The only sport I watch is wrestling...and even that is pro wrestling like the WWE, the old days of ECW and WCW, and the final months that TNA has left before the WWE buys them out in March of next year...
I have been to two meet-and-greets with pro wrestlers during the cd singing of both WWE Originals Soundtrack AND the cd signing of John Cena at Best Buy, where he shook my hand, signed my cd, then later signed the inside of the bill of the hat that he was wearing and threw it into the crowd, in which case through push and shove, I grabbed and still have to this day.
When I was in middle school, I grabbed a steel folding chair from the cafeteria and hit another kid over the head with it cause he said "wrestling was fake"...but of course, I know now that he was right to an extent...but it's too late now lol.
Also, even though I have yet to see a single football game, for the past seven years, I've picked out the winning team on Super Bowl Sunday just out of the blue...but of course, I refuse to bet knowing that when I do, I'll lose. It's just the facts of life with me, I'm afraid...