Speaking of Asperger. Some of my friends (all of them from English-speaking countries, interestingly enough) often surmise that I could have had some mild version of autism. They cite
pêle-mêle my nerdiness, my very good memory, my perceived eccentricity, my tendency to keep a clean and tidy environment around myself, my fetishes, my habit to organize and file my possessions, and sometimes even my hobbies and political views

Which to me is hilarious, given my passion for discussion, my extrovert personality, and my epic inability to do even simple mental calculations.
I wonder sometimes if, in the general public (and I do mean, outside of the professional sphere of mental healthcare), "Asperger" or whatever aren't words people use to label whomever they think deviates from a given perceived "norm". If my parents had thought like that, I think my childhood would have been much less happy.