palmiro1972 said:I am Italian... Maybe in Usa law is different... But in Italy it is needed a copyright to obtain an "exclusive" for a name... In Italy, to have the right to be the unique ones that can use a name, we have to pay a tax to the State... in this case the law protect us and we can even ask money as reparation, if someone uses our name... otherwise everyone is free to use the name that he wants... I can't understand why Peterek has been attacked so much... if his name would be Theodor Candy (this name doesn't exist, I take it just as example), maybe he would just want to name their clips with his initials... where it would be the problem?
My surname begins with M... my last name with D... I would find natural to name my clips (if I would make them) with MD... MD-001, MD-002 and so on... what I would do so wrong?
hi. well, actually he hasn't been "attacked so much"
i mentioned that it was a problem with us, he changed it. all is well. no hard feelings.
and i didn't threaten him with anything LEGAL. it's just plain common decency when opening a new tickling site on a small community like this to do what you can to not immitate or look almost exactly like another company that has been working hard for years. it's just the right thing to do. it's not illegal to name his clips that.
but take this into consideration, many people have emailed us and ADMITTED that they opened his post because they were sure it was from TC Video (us). so the problem was real, not just a petty thing. hope that helps out a little. 😀