Hot & Cold...
Hi guys...your friendly neighborhood Mod on duty here!
This is part of using a Forum that has only text for communication.
If Siamese Dream had made those statements in person, the people listening would have heard the tone of her voice and been able to see both hand gestures and body language as well and apply it to the information she voiced, and thus gotten a "true" read on her meaning...BUT, we ONLY have text, and it can be dangerous to read emotional context into another persons post, because you don't have these background "clues" as you would in person. Instead they are colored by the mood the reader is currently in and other immediate environmental influences...
Best course is to give posters the benefit of the doubt regarding their intent until directly proved otherwise, okay? As for stating opinions that may contradict the author of the threads intent, that's also part of being in the community...don't expect everything you post to be greeted joyfully, and try to let yourself debate points within the guidelines of the Forum...
Meanwhile, hope this little disagreement is now patched up, and always try to keep in mind that "WE" have more in common than most not everything! Have fun.. Q
Hi guys...your friendly neighborhood Mod on duty here!
This is part of using a Forum that has only text for communication.
If Siamese Dream had made those statements in person, the people listening would have heard the tone of her voice and been able to see both hand gestures and body language as well and apply it to the information she voiced, and thus gotten a "true" read on her meaning...BUT, we ONLY have text, and it can be dangerous to read emotional context into another persons post, because you don't have these background "clues" as you would in person. Instead they are colored by the mood the reader is currently in and other immediate environmental influences...
Best course is to give posters the benefit of the doubt regarding their intent until directly proved otherwise, okay? As for stating opinions that may contradict the author of the threads intent, that's also part of being in the community...don't expect everything you post to be greeted joyfully, and try to let yourself debate points within the guidelines of the Forum...
Meanwhile, hope this little disagreement is now patched up, and always try to keep in mind that "WE" have more in common than most not everything! Have fun.. Q