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Teaching your husband to heel


TMF Poster
Dec 30, 2002
I saw on the TV news of a show in Britain about counseller helping couples with problems using dog training with the wife to bring her husband to heel. (The husband does'nt know this until the end of the show). Anyway, after numerous complaints about the obvious sexisum in the show it was cancelled and put into reruns. I forget what the show was called but maybe some of the people here who live in England (Ness?), could help me out. What do you folks think of a show like that, do you agree that it is sexist?
Why are you asking Ness? - she lives in the States...

It was called "Bring your husband to heel", and yes, I do think it was sexist. It isn't necessarily always the husband who needs to be sorted out; maybe if the show was "Bring your partner (or spouse?) to heel", I would think it was alright. That's just my £0.02
Not really.

If you take into consideration that in TV, movies, and commercials have been bombarding us with blatant yet "moderated" forms of objectification against women, the only reason that this show caused such a riot is due to the fact that they effectively crammed a ton of "offensive" ideals into one little half-hour(or even hour) long show.

I find it a little amusing that the double-standards routine still apply in our "sexually evolved" modern society.

Permit me to be cold blooded: As long as battered wives still exist, as long as our justice system is still worthlessly attempting to "explain" why "the way she was dressed" is the sole cause for the attack, and why people still think of "feminist" as the punchline to any given joke, then I don't give a rats ass as to whether a bunch of trained apes that pass them selves off as men think of a program that helps give a woman an edge over her possibly domineering and selfish husband is "offensive" to them....It just means one less woman to fetch them a beer in this world.

Look, all you see in this day and age are new and inventive ways to put women back in their place. All you have to do is look around. If they want to run a show like this, then I say good for them.

If nothing else, look at it as slapstick comedy.
They could have called it "teaching your husband to pee in the john".
Old scores of abused jokes about men and women.


Gender is [also] a state of mind.
I'm not using it as an excuse for my own shortcomings, nor I want to get the blame for what people of my own gender did before me.

Someone has a bone to pick with me? It's because of what I am, not what I have under my clothes.
Why are you asking Ness? - she lives in the states...

No she dosen't. She lives in a secret volcanic underground bunker located off the coast of Okinawa. I know this because I keep breaking in to said bunker to steal her glass donkey figurines.
And those angry roars were from Ness....I thought the volcano was erupting.😛
😵 Thread #500 that Im being discussed in without my knowledge XD

No she dosen't. She lives in a secret volcanic underground bunker located off the coast of Okinawa. I know this because I keep breaking in to said bunker to steal her glass donkey figurines.
Damn...so many ass jokes...so little time.

I wonder what gave you the impression I was British. XD I am, in fact, in New Jersey. =^_^=
Kalamos said:
Someone has a bone to pick with me? It's because of what I am, not what I have under my clothes.
Does anyone else see the Freudian humour in that remark? 😉
MistressValerie said:
Does anyone else see the Freudian humour in that remark? 😉
Nudge, nudge...wink, wink...say no more!
dussicar said:
Not really.

If you take into consideration that in TV, movies, and commercials have been bombarding us with blatant yet "moderated" forms of objectification against women, the only reason that this show caused such a riot is due to the fact that they effectively crammed a ton of "offensive" ideals into one little half-hour(or even hour) long show.

I find it a little amusing that the double-standards routine still apply in our "sexually evolved" modern society.

Permit me to be cold blooded: As long as battered wives still exist, as long as our justice system is still worthlessly attempting to "explain" why "the way she was dressed" is the sole cause for the attack, and why people still think of "feminist" as the punchline to any given joke, then I don't give a rats ass as to whether a bunch of trained apes that pass them selves off as men think of a program that helps give a woman an edge over her possibly domineering and selfish husband is "offensive" to them....It just means one less woman to fetch them a beer in this world.

Look, all you see in this day and age are new and inventive ways to put women back in their place. All you have to do is look around. If they want to run a show like this, then I say good for them.

If nothing else, look at it as slapstick comedy.

I sincerely disagree with your statements.

If anything, men are humiliated DAILY in modern day media. In sitcoms, fathers are consistently portrayed as useless, impotent, lazy, stupid, and redundant family figures. The wife is usually seen "putting up with" his stupidity because all he's good for is bringing home the bacon (and sometimes not even that). In commercials, men are shown to be confounded by the simplest of things (like how to operate a VCR), while the woman is always shown in a calm, collected light. She is always right, he is *always* wrong. The picture of complete superiority, if you will.

In many television dramas, women are always shown as physical equals to men. 120 lb women are ripping 240 lb. men to shreds. In fact, entire television SERIES and movies are dedicated to women beating the hell out of men (Xena, Buffy, Tombraider, Kill Bill, Alias, etc.). How come feminists, who are supposedly out for the equality of ALL sexes, don't call these shows out for for what they are - Misandrism? Imagine if a show or movie was created where a MALE hero just beat the living hell out of female baddies every episode. Would you be okay with such a show, dussicar? Or would you be screaming misogyny? Hmm... I wonder... 🙄

Double standards? Yes, let's talk about double standards, dussicar. Like the double standard for female criminals. Take the recent rash of female teacher to student male rapes. In every respect, these women are RAPING these boys. It does not MATTER if they were willing or not. They were underage, some as young as 13. Such an experience at such a young age can scar a child's life and sexuality forever, yet the longest sentence any of these serial rapists received was 6 months in jail. Imagine that! A 37 year old woman rapes children and receives 6 months!! And they crack jokes about it on television. I recall one show saying how the rest of the kids in the female rapist's class must have been mad because he ruined it for the rest of them. Can you imagine if the roles were reversed? Say a 37 year old man raped several girls in his class ranging from 13 to 15 years old. They all had a crush on him, and they all spread their legs willingly. Same scenario, just different genitalia. I can guarantee you that man would receive 30 years at a MINIMUM, and they sure as hell wouldn't be cracking jokes about it in the media. Or how about all the female baby/child murderers that get off almost scot-free while men who commit the same crimes get executed? Oh wait, I forgot. No woman is EVER capable of committing such atrocious crimes! She must be INSANE! We have to rehabilitate her, because for a woman to be a serial killer she must be mentally unstable. Well, going on by logic, I guess we have a lot of prison transfers to make, because there are plenty of male serial rapists and murders who are serving life sentences. These sentences must immediately be commuted, right? Because to commit such atrocious crimes you must be INSANE, right?? How about Clara Harris? She murders her cheating husband (she cheated on him too by the way... but no one seems to care much about that - must have been HIS fault she was cheating, right??) while her 14 year old daughter is in the car, screaming and begging for her mother to stop. Somehow, this scum of the earth is given a live voice feed on OPRAH! OPRAH!!!! She receives a standing OVATION from the all female audience. Wow. How nice.

Hey dussicar, do you think the next husband who kills his cheating wife will get on the Oprah show? Do you think he'll get a standing ovation from any men in the audience? Nah, he won't get any fanfare. He won't get a "crime of passion" ruling. They'll just execute him.

Kill a man, get a standing ovation. Kill a woman, get executed. Interesting, huh?

And just what are all these "new" and "innovative" ways to keep women oppressed? You failed to mention any.

Maybe you think it's right to condemn an entire gender because there are women have been abused by men. I don't. There are plenty of men out there who have been abused by women, and I'm not speaking in the physical sense. There are far worse things than being beaten. There's financial ruin for the rest of your life. There's watching all the money you've worked for and poured your sweat and blood into slip away. There's watching your children being ripped away from you and turned against you by someone you thought loved you (Parental Alienation Syndrome). There's being punished, jailed, and convicted before you have a trial (restraining order, anyone?) - and the slanted family courts speed it all along!

Did you know your wife could go out right now down to the police station, file a domestic charge against you with no evidence whatsoever of abuse... even verbal "abuse" will do... and a warrant will be issued for your arrest? That a restraining order can be levied against you for absolutely no reason other than the fact your wife wants custody of the children? Yeah, you may be able to overturn the order three years down the line, but you still can't get joint custody, because your wife will claim your children have "bonded" with her and are "afraid" of you (she's had three years to brainwash them). Yep, every married man is one PMS cycle away from being branded a "wife batterer." Any seasoned police officer will tell you so. That's how the laws are written, and the feminists like it that way. If your wife is in a bad mood, all she has to do is pick up the phone and the house you bought and paid for is hers to ransack. Nice, huh? Marriage is a License to Steal these days, nothing more.

I don't feel guilty for having a penis, dussicar. You may, but I sure as hell don't. In fact, I'm proud of my gender! The list of our accomplishments are far too long to list here.

We can have a Teach Your Husband to Heel show. Just as long as have a Teach Your Wife to Heel show. I'm sure I could collar a woman and teach her how to heel. Hey, if it pisses you off, look at Teach Your Wife to Heel as nothing more than slapstick comedy, right, dussicar? 😎
If we were *talking* instead of *typing* I'd be interrupting you, gentlemen.

Few can rip *me* to shreds. Men or women.

I don't even want to know about tv shows.
That's fiction, and it's aimed to masochistic types.
Not my case.

Lay tv off guys.
I have what sounds like a sexist reason for why there are (perhaps) harsher sentences for men who commit crimes against women. Women are the weaker sex. And I like to think that even in the "sexually evolved" modern society, it's still atrocious to hit a woman.

Still, this sickens me. The media DOES celebrate wives cheating on their husbands, so I wouldn't be surprised if this show made light of that fact. Sometimes the husband is right. Sometimes the wife is. And while I believe sexism still exists in BOTH directions (why don't we have a female president yet? Are women pushed out of politics or do they politely excuse themselves?) more sexism isn't the answer.

And I hope a man whose wife does that to him has enough self-respect to either divorce her or have a serious talk with her. Because I can guarantee you if this show were flipped the other way, none of us would be laughing.
Sorry Ness. I don't know how I got the impression that you were British, I was just wondering if anybody in this forum who lives In England has seen this show.
I don't even want to know about tv shows. That's fiction, and it's aimed to masochistic types. Not my case.

Yes, these sort of shows that I'm talking about are targeted towards masochists - MALE masochistcs and femlae sadomasochists. Name one show that is targeted towards FEMALE masochistics and male sadomasochistics. Can't think of any, huh?

It does not matter if the story is fiction or nonfiction. If I wrote a show where the gender roles were switched around, I seriously doubt you would be shrugging the show off as "fiction." Nice try.

I have what sounds like a sexist reason for why there are (perhaps) harsher sentences for men who commit crimes against women. Women are the weaker sex. And I like to think that even in the "sexually evolved" modern society, it's still atrocious to hit a woman.

While women are physically weaker, they exceed men when it comes to communication. They have much higher activity in the communicative area of their brain. They communicate on a different plane than men do. A higher level of communicative ability means they have the ability to be much more manipulative and vindictive than any man. So while they may not be able to beat men, they can posion us, deceive us , etc. Like how these female teachers coerced little boys into having sex with them (and then make it look like it was the victims' fault). Male rapists use physical force. Female rapists use mental prowess, and it's that much easier for them to manipulate a 13 year old boy. Look at it this way - say you have $100 in your wallet. A mugger steals your wallet. You're out $100. Say you give that $100 to a scam artist and they steal it. You're out $100 dollars. It doesn't matter how the crime was commited, theft is still theft, and the end result is the same. The same goes for rape. It doesn't matter how the crime was commited, the end result is the same.

I don't see why it would be so "atrocious" to hit a woman. If a woman was attacking me phsycially and trying to hurt me, I have every right in the world to defend myself. There's no way in hell that I'll allow any woman to unzip one of my cheeks (one of my friends has his face gouged by a chick with long nails) and leave me with a scar for the rest of my life because she thought I deserved it. ANYONE tries something like that with me, and they'll end up on the wrong end of my fist. Besides, feminists profess they want to be treated as equals, so I don't see where they would have a problem with me defending myself if I was attacked by a woman - I would do the exact same thing if a man attacked me.

In fact, I'll take this a step further. If I was say... in a restaurant, and my girlfriend slapped me in the middle of an argument, I would call the police and press domestic violence charges against her. If I do not (and I shouldn't) have the right to slap her because I think she "deserves" it, then neither should she.
You are free to doubt, but you're not in my mind.
If you reversed the roles, I'd label the show as *good* fiction.

Do I look politically correct, by chance?
I'm not even American! I swipe my pale bottom with political correctness.
[So much for the "be polite" rule, eh, Kal?]

I call things as I see them. I don't care for shows where women are depicted as ungodly strong and capable.
They are funny to people who dig the imagery.

Why don't you check my illustrations? Those will tell you what *I* like.
Too much of everything, if you ask me.
In medio stat virtus.


To OBleedingMe: Wow. All I can do right now is liken your argument to a house of cards during a high wind.

It never ceases to surprise me when those who are the least informed are always the first ones to open their mouths and "tell everyone how it REALLY is."

I don't understand how shows like Kill Bill and Xena create an equality. As a matter of fact, I'll kill two birds with one stone by addressing not only this statement and the one you made about me failing to provide you with an answer for the new and innovated ways to put women down.
Without realising it, you have proven my statement from my last post that if you jam it in someones face they'll go bananas. But, if you slip it in casually, nobody(and certainly not you) will truly notice. To mention Xena was silly considering how she was dressed. As a matter of fact, it was widely aknowleged that it was done to attract the just budding young men of the 12 to 16 year old crowd. As for tomb raider, I find it funny that a lot of people mentioned in the past(I haven't seen this movie) that there were some pretty good scenes of her looking very vixeny. Showing her breasts coming around a corner before she did. A bath scene or some such. Bear in mind, the underline premise of why they did this: She was shown in these scenes after or during fighting in a sexual way so that your standard male movie goer can go home and whack off to fantasies of taking her down a peg.

This is just an example. If you actually take the time to look for it(I doubt you will as it's hard to change a stubborn mind) you can notice things that the media will slip under the radar. If women have it so easy in the industry, then how come there are very few actresses over 40? Or anchorwomen for that matter. But this last statement was thrown in as an exta. Food for thought if you will.
To honestly say that a few movies or tv shows make a difference, you are dead wrong. All you were doing was trying to pull out a few token accounts and failed miserably in the task.

As for women criminals: Again, your chicken-without-a-head defence has served you well.
So, some bloody woman straight from hell got on oprah. As I read your account of this it seemed choppy. I don't honestly know what happened on that show, but going by the way you sem to "percieve" things(and going by the fact I've met a millon people like you), I can't help but think that there is something about this interview that you are either purposly leaving out, or you are "seeing" this interview in a different way than others.

I would like someone to provide me a link for the news stories of this crime to find out what is going on with this Clara Harris woman if they'd be so kind.

And, what the hell do you mean "rash" of female teacher to student rapes? I don't recall these lately. How the fuck do you, in clear concience, blast out this alarmist nonsense by likening some 13 year old kid having a very innapropriate statuatory "rape" relation to a woman who has been violated against her will? Jesus, I might as well take a few days to provide COUNTLESS links to news stories about male professionals using their power to do the same thing to students, patients and even clients. Oops. Did I say "the same thing" in my last sentence? Sorry. I wasn't talking about statuatory rape anymore. I was talking about physically overpowering their victims in the classroom or office. Silly me.

But, what do I know? I'm sure you have read the same numerous articles that I have. I'm sure you have read psychiatric journals about the psychology of rape victims and battered wives. Or worse yet, seen it first hand.

As for a guy commiting statuatory rape and getting 30 years? WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT????????????
Have you actually followed a low key rape case to the end? Exactly how many cases that you know of have seen a rapist get anymore than a few years? As a matter of fact, do you know that on average, most rapists only see about 11 months to a year and a half for a rape crime that got the offender 5 to 6 years in any prison. And sickeningly still, many are ushered to psychiatric wards. Not prisons.

As for yor rediculous statement that any woman could got to the cops and claim that you raped them based on heresay, I'd like to present you with some food for thought: Out of all rape cases, only 35 to 40% of victims actually come forward to report their attack. Out of those who DO come forward, only 2%-I'll say that again-ONLY 2% are lying. But again, I don't know shit. I suppose I haven't read the same insightful and informative articles in maxim and hustler like you did, labelled "ALL BITCHES ARE TROUBLE MAKING WHORES."
Jesus. I don't know what city you live in, but please tell me. I sure as hell don't want to live in the only town in the free world that convicts me BEFORE my trial. It would just make it entirely too hard to light fires in random locations if I'm executed for arson before I see the witness stand...Or is that just for husbands who didn't really do anything in this magical world shit disturbing wife dominators?

I'll try to enlighten you further: There is not a single argument that you have either made or can make that I won't be able to call bullshit on. Why? Because, I used to be a misogenyst. Not a sexist, not a chauvenist, but a misogenyst. I hated women for everything they stood for. I used to make up the EXACT same bullshit nonsense baseless arguments that you are now. I'd pull the same warped perception out of my ass as you did and claim they were facts. You can't fool me like you can your friends.
With that said, do you know that I come from a veritable dynasty of abusive males in my family? As a matter of fact, since coming to this country in 1901, there has been a very vivid accounting of the violence of EVERY male member of my family against their wives, sisters, aunts, mothers, etc. My father, his father, and so on, all the way down to our first family members to enter this country veritably celebrate their violence(to the extreme) against ALL females in the family.

Do you know that I am the ONLY male in over one hundred years to break this cycle? The only one to question it? And yet, I almost ended up exactly like them. Even for those of you reading this who think that I'm some flakey nut for the stuff I've typed in this post, only a few can appreciate the magnitude of strength it takes to change as drastically as I did. I really don't care what most think about my opinion in this endeavour. Because I know that I'm a better person for it, regardless.

As for you OBleedingMe, I can say I know EXACTLY what I am talking about. When one has committed to the same abuses as his forefathers and walked away a different person, they tend to notice things in a different light. Thankfully, I didn't rape anyone during that period of time, but I shudder to think of how many of my past relatives did.

My advice to you is- shut your damn mouth, open your eyes, and truly take in your surroundings...If that fails, then just shut the fuck up until you know what you are actually talking about.
dussicar said:
And, what the hell do you mean "rash" of female teacher to student rapes? I don't recall these lately. How the fuck do you, in clear concience, blast out this alarmist nonsense by likening some 13 year old kid having a very innapropriate statuatory "rape" relation to a woman who has been violated against her will? Jesus, I might as well take a few days to provide COUNTLESS links to news stories about male professionals using their power to do the same thing to students, patients and even clients. Oops. Did I say "the same thing" in my last sentence? Sorry. I wasn't talking about statuatory rape anymore. I was talking about physically overpowering their victims in the classroom or office. Silly me.

I plan on responding to the rest of your post later, but right now I'm just struck by how lightly you take statutory rape. A child can't consent, and frankly I think it is almost as bad as any other forum of rape.

I find it absolutely appalling that you'd treat statutory rape and pedophilia like they're nothing, and my apologies, but that's one thing that really stood out for me about your article.

Bleedingme, I agree with your post except for a couple things. If you are overpowered, you really can't blame anyone but the aggressor; but if you fall subject to a scam, that's partially (not entirely) your own fault because you ought to be in more control of that circumstance. Additionally, I agree that you should be able to hit a woman in self-defence, of course, but I think filing charges for being slapped by a woman is taking things a bit too far, unless there is some serious battery involved. And I don't want to make this personal and I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable about your opinions either; but my mother was frequently beaten (not as severely as the word "beaten" would imply, but I can't think of another word, and it was severe enough, trust me) by my father, and having seen that, I can tell you that the circumstances under which a man would hit a woman are often very different than the circumstances under which a woman would hit a man. I wouldn't be surprised, in fact, if women who do hit men are often acting in some form of self-defense.
No, INTRESD. I did not mean to play it down. Statuatory rape is when someone has consentual sex with an underage person. This usually applies with persons 13 or over. Anything before that especially with a very small child is pedophilia. Under the circumstances, statuatory rape is a form of child molestation. However, whether it's because you read something wrong or whether I did not explain it well enough, the sole reason I was bringing out the comparison of OBleedingMe's statement vs. my own was to knock down his very uneven statement that, quite frankly, offended me only due to the account of his mis-information. What he was proposing was proving my statement to a tee. I am quite sure he spends more time doting on the "atrocities" committed by women than by men.

He thought he made a valid point and I'm not going to argue the petty symantics of one misread statement. Sometimes I don't come across as clearly as I hope. Again, I have to tell you, I did NOT take statuatory rape lightly. My retort was not about the victims he claimed. It was about his judgement and approach to the situation as a whole.

Like him, you probably don't see what I mean by this last statement and I can't fault you for that...Just try to keep an open mind.
dussicar said:

If you used to be exactly like him (and the rest of us evil men) then why are you acting like that? Name calling and cussing gets you nowhere in an arguement.

dussicar said:
Do you know that I am the ONLY male in over one hundred years to break this cycle? The only one to question it? And yet, I almost ended up exactly like them. Even for those of you reading this who think that I'm some flakey nut for the stuff I've typed in this post, only a few can appreciate the magnitude of strength it takes to change as drastically as I did. I really don't care what most think about my opinion in this endeavour. Because I know that I'm a better person for it, regardless.

Jesus, stop glorifying yourself.
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