I was always considered goth to an extent in highschool, which I always thought was really, really stupid. I didn't dye my hair black. I didn't wear exclusively black clothing; I'd wear freaking Beatles shirts and Pokemon for goodness sake, so I would only occasionally fit the bill. I just had black nails all the time and hung out with kids who were also considered goth, even though they weren't either (although they were closer to it than I was). I didn't even really listen to any "goth" music. I did and still do listen to a little bit of everything.
So yeah, I just wish there was a clearer common definition for it--well, that there would've been at least. I don't care so much now, but it quite possibly would've made my highschool experience more enjoyable and less "Call me goth and I will make your brain explode with big words, now stfu."
By the way, my school was a sheltered little place, in a rural farming town.