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Terri Schavio Dies


Registered User
Aug 17, 2003
Yes you heard me. as of right now, Terri Schavio has Kicketd the bucket. Let us remember this courageous Woman through these Troubled times.
no matter what side of the fence you fall on, there is no more room for excuses. please make sure that the proper documentation for you and your spouse is filled out NOW. don't wait. i have a friend that just got put in the hospital, and a family memeber that just went to the emergency room. It could be you at any moment. and all you men out there, it's our responsibility to put this stuff in writing so that our families will not go through this.
the hollywood brother thinks that if any good can come of this situation it is that people will get there ducks in a row so to speak. the hollywood brother is advising people to get a living will and have all your finaces ready to go in a emergency. The hollywood brother also hopes that terry can find peace and her family will survive. it is always hard to lose someone dear to you. it feels as if a piece of the hollywood brother's own heart is dead as well, but time hides pain well and you got to continue to get out of bed every day and fight the good tickle fight.
Press Release

Disability Activists Mourn for Terri Schiavo, Call for Action

For more information: Diane Coleman or Stephen Drake (708) 209-1500 exts. 11 & 29
708-420-0539 (cell)


March 31, 2005 -- The disability community joins Robert and Mary Schindler in mourning over the death of their daughter, Terri Schiavo. In spite of the work of a broad-based array of supporters, the efforts to prevent Terri Schiavo's death through starvation and dehydration ultimately failed.

Even as we mourn, we renew our resolve to continue the battle to promote meaningful safeguards for the thousands of disabled Americans who, like Terri Schiavo, have guardians making life-and-death decisions on their behalf. The dangers to people with disabilities did not begin with the publicized tragedy of Terri Schiavo and they do not end with her death.

We need to work together in a nonpartisan way to ensure meaningful support, legal safeguards, and access to medical care for the millions of old, ill and disabled Americans who are endangered on many fronts.

how is she curageous? she did it to herself through bulemia.
batch said:
how is she curageous? she did it to herself through bulemia.

That is a good point... Plus, I doubt she was courageous, since the state of mind you're in after massive brain damage isn't exactly sophisticated. Essentially, she was barely human in her minimal state of awareness, and her continued existence was nothing short of a sick, twisted mockery of human life. It's too bad her parents couldn't let her go after 15 years of this misery.

Anyway, tonight's South Park episode was a beautiful satire of this fiasco. Did anyone see it?
Dispite how and why she came to be in this condition, we should still wish and pray that her family is able to recover from this loss. She made mistakes, but she was still a human being and deserves no more and no less than you or I. May she rest in peace.
No kidding...let's at least attempt to have some respect.
maximum respect for her, but honestly i don't know what is right and what is wrong.....If i will be in a condition that let me choose to die to flee away from a disease or from an invalidant pathology I will ask to die for sure; but this story seems different.

I don't know a lot regarding this story, but i know that she had an insurance that will give a lot of money in case that she will die, an try to guess who is the person that will take the money?

In any cases i'm against the act to kill people when they have those kind of pathologies, but a single lethal injection was better instead of letting her to die in this way: is cruel ad inhuman, even if her brain was only partially working she suffered for sure, and is the worst thing that they did to her.

I also want to spent sme wprds for another person that is about to leave this world: the Pope.
Even peoples of other religion are praying for him; because he is a great man before than the pope, and all know this.

The better people leave and the worst people stay....that's how it works.
Bottom line the government should not have been involved. A massive public spectical should not have been made of this case.
She, in the condition she was in, did not have a "life" and allowing her to go and exit this world was the HUMANE thing to do as opposed to the wishes of others' to see her live and suffer in her state for their own personal needs, desires and intentions of the greed to milk her and her insurance for every penny available.
The government has and should never have the right to tell any individual what to do with their life in a similar situation. PERIOD. No discussion or vote on the matter. The right of the INDIVIDUAL is the ONLY thing that matters in future conflicts such as this which is why indeed it is paramount that the individuals wishes are made clear and documented.

Regaredless of how she got to the state she was in........she is at rest now.

I agree with that "Batch" dude that she was not courageous since she essentially did it to herself and destroyed her own life. I believe that both parents just prolonged this whole over-dramatized spectacle to get money for their own greedy little selves (donations to a "fund", future books and made for tv movies, talk show commentary, etc). People die everyday in far more painful and worse situations then Schavio did so I do not understand all the fuss about it. Heck, at least she had 40 some years of life before she expired. Yeah, it is still sad that she is gone but I am just glad it is over and dome with. Ask yourself: All those little terminally ill children dying from cancer and other diseases going through years of painful and prolonged treatments; Does the media and courts make their stories known?
Yeah, I never got the whole point in why this media circus became so popular in the first place. Did we all run out of things to talk about since Scott Peterson stopped being so important? I mean, death is sad, but what's the whole big point of this case? "Hey, I heard somebody has just thrown out a bag or something in the shape of a person. Let's go cover that for 3 or 4 months." Geez.
I think that this particular incident will haunt the halls of law schools for years to come. I mean there was a lot of debate about jurisdiction of law and the seperate, but equal powers of the branches of government. I think that this in of itself was one of those doomsday scenarios for the legal system as a whole, and it was necessary for us all to see the way that it played out from an information stand point.

I think that the real end will be a month or so from now when the autopsy report comes out. If it is shown that she either a, had any brain function, or b, that Michael Schiavo had a fowl role in her state other than neglecting her self esteem then i think that the justice system owes the Schindler family an appology, and on the edge of the realm of possibility i think there could be a charge against schiavo for murder (if there was choking, attempted murder, that sort of thing.)

but i do think that no matter what happened, the fact that both Families, And worst of all Ms. Schiavo had to be tortured through this for 15 years. if nothing else i hope that some good from the exposure from this case will be to shed some light on the fact that there are things that you need to set in order in case shit happens.
I stand by what I said. How low any party involved will/has stooped to does not change the contexts of what has happened (though they'll have to give accounts for it later) and will not nor should it change the focus. I again emphasis that we pray for her soul, thats whats important here, not what the families are doing now. Anything hereafter does not affect her state of being, and while it's all in God's hands anyway, prayer brings other things, not to mention closure for individuals who honestly and geniunely cared about this and followed it through.

My posts in this thread were of course a call out to our religious and peoples of faith on our forum here, and there are many. I'm sure, regardless of what faith or religion they come from, that praying for the repose of a soul is practically a duty or responsibility, or at the very least is to be considered to some degree.

Again, dispite the situation and what it has led to and what it will lead to further, it's her state of being now thats important. Lets pray not only that she's in a better way, but that her family and friends are in a better way as well. As for those gaining dishonorably in any way from the death, they'll get theirs. We refer to these things as divine retribution and karma.

Let us not be frustrated with the aftermath, and be assured that these things have already been considered and will be sorted out eventually for each individual. That is the way of things, and so our focus is free to be upon other things, things I feel are far more important.

Its still very possible for us to turn this into a positive and keep it that way. 🙂
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Just my part on this...

Is it just me, or is it death watch lately? All we seem to be doing these days is waiting around for people to die. Every time I watch the news on TV, it's someone died, or theres a new killer or child rapist, or there's someone who got in a big car crash and is going to the ER, or you know, anything of that nature. It's really creeping me out.

Anyway, about this whole thing with Terri Schavio, I think it's better they took her off the feeding tube and all that. I realize how "murder is fucking murder", but think about this. The girl had no mind. The only part left of her working was the part keeping her alive. She had no thinking process, and her parents were keeping her alive just so she could be alive. A little known fact - Her parents only went to see her about every month, and they only went to let her know they were there. Only problem with that is, she saw them there and recognised their existance, but she had no idea who they were, and she didn't...no....couldn't think about it.

Also, I see the point people are giving about how her parents were selfish and made her suffer by keeping her alive for 15 years in a vegetable state. Although I agree it was selfish of her parents not only to keep her alive for their sake, but then only go about once a month to see her, I do not agree she suffered in any way. She did not suffer because she can't suffer, and she can't suffer because she can't think. Basically, her parents just left her on the feeding tube and kept her alive for their own amusement, and didn't think once about the girl herself. What if you were Terri? Would you like to be kept alive without being able to think at all? You only being able to keep yourself going and nothing else? Or would you rather die, and rest in peace? It's great how people want to keep a person alive if they're still living, but IMHO, that is NOT what I'd call living.

I hope I've put my point across throughly. Now, I will go explore some other threads. *wanders off*
As a member of the health care community let me add some input. I care for cancer patients from their diagnosis to their remission, cure or 'ultimate healing'.

(1) Terry was unable to communicate, we will never knw for sure what her brain function was.

(2) Withholding food and water is a cruel and inhumane way to go, Just read about Andersonville or Auchswitz.

(3) If she had no brain function and couldn't feel anything, why was she an a morphine drip? They are for only two purposes: pain control and slowing down breathing.

OK, now for my opionons as I watch this murder in slow motion occur

(1) The neurologists who did her 'final' diagnosis had financial links to both her hopsice facility and to the Hemock society? Coincidence?? YSR.....

(2) If the husband TRULY cared about her, why was he shacked up with a new "common-law" wife (fancy name for a long-term mistress) and fathered TWO kids? IF he really loved her and was a real man, he would have stayed at her side until the end.

(3) Since when did the courts know what was best for peoples health? We need to get this run-away judicial branch of government under control. The constitution says the third branch is to INTERPRET, not MAKE laws. All these activists judges with axes to grind will be the death of this nation if they are not brought into control. These judges seem to forget there are to be checks and balnances on THEM as well. Instead, they seem to think they are either God or the almighty OZ. Congress need to gain some control and pull the curtain down and expose 'OZ' for what it really is. Otherwise, who is next?
insane doubletalking between two self righteous parties of the id and superego fighting over a girl that the ego is trying to bequeath to itself


team no respect forever
I might also add to KY's post that after each favorable ruling Michael's lawyers made large gifts to the judge's re-election. How is THAT legal?!
Dr. Kevorkian, call your office!

The killing of Terri is the latest blossom on the Black Vine which is choking Western Civilization. The Culture of Death, John Paul II called it, and rightly so. If we can do this to Terri Schiavo, then we can do it to unwanted infants, the elderly and the profoundly retarded...in short, to anyone whose existence is inconvenient for us. (As long as we continue to treat our pets well, that is, and move heaven and earth to revive beached whales.)
Mark my words, the jackals in lamb's clothing will soon begin citing Terri's suffering as justification for legalizing lethal injections. (The humane alternative, don't you see!) If we take that fatal step, just watch how quickly the Right to Die evolves into the Duty to Die.
ignatz01 said:
The killing of Terri is the latest blossom on the Black Vine which is choking Western Civilization. The Culture of Death, John Paul II called it, and rightly so. If we can do this to Terri Schiavo, then we can do it to unwanted infants, the elderly and the profoundly retarded...in short, to anyone whose existence is inconvenient for us. (As long as we continue to treat our pets well, that is, and move heaven and earth to revive beached whales.)
Mark my words, the jackals in lamb's clothing will soon begin citing Terri's suffering as justification for legalizing lethal injections. (The humane alternative, don't you see!) If we take that fatal step, just watch how quickly the Right to Die evolves into the Duty to Die.

Thats going a little far, and you wrongly compared it. Terri was not taken off her feeding tubes to die just because she was an unwanted existance. Unwanted infants, old people, and the profoundly retarded are are capable of living out their lives. Terri was not. There was no possiblity of recovery, and she had no thinking process. She simply existed to exist, and nothing else. The bottom line is, she stayed alive 15 years later than she should of. Life is life, murder is murder, and I understand that. Yet, sometimes, to die is better than to live. While alive, there is nothing. In death, she is finally put to rest, and can continue to rest now in peace.

Also, remember that it was not even about the court. Her parents wanted her alive, and her other relitives wanted her to be put to rest, to stop her "suffering". Which brings me to another point. Some of you here claim that they killed her in the worst fashion by starving her and making her suffer. Oh, but wait a minute. Suffer? She can't suffer! She cannot suffer, therefore I see no problem with it. Along with THAT, brings me to ANOTHER point. They did not KILL her, they let her die. Maybe she was as good as dead once they took her off the feeding tube, but she died, she was not murdered. (Notice the thread name is "Terri Schavio Dies" not "Terri Schavio is murdered")

People are getting so worked up about it, and many don't even know all the details and just start shouting out opinions without even thinking it through! Think now people. What is logical is not always correct.

For those of you with different standards and different judgement, it's fine. You are entitled to your opinion. I'm just letting you see the whole picture. We're discussing whats best for Terri, not whats best for the world.
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