Zimmer (Don Zimmer, utility infielder for the 1955 World Champion Brooklyn Dodgers, for the 1959 World Champion Los Angeles Dodgers, and for the 1963 World Champion Los Angeles Dodgers)
Gilliam (Jim Gilliam, second baseman for the 1955 World Champion Brooklyn Dodgers, for the 1959 World Champion Los Angeles Dodgers, for the 1963 World Champion Los Angeles Dodgers, and for the 1965 World Champion Los Angeles Dodgers)
Ishii (Kazuhisa Ishii, pitcher for the L.A. Dodgers, 2002 to 2004. Not a star, but the only person I know of who played for the Dodgers and has a family name beginning with I.)
(The greatest Dodger of all time, Sandy Koufax, pitcher for the 1955 World Champion Brooklyn Dodgers, for the 1959 World Champion Los Angeles Dodgers, for the 1963 World Champion Los Angeles Dodgers, and for the 1965 World Champion Los Angeles Dodgers)
Quinn (Jack Quinn, pitcher, 1931-1932 Brooklyn Dodgers)
[Not a famous player, but the only player whose family name begins with Q who ever played for the Dodgers. 😛 ]