Back when I was a kid (early 70s), we did not have the stuff the kids of today have. No Nintendo, We did not have 3 different versions of the Sega gaming systems, no X-Box, no 10 MTV channels to choose from.
You know what we had to play? The Atari 2600! And back then, we thought that was the greatest! Hell, I still have mine, somewhere. And we also had "pong". If you were around in the 60's and 70's you know what I am talking about....with that square-looking "ball" bouncing from one end of the TV to the other.
HDTV? Cable? Satallite dish? Forget it. You were doing good if you had a working color-TV.
We did not have 10,000 CDs. No sir! We had to wait for the damn radio station to play a song, so we could tape it with the cassette player, hoping the DJ didn't keep yapping 1/2 way into the song. Either that go thru our stash of records and hope that they weren't so scratched that they would not play.
Computers? Back then, computers were only for the filthy-rolling-around-in-money-rich-people. The "ordinary folk" couldn't afford such luxury
In fact for Christmas, back in 81, I got a Commodore 64 computer and back then you could not get any more "state of the art" than that and I still wonder how my parents managed to afford it, because those things did not come cheap.
We did not have on-line gaming either ***gasp***. No EverQuest. No Ultima Online. No MMORPGs of any kind. You know what I did? I got my AD&D books and a local book store let us play, in the back with some other friends.
We didn't have e-mail. We actually had to march our ass to the post office, plop down a 25 cent stamp and mail the letter, hoping that it will reach, where-ever it was going, in time.
We didn't have cell phones either. If we were out and about and were supposed to check in with our parents at such-and-such time, we had to pull somewhere and use a pay phone.
We didn't have the Internet for porn, and since we were under-age, we could not buy Playboy or Penthouse. We had to rely on the panty ads in the Dillard's catalog.
No $40.00 video games to keep us kids entertained. You know what we did? We played football and baseball, and since we did not have a field near us, we usually had to settle for playing in the streets or some abandoned lot.
If there was a video game we wanted, we could not "pirate" it like the kids of today. No sir. We had to march our ass down to the store and plop down our money for it.
As for TV? Well we didn't watch all that much as either my mother or grandmother made sure we were well occupied.....TV is going to rot your brain is what our grandmother would tell us.
But when we did watch TV, we did not have 24 hours of the Cartoon Network, nor did we have 24 hours of Nick. Cartoons came on at 4pm and went off a 5:30pm, just in time for the evening news, except on Saturday morning when they would come on at 7am until 11am.
We didn't have The Simpsons or Rug-Rats, or even Pokemon. No sir. We had The Smurfs. We had GI Joe. We had Transformers.
We even watched educational TV such as Zoom and "The Electric Company".