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Tell about your most recent time


TMF Expert
Aug 6, 2002
I like any excuse to talk about tickling, so please tell about your most recent tickling time. Add lots of scintillating details. Here's mine:

A couple of nights ago, after the kids were fast asleep, I prepared. I put on my cuffs, put tethers on the 4 bedposts, turned the lights down and laid the tickling tools out in a pleasing array. I hooked my ankles and one wrist to the tethers and called my honey in. He really likes the sight of me all ready for my torture. He hooked the last tether to my other wrist and my stomach fluttered. It had been almost a week since my last tickling and I was really wanting it. First, with a thin artist's paintbrush, he stroked the crease where my thigh joins my hip. That's zero-to-sixty for me. I was all out of control and was not to regain my composure. He's really been learning well what pushes my buttons. He went over my armpits, sides, belly, hips, thighs and my most erotic places with brushes, q-tips and his maddening fingers for about 30 minutes while I laughed, screamed, begged, moaned and wiggled to the limits of my bonds. When I was good and juicy he released me and we enjoyed more vanilla pleasures.

Now I want to hear about your last time.
.......my most recent time was a week ago, when I was chillin with a few freinds, both girls, and we were just drivin around smokin a fattie, when we decided to finish it up in the local wal mart parking lot....I was in the backseat, and my friends, who we'll call samantha and kate, were in the frontseats......so, we pulled into the back of the lot, where no other cars were.......and for some reason, the type of reason only being stoned can explain, I decided to take my boots off, and rest my socked feet in between the two front seats after I took my hit......I couldn't have been asking for it more.....kate looked over to sam, and they attacked me, getting my ankles in an arm lock, and ripping my socks off......I curled my toes like mad even before the tickling began, but that didn't do anything to lessen the huge blow that was coming........kate started ruthlessly scribbling her nails down my arches, as sam kept my feet firmly in place......I tried fighting back, but I was laughing so hard I couldn't move......for some reason, and this has happened to me many times, the existense of pot in my system had made my skin ultra-sensitive, expecially on the bottoms of my feet, which I always kept in boots for fear of someone exploiting my weakness......but that day, I let my guard down, and I paid for it......but it was so cool......they tickled me for like, 10 minutes, but it felt like eternity...........toward the end, I felt a pen writing on my heels, and when I finally pulled away, I noticed smiley faces on each foot........damn......that was an awesome expirience........
LoL. I think TickleCrazy deserves her own forum, if not an entire site full of such writings.
LoL. I think TickleCrazy deserves her own forum, if not an entire site full of such writings.

That's so funny! I've been steeping in Max Speer's archive and I guess it's inspiring. He's so amazing.
My last time was a few months ago. I was working and my friend and I were working in the control room (dispatching center). Anyway, we got in a fight over an inkpen and he attacked my sides. By the time he was done I was laughing so hard I almost fell out of my chair; it was great!😉
Mousepawz, are you going to instigate another opportunity for this friend to tickle you? Sounds promising.
I would, but I was just interning there and I never get to see him anymore. I am getting ready to move too, but I have a friend there who is the same way, kinda. But thanks for suggesting that.🙂
You're lucky to have potential ticklers in your life. 🙂 Good luck on your move.
My most recent time - and, in fact, the only non-consentual tickle I have had in two years - happened last month. I passed one of my neighbors in my townhouse complex trying to haul a large, rolled up rug out of her garage into her house. She's in her late 50's and either divorced or widowed; at any rate, she lives alone. We know each other slightly so I volunteered to help her.

We got the carpet into her family-room. She was wearing soft, backless white slippers that kept coming off everytime she knelt down. Finally, she kicked them off completely. We spent the next 10 minutes shifting and pulling at the rug, which gave me plenty of opportunities of seeing her feet close-up.

When we got the rug settled to her satisfaction, she glanced around and asked, "Now, where are my slippers?" I grabbed them and went to put them on for her. She laughed and, still sitting, held out one foot. I grabbed both ankles under one arm and started to tickle her. She giggled and kept saying, "Oh, I'm ticklish! I'm ticklish" but didn't struggle too much until I started tickling between her toes. Since I didn't know her well, I tickled her for only 20-30 seconds or so (it seemed longer). When I stopped, she allowed me to put both slippers on. Since she then offered me a cup of coffee, I gathered that she wasn't offended. It was delightful while it lasted and, thank God, she seemed to think nothing of it. As long as she doesn't start chatting to the neighbors, it looks as if I got away with it.
my last time was a few weeks ago when i was round a friends house and we was in her room and she was on the bed i was on the couch and i put my feet through the bars on the foot of her bed for some reason which she took advantage of, and started tickling my feet i wiggled my feet a lil and she said "r u not ticklish?" i said only on my bare feet hinting her, she removed my socks and started tickling my feet, then after that i removed my feet when i couldn't take any more.......

i went over to her and sat on top of her on her bed and started tickling her bare feet ( shes very ticklish) and then picked up a feather of the side of her bed and started tickling her feet with it, it lasted for about 30minutes then i gave her a rest!

shes one of the most ticklish people ever so i tickle her quite often. peace out!
I'm actually VERY fortunate in that my girlfriend is not only one of the most ticklish people I've ever met, she actually adores being tickle tortured without mercy. She is beautiful...5'9, jet black hair and very fair skin (for those of you into that Goth thing lol).

So the last time would be the last time I saw her...on Sunday 🙂 There will be more later this week! lol
you guys are so lucky, i dont have anyone that i can tickle torture. I AM ALL ALONE i have no one to tickle!
""Walmart" and "legal weed" in the same conversation... WEIRD!"

I think we have it backwards here. Why don't we make Walmarts illegal and legalize weed?!?😎
i am a personnel trainer with alot of pretty female clients but i have this one female client who knows im very ticklish and last week i was really sore and i asked her to massage my back so i layed down on the floor arms outstrecthed and before i knew it she jumped on my arms and pinned them down and had me in hysterics before i knew it, once im tickled im like a little kid i cant fight back so most women love it are there any women on here that are into tickling a guy like that
O.K. Here it goes!

My last tickling experience was yesterday afternoon with a 21 year old gal who volunteers in the same service industry as me.

I'm 45 but act very young for my age, and am always joking around and lightly rough housing with the crew...made up mostly of younger college students and recent graduates.

Cee Cee (lets call her... is a very small framed gal about 5"4" with a cute unassuming smile and a terrific singing voice. She's got shoulder length auburn hair and brown eyes. She's a great student and has aspirations of medical school.

Anyway...lets get to the story. I was talking to someone else outside the service yesterday on the cell phone when she began to mimic my deep voice and animated conversation. She was right in my face trying to get me to laugh or break up on what was to be a serious phone call. I gave her a couple of glaring looks...like leave me alone while I'm talking, and she continued to persist in her antics. Finally, I threatened her with "you're going to pay for this"...and again she gave me some wisecrack and dared me to retaliate. She finally gave up and went inside. The conversation soon ended and it was payback time.

I waltzed into the service and found her sitting at the computer desk checking her e-mail. The chair in which she was sitting was on wheels so I pushed her up against the desk and she was trapped. Only weighing a little over 100#...she was no match for my 6' 1" 200#plus body wieght pinning her in place!

I then asked her if she liked making people laugh while they were on the phone?...She said she was only teasing me... and that she meant no harm. I then said in a very condescending way that I would give her something to laugh at ....and I quickly grabbed her ribcage and began to tickle her. She screamed and thrashed, finally managed to escape down under the desk. What a great reaction!!! She's ticklish beyond belief! She then began to plead with me to stop and said she was sorry and that it would not happen again if I'd stop tickling her. I pushed the chair away and looked under the desk seeing her curled up with her back against the wall (front of the desk) and her knees pulled up to her face. I demanded that she come out and take what was coming to her....she just laughed and pleaded that no more tickling would take place as she was wickedly ticklish*(wink) I said NO WAY!! Get out here and take your punishment or I'm coming in after you and it will be much worse!

Still trying to negotiate her way out...I grew impatient and reached under the desk grabbing her left ankle. with one pull (I'm pretty strong) she was sliding out from under the desk screaming and laughing. She had now turned over on her belly trying to scamper back under the the desk... when I rolled the chair up and sat down pinning her left ankle under my knee and thigh. I then reached down and grabbed her other ankle pullig it under my other knee and thigh. She was not going anywhere! I had my kegs crossed under the chair creating a vise to which her feet were sticking up and she was prone on the ground. she kinda reminded me of a scorpion with it's stinger in the air.

In my most sadistic voice I said NOW you little tease...Your going to suffer. She struggled and pleaded as I slowly began to to loosen her shoelaces. What are you doing? Please!! Let me go!!! NO CHANCE! I then started to mimic her begging and pleading in a very tiny voice. AWE....Is the wittle girl afwaid of the big mean monster? Are you afraid he's going to tickle you some more?

With that... I popped of her tennis shoes and heard screams of NOT MY FEET PLEEEZE!! NOT MY FEET! I can't stand getting my feet touched, NOOOO! I then tested her little size 5.5 white socked feet for their sensativity! HOOOAHHH! PAYDIRT! I began to lightly tickle her feet to her struggling and pleading, begging and moaning. She had the cutest laugh and panic screaming as she tried in vein to escape my fingers. I drew figure eights and lingered under the toes and high arches. At one point I grabbed a pen from the desk and began tracing letters on the soles of her socks (no ink). I said that I'd stop if she could guess what it was that I was tracing. The I drew an "F" and an "O" and a "U" and an "R"....THe an "S" a "C" and "O" and "R" and an "E". She could'nt get it as she was convulsing from the torment. Then I said that I'd just have to finish it without her help...As T slowly said "Four-score and seven years ago..etc.. She just screamed and went absolutely nuts!!!

This kept up for about 5 minutes when I gave her a break for about a minute. She kept saying please let me go...I'm sorry...it'll never happen again....I've learned my lesson...really...you can let me go now! I then asked if she was more ticklish with or without socks... Renewed pleading and escape attempts were made as I reched under her pants leg and grabbed the top of her right sock and pulled it slowly toward her foot. Up over the heal it slid as she was almost crying telling me she'd give me anything to leave her socks on....ANYTHING MY DEAR? MooHoooHoooHaaHaaHaa!

Needless to say, I had my way tickling her a little while longer... She has very pretty little feet with a nice pedicure and dark red polished nails...even a toe ring on her right second toe....which I teased her about too!

It will be a tickling she'll not soon forget...nor I...and I can't wait for the next opportunity!

pgh_tickler.........that was a WONDERFUL story. I loved to hear about it, that must have been FUN. I can't wait to hear about another time you get to tickle someone, hopefully her again. And I just had a brain freeze, I forgot what auburne is, is it red? If so, I can surely understand why she is SO ticklish, most all red-heads have VERY sensitive skin. Hehehe, I have my eye on a girl with a dark shade of red hair right now!
Well, it was remote control tickling - I didn't actually touch her...
A couple of months ago on a hot, muggy Friday afternoon I wandered into a different wing of our building to ask a young lady who works in our accounting department a question. Micki is pretty and feisty and softly plump with a tendency to jiggle in a very sexy way. She is also extremely ticklish which I discovered on another, earlier occasion. I walked up to her office door to discover that she had kicked off her sandals and was leaning back in her office chair with both feet up on her desk wiggling her toes in the air, apparently greatly satisfied to have them free of the constraints of the sandal straps. Micki has soft white feet with pudgy little toes. She always seems to wear bright red or purple toenail polish that she has to know is very striking against her pale skin. I say "always" because she seems to wear sandals or open-toed shoes more often than not. She knows she’s a cutie and she likes to show off.
Outside her door were the head of her department and another guy from my area. Perhaps he doesn't share in my fascination with tickling a young lady’s feet because he was teasing Micki about how the aroma from her feet was beginning to overwhelm the air-conditioning. Perhaps he was as turned-on as I was and was just covering it up. I decided to join in the teasing by stating loudly, "Oh, Bob, she just wants someone to tickle her feet. She _loves_ to have her feet tickled. Watch!" as I stepped in her direction…
At that point she sat bolt up-right in her chair, pulling her feet off the desk top and back down to terra firma. "Don’t tickle!" she squealed with an expression of fear on her face as she pulled her arms close to her sides in an attempt to protect herself. I took another step towards her and said "Oh, Micki, you know you love being tickled. See, Bob, I told you so." By this time Micki was on her feet, backed up against the far wall, waving both hands out in front of herself in an effort to fend me off, already giggling and squirming in anticipation of being tickled.
Sadly that’s as far as I was able to push the situation given that we were all at the office. I did feel that I had skirted about as close to the edge of proper office decorum as I could, but it was very satisfying to take Micki’s feisty attitude down a notch or two with nothing more than a few words and a little finger wiggling.
This thread has generated some great stories. I enjoy stories so much more when they're true. Keep 'em coming!
New to group...but this was recent

Hello folks! I am new here and I thought I'd share about my fiancee and her ticklishness. We live in a 24/7 D/s relationship so she is my submissive. Princess, as I call her, has size 9 feet that are always pedicured and kept very soft (because she's punished if they aren't.) Anyway...I recently had hernia surgery and can't quite do the things I'd like in our D/s lifestyle...but tickling doesn't take a lot of effort when it comes to princess. So this morning, after our son went to school, I got out the cuffs and tied her to the bed with arms over her head and legs together. She was telling me to be careful because she knows I can't be too active yet, but I told her what I was going to do didn't require much effort on my part. With that...she said "Yes, Sir" and realized that I would be tickling her for the next hour or so. Now I don't plan to write this with all the "HHHAAAAAAA HHAAAAAA's" and "please stops" that are typical here, but let me assure you that her feet can almost bring her to tears. I used my tongue between her toes...something she can't handle...and then I drew a few letters with a pen..then I got out my Whartenburgh wheel. For those of you who don't know...it's the whell they use to test reflexes...you trace it on the skin and little needle-like prongs roll accross the skin. Her feet were mine! So I started with the wheel and immediately realized I had to secure her feet further. I tie her big toes, the attached them to the rope around her ankles and then to the rope around her knees. This kept her from scrunching her feet up and I could then trace the wheel up and down her arches. Princess was begging me to stop of course and I always tell her that the more she begs to stop...the more it will happen. Then I like to play a game...she really hates this...I tell her to choose which foot gets the tickling. She must respond "please tickle my left foot, Sir, " and then I say "as you wish princess." She learned quite quickly that saying "neither foot" get an even more intense attack. So this was her morning...begging me to tickle her feet and struggling at her bondage to fight off my simple and very effective tactics.
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