I read again, and decided to post more.
jj82277 said:
i would be in whole hearted support of an amendment to define marriage as between one man and one women. the alternative is to unleash the civil attorneys on the 14 th ammendment and then allow polygomy and possibly beastiality. and a number of other banned forms of marriage that do not exist under the legal system for the proliferation of society.
Let me say I have no particular stance about gay marriages.
I've heard part of the problem is about words: the term "marriage" would be a misnomer in the case of same-gender couples.
I suppose, if it is only a matter of semantics, then, by all means, find a suitable word, and go over with that.
About the "bestiality" and "banned forms of marriage proliferation", I suppose it is a matter of "safe and sane" activities between/among "consenting" partners.
Unless we first find a way to ask a sheep about her feelings, we must assume bestiality is out of question.
But we can and should ask consenting adults what they feel like - before stating their feelings are banned and illegal.
Of course, laws, culture and tradition define what a given society considers "safe" and "sane" - to prevent the exploitation of the "consensual" requisite.
Since being gay isn't inherently illegal - last time I checked... - I suppose there is no good reason to veto same-gender couples from "legally joining".
If it is a matter of privileges, let us define what same-gender couples can borrow from different-gender couples - before outlawing same-gender couples altogether.
Also, I can understand the trauma reasoning, and the "proper" gender-roles issue ; on the other hand, if "proper" gender-roles alone were an insurance enough against deviant behaviour, then we'd have no crimes whatsoever - or criminals would only come from families with ascertained sexual deviancies.
Now I think of it... I'm sure I read on this very forum that a lot of people complain 'cause they feel different and misunderstood because of their *fetish* - that is, a sexual aberration...
Does it mean people who come or post here shouldn't be allowed to marry, or to grow children?