This is so hit or miss in my opinion. It'd be like asking if I like when a girl wears make-up. It can look so stunning, it can look so trashy, it can come across as trying way too hard and that it's just *not workin* for her...but in the end my liking of the girl will not hinge upon it. (Although as a personal side note, women are so freaking beautiful with no makeup on. Just personal preference). Anyway...I know it's not a completely fair comparison, because 1. tattoos are permanent (or, at least, a bitch to remove) and 2. getting tattoos DOES have at least a smidgen of stigma or taboo surrounding it. So you're totally justified in taking "other peoples' opinions" into consideration. People do have an image that pops into their head; we all stereotype to an extent. Tattooed folks, I think: Pro athletes, musicians, exotic dancers, artists in general, military personnel, bikers, gang members, your standard goth or emo, hipsters. I associate anti-tattoo people as being 'goody-goody', stiff, or conservative types (probably with the exception of having a small religious tattoo). Just saying the first person to spring to mind when you say tattoo wouldn't be a librarian or a politician.
If I like girl a decent amount already and I find out she has a tattoo, it can be very hot to me. But it's obviously gotta be done right. So, not covering half your body, or getting one on your face, or lower-back. Cartoonish or cliche tattoos are also like..."eh, reallly?". Having a wispy feather tattoo across the ribcage would be something I would like XD
I think all-in-all, getting it done 'right','ll make my heart flutter a little bit for sure. But I'm just gonna like the girl anyway for who she is and if we have chemistry. It's not gonna make or break. And I think when it comes to other people, most wouldn't *actually* break up with someone on the basis of them having a tattoo. Unless it's like of a freakin swastika or something. But, if someone freaks out over having a little butterfly tattoo on your arm, THAT is a red flag if I ever saw one. Hope I could help!