tickle feet said:
Being gay is immoral. It's not natural. I won't go beating you up for it but don't expect me to be to tolerant of it either. If my views are discriminating so be it. It is a life style and it wouldn't the first life style that people discriminate against. Liberals keep using the word ignorance but it has become an excuse rather than an argument. I don't think you should have civil unions because the next thing you know, a few years down the road, it won't be good or "equal" enough. I will only be pushed so far before I push back. Homosexuality itself is not logical. You call it love, I call it immoral.
Immoral you say? Interesting point.
Just for curiosity's sake, I took my time and checked *your* previous posts.
You mentioned you have a fetish for feet - as your nickname can easily confirm.
While you hate being regarded as a weirdo, you clearly stated you'd never swap it for any other fetish.
You also posted, elsewhere, you are *sickened* by people into "F/M" - mind you, not Male ON Male - just simple Female ON Male, a straight relationship, or a natural, logical union, if you wish.
Even if other people are turned on by it, you consider it sickening, and you take an especially dim view on males who happen to like it.
Again, you went on, stating you believed this to be an exclusively M/F site - and were quite appalled to discover it was not.
Curiously enough, while you admitted your fetish for foot-worshipping and foot-tickling, you also confessed you'd be too embarassed to ever ask a real woman out, and tickle her.
So, I infer, you basically find solace in your own dream world, made up of models and celebrity fantasies, such as your beloved Jennifer Aniston.
Mmm... Pretty much messed up, if I may say so.
You can't cope with your own diversity - and since you can't come to accept and like yourself, you end up failing to accept those whom you perceive as being very far off from your idea of "normality".
I'd like to ask you what you come to this - and other adult sites - for.
I must assume you watch pictures of tickle-models for your own private pleasure - urged on by a sexual fetish you are probably ashamed of.
Let me shed some light for you.
Sexual fetishes are considered aberrations: they are nor logical neither natural; they are held as immoral too, since they usually lead to masturbation or wasteful spreading of semen.
Unless you follow a strict chastity vow, your own sexual practices are useless, immoral and illogical too; they do not promote family growth, they take the sexual focus away from its proper course, and they mislead the straight thought.
To use a religious word, you are a sinner, a sinner of the worst kind: not only you admit your own sins without repenting, but you point at other people's sins, without realising your own is even worse, since it is self-contained and ultimately sterile and purposeless.
As a member of the forum's staff, I will not suffer this kind of nonsense lightly: all it does is fostering flames and trolling; you are free to be as homophobic as you wish, but you are not allowed to call immoral or illogical anybody, especially since your own stance is less than crystal-clear.
Oh, enjoy your stay and have fun downloading those juicy M/F clips.