When am I gonna learn to keep my head down when odd things happen... Case in point, wandering through the office at lunch and hear a group of co-workers strangling cats. On closer examination it appeared they were rehearsing for the 'voluntary' office Christmas party Karaoke competition (the horror!) by attempting to harmonise Bohemian Rhapsody (the friend of mob-handed karaoke singers everywhere). I, who am elsewhere (thankfully) on the night of said party am one of three people out of the hundred plus in the office who can lay claim to have some sort of singing voice (not me being immodest, our team captain almost sobbed when I mentioned I wasn't gonna be there) and this lot have one of the other two who's fighting a loosing battle against the rest of 'em. She spots me lurking at the back of the meeting room and have a guess what I spent the rest of my lunch hour doing...
Anyway, to the point, Hilarious? Well thank you, but I've gotta question your sense of humour on that one 😀 Sadly someone really did kill our (read, my) phone system in work this morning and I was not a happy bunny about it. From what I can gather between the whimpering and pleas for mercy someone's thought process went: Hmmm, I wonder what happens if I unplug this plug with "Do not touch under pain of pain, this means YOU!" written on it in big red letters? Answer: You (by which I mean they) get to spend the next twenty minutes running for your life as I chase after you with a baseball bat.
Ah, Wayne’s World, how you did corrupt an entire generation of young minds, a generation to which the word Schhhhwing! will forever have special meaning. Actually, there's a bit of Wayne’s World 2 that's in our procedures documentation in work (hence proving no-one ever reads the damn thing). I haven't got a copy handy to check but it's the concert speech that I think goes:
Del Preston: All right, ladies and gentlemen. It takes two people to run a concert: one back stage, and one out front. One man alone cannot do this. Wayne, you will run the backstage team. Milton, you are my liaison between Wayne's backstage team and Garth's front-stage team which includes myself in the booth. To the left and right of the stage are machine-gun pillboxes, M-60 Browning. Now these babies tend to heat up so shoot in 3-second bursts. In the event of capture I will personally distribute these cyanide capsules to be placed under the tongue like so. Any questions?
Garth: Yes, I have a question. When did you turn into a nutbar?
Though I left off Garth's line from our version and tweaked it somewhat to apply to general disaster recovery. The quote's from memory, so sorry if it's not entirely accurate. Mike Myer's is probably the most consistent comedian of the 1990's and the 2000's, and the amount of his work that's now part of popular culture is truly scary.
*grin* Okay, as you asked so nicely... the name behind BOFH666 is Steve and he's 25 (feeling about 65 right now but that'll wear off once the caffeine kicks back in). Anything else you'd like to know? (which reminds me, there's a whole bunch of personal stuff over on one of the replies to (Turnabout)..is fair play if you're interested). Oh, and before anyone says it, normally I keep my own name well clear of anything I write for here, if you do see it then it means I either a) used it as a placeholder and forgot to change before posting or b) Went to add a name and thought 'it's midnight gone and I've gotta be up for work in five hours, stuff it the name stays'.
Tickle quick or slow lass, I ain't gonna complain. It's when you stop you're going to have problems
Hmm. *checks behind sofa* darn, no-one's hiding back there... 😉
Anyway, to the point, Hilarious? Well thank you, but I've gotta question your sense of humour on that one 😀 Sadly someone really did kill our (read, my) phone system in work this morning and I was not a happy bunny about it. From what I can gather between the whimpering and pleas for mercy someone's thought process went: Hmmm, I wonder what happens if I unplug this plug with "Do not touch under pain of pain, this means YOU!" written on it in big red letters? Answer: You (by which I mean they) get to spend the next twenty minutes running for your life as I chase after you with a baseball bat.
Ah, Wayne’s World, how you did corrupt an entire generation of young minds, a generation to which the word Schhhhwing! will forever have special meaning. Actually, there's a bit of Wayne’s World 2 that's in our procedures documentation in work (hence proving no-one ever reads the damn thing). I haven't got a copy handy to check but it's the concert speech that I think goes:
Del Preston: All right, ladies and gentlemen. It takes two people to run a concert: one back stage, and one out front. One man alone cannot do this. Wayne, you will run the backstage team. Milton, you are my liaison between Wayne's backstage team and Garth's front-stage team which includes myself in the booth. To the left and right of the stage are machine-gun pillboxes, M-60 Browning. Now these babies tend to heat up so shoot in 3-second bursts. In the event of capture I will personally distribute these cyanide capsules to be placed under the tongue like so. Any questions?
Garth: Yes, I have a question. When did you turn into a nutbar?
Though I left off Garth's line from our version and tweaked it somewhat to apply to general disaster recovery. The quote's from memory, so sorry if it's not entirely accurate. Mike Myer's is probably the most consistent comedian of the 1990's and the 2000's, and the amount of his work that's now part of popular culture is truly scary.
*grin* Okay, as you asked so nicely... the name behind BOFH666 is Steve and he's 25 (feeling about 65 right now but that'll wear off once the caffeine kicks back in). Anything else you'd like to know? (which reminds me, there's a whole bunch of personal stuff over on one of the replies to (Turnabout)..is fair play if you're interested). Oh, and before anyone says it, normally I keep my own name well clear of anything I write for here, if you do see it then it means I either a) used it as a placeholder and forgot to change before posting or b) Went to add a name and thought 'it's midnight gone and I've gotta be up for work in five hours, stuff it the name stays'.
Tickle quick or slow lass, I ain't gonna complain. It's when you stop you're going to have problems

Hmm. *checks behind sofa* darn, no-one's hiding back there... 😉