment… but at least the style will be consistent from chapters 1-26!

Definitely a wise idea to put off revisions until Fish Tales has been completed! Aaron's gonna have a coronary if he doesn't have his ongoing Fox fix! Probably me, too!
Oh I thought about merchandising and animated webisodes of my creations, both Fox and non, and I smile at the idea of some Fox action figures, but I feel a squishy Sid with roving eye and puppet mouth could work.

As for colouring my earlier pages; hopefully you'll see what I mean when I upload the next pages in the story (five of them to make up for being a lazy slacker)... Arron might be better off not seeing them (thinking about his heart, and yours)!

As for the Blue chap... someone has claimed him for herself (you'll see what I mean at some point, hehe).
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Oh I thought about merchandising and animated webisodes of my creations, both Fox and non, and I smile at the idea of some Fox action figures…
It all would sell, I have no doubt. Animated, you say?! The prospect of a 360% Lucy is too close to reality to be sanely considered! I can easily envision a Fox Sisters Saturday morning show, sandwiched between (or sandwiching) Dragonball Z episodes. All those clenched fists and heaving chests, male and female! If they ever came to breed, we'd have ourselves a race of gods!

As for colouring my earlier pages; hopefully you'll see what I mean when I upload the next pages in the story (five of them to make up for being a lazy slacker)... Arron might be better off not seeing them (thinking about his heart, and yours)!
I'm heading that way immediately, heart condition be damned! If Oswald can take it, so can I! Aged lechers… the most stubborn of all (you never know when your next lech will be your last; gotta squeeze 'em in while you can!)

As for the Blue chap... someone has claimed him for herelf (you'll see what I mean at some point, hehe).
Oh man! Lucky Blue Guy, whoever he happens to draw! Just goes to show, even a face in the crowd can have his fondest dreams come true!
Nice epic fight in the beginning! Shows really well, that SIZE doesn't matter! haha, just knowing where the weak spot is. ^^
The "crawling under the shirt (belly)" scene is really awesome. Very nicely drawn and imagined up!
By the way, I absolutely LOVE the black top with red uhm what-is-it Miss Mew is wearing a bit later on in the comic. Brings out lovely shapes!
Funny I was just talking to a colleague about bats yesterday. Cool coincidence to see one here too. Neglecting the bat, not a good idea it seems! It knows exactly how to draw attention!
Then of course I LOVED the mat-scene, where she's rolled into a mat and her socks are pulled off, etc. awesome desperation scene there.
The bat is certainly having a ball with her feet... absolutely enjoyable and must-see for any foot fetish in my opinion!

I'm not visiting the theater often anymore at all (in fact, only stopping by every now and then to read up on the Lowroads anymore - when time allows). Glad I did! Thanks for another awesome chapter!
Nice epic fight in the beginning! Shows really well, that SIZE doesn't matter! haha, just knowing where the weak spot is. ^^
Hi Ilo! How very nice to hear from you! Sorry about this late reply… I've had a really rough work week and this is the first time I've felt the energy to do your nice commentary justice. I'm most happy that you enjoyed the opening training session melee… the Low Roads series is often so didactic, I can't miss an opportunity for lively action! As far as Mercy is concerned, size certainly isn't beginning to matter (a good thing, too, as her future opponents are going to be daunting). She's learning her lessons well!

The "crawling under the shirt (belly)" scene is really awesome. Very nicely drawn and imagined up!
Thank you! I wish now I'd done more with that, made the encounter more extensive. I don't like to become too caught up in the details of tickle-mechanics, but the sub-shirt exploring could have stood a bit of expansion. Not likely I'll have an excuse to return to such territory anytime soon. But I am terribly pleased that you enjoyed what there was on offer!

By the way, I absolutely LOVE the black top with red uhm what-is-it Miss Mew is wearing a bit later on in the comic. Brings out lovely shapes!
So glad you like Mercy's outfit! I prefer to deck the ladies out in traditionally male garb rather than softer dresses or other constraining clothing… makes them seem more ready for action. It suits Mercy's tomboy personality particularly well. The stuff she's wearing in those scenes is actually one of Persephone's spare sheriff uniforms, minus the jacket. The burgundy straps are suspenders. That's somewhat taken from life… the sort of thing I need to keep my pants up these days!

Funny I was just talking to a colleague about bats yesterday. Cool coincidence to see one here too. Neglecting the bat, not a good idea it seems! It knows exactly how to draw attention!
An interesting coincidence indeed! Happy his appearance could mirror some aspect of your outside activity… it's spookily apt for his introduction! I've always been fond of bat characters; in one of my early kid-comix, I had a vampire protagonist who spent nearly all his time in that transformed state. You're quite right, too… this one has all the proper tools to secure most unwelcome focus from Mercy! She better get used to it: this won't be the last time!

Then of course I LOVED the mat-scene, where she's rolled into a mat and her socks are pulled off, etc. awesome desperation scene there.

The bat is certainly having a ball with her feet... absolutely enjoyable and must-see for any foot fetish in my opinion!
Thank you, Ilo! So glad the scene clicked for you! I tend toward foot tickling myself, and rolled-in-a-rug is a classic invitation for such fiendish abuse! Our little bat pal is employing the type of eagerness and non self-restraint I too would hope to enjoy! When you're able to do it, do it; when you're not, write about it!

Mercy certainly is going through all sorts of angst in this scene! And that's not even to suggest that she dislikes the tickling sensation; she just really hates not having a choice. Something for her to work on in subsequent chapters… maybe as soon as upcoming Chapter 27…

I'm not visiting the theater often anymore at all (in fact, only stopping by every now and then to read up on the Lowroads anymore - when time allows). Glad I did! Thanks for another awesome chapter!
Happy to see you still visit the TTC from time to time! I don't get to dA very often… a regrettable failing, as I know I've missed out on many of your ongoing comix projects at a time when commentary was still fresh. Gotta stop by and correct that deficit! All my best to Jen and her half-bunny progeny; if you truly do intend to bring their story to a finish, they'll be sorely missed!
Suspenders... yes, that's what they are called in English! Thanks for reminding me! Some words are hard to bring to mind for me (as English isn't my native language and those are the kind of words I practically never need to use).

Looking forward to the "Something for her to work on in subsequent chapters… ", meaning "(she) hates not having a choice." Maybe we get to see her again in a desperate situation, which are enjoyable for some reason. ^^

I practically don't visit TTC anymore. As said, only to read up on your works, but there's usually MONTHS in between my visit. Now I made a small exception because I knew you had replied to me here. After this it can take a while again. And yes, the Jen storyline really ends in this coming week (but I will make stand-alone single-page comic episodes on irregular basis, of which you already find 4 by the way - It's under the name "Jen's True Colours"). But things really come to a close and the end of the last chapter is really wrapping it up - you'll see.
Suspenders... yes, that's what they are called in English! Thanks for reminding me! Some words are hard to bring to mind for me (as English isn't my native language and those are the kind of words I practically never need to use).
I tend not to think of you as a non-native English speaker (something you have mentioned before)… certainly, there's never any awkwardness in your writing, either in your fiction or the things you say off-the-cuff. You may have to be reminded about suspenders, but otherwise your command of the language is masterful!

Looking forward to the "Something for her to work on in subsequent chapters… ", meaning "(she) hates not having a choice." Maybe we get to see her again in a desperate situation, which are enjoyable for some reason. ^^
I doubt Mercy will ever become comfortable in forced (i.e. bondage) situations… that avenue for fun viewing should always remain open! However, she'll also start to explore barter territory, something hinted at on the last page. Quid pro quo confers a measure of control that may make the indignity more tolerable… we'll see!

I practically don't visit TTC anymore. As said, only to read up on your works, but there's usually MONTHS in between my visit. Now I made a small exception because I knew you had replied to me here. After this it can take a while again. And yes, the Jen storyline really ends in this coming week (but I will make stand-alone single-page comic episodes on irregular basis, of which you already find 4 by the way - It's under the name "Jen's True Colours"). But things really come to a close and the end of the last chapter is really wrapping it up - you'll see.
I spent Sunday morning at your dA site getting fully caught up on the Jen material I hadn't previously seen (including the four "True Colors" shorties)… plenty of drama, action, atmosphere and unexpected reversals! Along with lots of the lactate-oriented weirdness that's become your distinctive hallmark! I eagerly await the final pages (which should amount to more of a denouement than climax, but I wouldn't be stunned if there was another surprise). I'll try to get some commentary to you before that happens; but if not then, definitely afterward! The series is an epic of the most intimate sort, the most effecting kind of entertainment! It's been well worthy of ongoing examination, and I'll try to make up for my neglect.
Okay lets start this show:
K we enter in to a fight?
hah lovely seems Mercy does have the advantage
though a quick question, her dream companion does not 'he'/she have the ability to control its entire being?
so would that mean
A.) he is not in control of his form while under... 'pressure' hehe
or B.)...he let Mercy win as to be tickled...
well that seems like an interesting ability have that sensor sense
also another question
it seems Mercy has been getting sculpted from her time both in and out of Dream time, so it would seem her 'Workouts' in dream time have had its benefits in the waking world then?

oh bat... never mind a tickle bat...i would genially be scared of such a thing
little thing tickling you till you could not move then going for the feast...uh

oh but it seems Mercy is asking for it
she really should know better than to threaten an animal whether it be small or big
hope that lil critter is of the fruit variety

ah i do wonder what that dear man is sending off on that carrier bird
and...well i wish i knew what that would be like
seeing sea life so close...hmm it does seem the time to go see such a thing being summer and all
oh hey i have hear of those little fishies though cleans the...well the description is accurate though does seem dangerous being near the doc...oh there is no knowing when the boat will come...double dangerous for them i guess

hmm know looking back and now to these Boogies...i may have said or asked this but being like Sid, Lil Big Head and a few of the past Boogies...they all seem...Eldritch
like they are only suppose to be heard of not seen
even the thing Down in the basement of the four corner cove (think i got that wrong)
that especially seemed Elder Godish i even got the sense of 'Appendages that i could not explain' there
enough of...is that...dang my memory for forgetting that mans name count something or other...(quite embarrassing really)nice spy work, Don't get caught

and finally back with Mercy...O-o
Dang that lil guy is fast 'seems scrawny' eh?
well the little guy is mischievousness, oh so the lil guy is just a sweety then not a lil blood sucker, well not so terrifying then
hehe seems Mercy will have to
'Sell her soles then'
well this was again fun to read mate
Hope thing are fine and work work is not to tough on you
try your best to enjoy the summer heat as well
see you later my friend
Okay lets start this show:
K we enter in to a fight?
hah lovely seems Mercy does have the advantage
though a quick question, her dream companion does not 'he'/she have the ability to control its entire being?
so would that mean
A.) he is not in control of his form while under... 'pressure' hehe
or B.)...he let Mercy win as to be tickled...
Nice to hear from you again so soon, Limbo! Lots to say… thank you for writing!

To address your inquiry: She'hilde is indeed in full control of his physical structure and could easily assume any fighting form that would suit the situation best. Swelling to titanic proportions is an outgrowth of the strategy he initiated in Chapter 23… since this was a training exercise, meant to toughen Mercy's combat skills in incremental fashion, the prospect of a giant-sized opponent seemed challenge enough. Tickling in these conflicts is employed as a submission strategy to break concentration and prompt withdrawal… hardly a surprise that fighting effectiveness is severely compromised once it starts!

well that seems like an interesting ability have that sensor sense
Sure has proved useful! It's saved Mercy's bacon a couple of times now! I plan to offer an explanation a few chapters from now… it's something that Angie has already shown she can make more complete use of.

also another question
it seems Mercy has been getting sculpted from her time both in and out of Dream time, so it would seem her 'Workouts' in dream time have had its benefits in the waking world then?
While sleepers visit Dreamtime only in spirit, wake-walkers have the option of entering physically and benefiting from the exercise, just as though they were still active in the waking world. Since wake-waking allows for ongoing effort in both realms, the opportunity for a buff physique doubles!

oh bat... never mind a tickle bat...i would genially be scared of such a thing
little thing tickling you till you could not move then going for the feast…uh
Heh heh! Lots of folks seem creeped out by the bat, especially the more pointy aspects of him! Anyone as prickly as Mercy wouldn't be satisfied with a soft, cuddly pet… the two are pretty well matched, despite the ensuing squabbles!

oh but it seems Mercy is asking for it
she really should know better than to threaten an animal whether it be small or big
hope that lil critter is of the fruit variety
Interesting you should say that; I thought of the bat as being a fruit-eater rather than the predatory sort. Fruit bats and insect-eating bats are the types most prevalent in our area, though they're all pretty off-putting and snappish if you get them cornered. I certainly never conceived of Mercy's bat as being vampiric, though it's fun to play with expectations and have him assume Lugosi-like poses!

ah i do wonder what that dear man is sending off on that carrier bird
The good professor's history with the mysterious "she" will be explored in detail, never fear! It will be an important plot point once the party reaches Pandataria.

and...well i wish i knew what that would be like
seeing sea life so close...hmm it does seem the time to go see such a thing being summer and all
Hope the view through the sea windows appeased your yearning to some degree! I'm crazy about underwater scenes and am glad I was able to work a few into this story (more on the way, incidentally). Chapter 27 will feature an even more summer-appropriate beach setting… unfortunately, it probably won't arrive until early autumn.

oh hey i have hear of those little fishies though cleans the...well the description is accurate though does seem dangerous being near the doc...oh there is no knowing when the boat will come...double dangerous for them i guess
I'm eager to supply a wide variety of tickling scenarios, both originals and much-loved classics… nibbling fishies are a well-established convention and bound to be featured sooner or later.

Of course, one risks danger whenever entering an alien environment, but don't fret too much about these bathers being squished between hull and piling! Remember, this story predates engine propulsion… any approaching ship would feature a mast, easily seen from a distance and warning enough for even careless vacationers!

hmm know looking back and now to these Boogies...i may have said or asked this but being like Sid, Lil Big Head and a few of the past Boogies...they all seem...Eldritch
like they are only suppose to be heard of not seen
even the thing Down in the basement of the four corner cove (think i got that wrong)
that especially seemed Elder Godish i even got the sense of 'Appendages that i could not explain' there
enough of...is that...dang my memory for forgetting that mans name count something or other...(quite embarrassing really)nice spy work, Don't get caught
Four Corners Coven… you got it just about perfect! Congrats! It's appropriate that you should use phrases like "eldritch" and "elder gods", because I'm a strong adherent of Lovecraft… Sid and his brethren may not be as cryptic or all-powerful as Azathoth or Nyarlothotep, but their natures are surely cut from the same tainted fabric. Matter of fact, I'm contemplating an image far later into the story that will bear a strong resemblance of the Dunwich Horror abomination, both in form and behavior. It won't be sucking the life out of people, of course… merely tickling the crap out of them. I do have my fetish priorities straight!

I'm not sure which man you're referring to… Frederick von Smutt, perhaps. If you mean that furtive guy at the closing panels of the demon invocation, that's not him. That's actually meant to be the troubadour Moon Knight, La Luna Cavalier, though the reader isn't necessarily supposed to recognize him right off. All that will be cleared up in Chapter 28, two installments from now.

and finally back with Mercy...O-o
Dang that lil guy is fast 'seems scrawny' eh?
well the little guy is mischievousness, oh so the lil guy is just a sweety then not a lil blood sucker, well not so terrifying then
hehe seems Mercy will have to
'Sell her soles then'
Selling her soles has become a distinct possibility for Mercy, one which she'll have to address in the very next chapter! The bat may be a speed-freak and a sneak, but those can be potent abilities to barter! And she'll have a need for someone with stealth!

well this was again fun to read mate
Hope thing are fine and work work is not to tough on you
try your best to enjoy the summer heat as well
see you later my friend
Thank you for your good wishes! The heat here hasn't been too punishing (not lately) and work hasn't left me so exhausted that I don't have energy for comix production. Hope to have more for you soon!
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