Is it just me, or can others not see the attachment?
I've been having trouble with that too!
Is it just me, or can others not see the attachment?
I've been having trouble with that too!
While I'm not an active follower of the show, I did see several episodes, and am familiar with some of the characters - enough to understand what's going on here. 😀
Hell Yeah! BAZINGA!
Sweet! Can't wait! Wish you could give us a little clue on who's the next Hollywood tickle victim will be. Nothing gets me hyped like a guessing game! 😀
You have done a bang up job in the likeness of the characters. I can see Sheldon reacting this way.:thumbsup
You sir are a fucking genius. I don't know why no one's thought of this sooner lol. Nice work.
Bazinga indeed! XD Very well done! 😀
Wonderful artwork! Amazing drawing by an ah-MAYYZIINNG artist! Bravo! Bravo: :thumbsup :thumbsup
This is really well done!! (Can say I'd rather see her tummy tickled) but the animation here is incredible!!