goddess_nemesis Level of Quintuple Citrine Feather Joined Nov 10, 2001 Messages 42,924 Points 38 Jan 6, 2010 #26 You are not in Zimbabwe.
F FlockOfSeagulls 3rd Level Yellow Feather Joined Feb 8, 2006 Messages 3,671 Points 0 Jan 6, 2010 #27 you are not an aardvark
P paracarl44 Wielder of 100 Feathers Joined Mar 16, 2007 Messages 130,109 Points 0 Jan 7, 2010 #28 You Are Not....... in Belgium.
goddess_nemesis Level of Quintuple Citrine Feather Joined Nov 10, 2001 Messages 42,924 Points 38 Jan 9, 2010 #29 You are not crazy.
TheTickleMonster 3rd Level Blue Feather Joined Aug 30, 2002 Messages 5,719 Points 38 Jan 9, 2010 #30 You are not <B>Deadly
goddess_nemesis Level of Quintuple Citrine Feather Joined Nov 10, 2001 Messages 42,924 Points 38 Jan 10, 2010 #31 You are not evil.
milagros317 Wielder of 500 Feathers Joined Jan 12, 2002 Messages 619,065 Points 113 Jan 10, 2010 #32 You are not fiercely fighting fifty-five frantic friendly frisky freakish French firefighters for fabulous free frozen fried fish from Finland's lakes. 😀
You are not fiercely fighting fifty-five frantic friendly frisky freakish French firefighters for fabulous free frozen fried fish from Finland's lakes. 😀
goddess_nemesis Level of Quintuple Citrine Feather Joined Nov 10, 2001 Messages 42,924 Points 38 Jan 10, 2010 #33 You are not green.
A Acarophiliac TMF Expert Joined Jan 4, 2010 Messages 464 Points 0 Jan 10, 2010 #34 You are not hostile....yet?
goddess_nemesis Level of Quintuple Citrine Feather Joined Nov 10, 2001 Messages 42,924 Points 38 Jan 12, 2010 #35 You are not insane.
L leafstk Level of Quintuple Ruby Feather Joined May 13, 2003 Messages 27,473 Points 0 Jan 12, 2010 #36 You are not joking 😀
A Acarophiliac TMF Expert Joined Jan 4, 2010 Messages 464 Points 0 Jan 13, 2010 #37 you are not kidding
P paracarl44 Wielder of 100 Feathers Joined Mar 16, 2007 Messages 130,109 Points 0 Jan 14, 2010 #38 You Are Not..... laughing.
milagros317 Wielder of 500 Feathers Joined Jan 12, 2002 Messages 619,065 Points 113 Jan 14, 2010 #39 You are not merrily marrying many mercurial marvelous mathematical meticulous mendacious methodical malodorous malcontent Martian maidens. 😀
You are not merrily marrying many mercurial marvelous mathematical meticulous mendacious methodical malodorous malcontent Martian maidens. 😀
D deadlywiffeathr Level of Lemon Feather Joined Dec 29, 2006 Messages 12,163 Points 0 Jan 15, 2010 #40 You are not nomming on noodles
milagros317 Wielder of 500 Feathers Joined Jan 12, 2002 Messages 619,065 Points 113 Jan 15, 2010 #41 You are not obstinately openly opposing one of Oklahoma's, Ohio's, Ontario's or Oregon's obscure obscenity laws. 😀
You are not obstinately openly opposing one of Oklahoma's, Ohio's, Ontario's or Oregon's obscure obscenity laws. 😀
P paracarl44 Wielder of 100 Feathers Joined Mar 16, 2007 Messages 130,109 Points 0 Jan 15, 2010 #42 You Are Not....... Peter packing a peck of pickles.
D deadlywiffeathr Level of Lemon Feather Joined Dec 29, 2006 Messages 12,163 Points 0 Jan 16, 2010 #43 You are not qualified to make such a statement
milagros317 Wielder of 500 Feathers Joined Jan 12, 2002 Messages 619,065 Points 113 Jan 16, 2010 #44 You are not really royally ruthlessly ruining raunchy rotten reliable Russian ranchers' relief supplies. 😀
You are not really royally ruthlessly ruining raunchy rotten reliable Russian ranchers' relief supplies. 😀
goddess_nemesis Level of Quintuple Citrine Feather Joined Nov 10, 2001 Messages 42,924 Points 38 Jan 16, 2010 #45 You are not shooting anyone.
milagros317 Wielder of 500 Feathers Joined Jan 12, 2002 Messages 619,065 Points 113 Jan 16, 2010 #46 You are not timidly tentatively telling terribly tedious tickling tales to twenty-two titillating tall ticklish Turkish twin sisters. 😀
You are not timidly tentatively telling terribly tedious tickling tales to twenty-two titillating tall ticklish Turkish twin sisters. 😀
goddess_nemesis Level of Quintuple Citrine Feather Joined Nov 10, 2001 Messages 42,924 Points 38 Jan 16, 2010 #47 You are not underwater.
milagros317 Wielder of 500 Feathers Joined Jan 12, 2002 Messages 619,065 Points 113 Jan 16, 2010 #48 You are not vaulting various venerable valuable violet Venezuelan fences. 😀
D deadlywiffeathr Level of Lemon Feather Joined Dec 29, 2006 Messages 12,163 Points 0 Jan 16, 2010 #49 You are not weaving a basket with wool
milagros317 Wielder of 500 Feathers Joined Jan 12, 2002 Messages 619,065 Points 113 Jan 17, 2010 #50 You are not xeroxing xenophobic xylophonists' X-rays. 😀