I finally got round to post a reply. (I'm so busy these days...)
Hi Scav! Most happy to hear from you! And most happy to hear that you're busy... everyone in the Community knows how lucky we are to have a working artist of your caliber as a member! I'd be fascinated to see what sort of non-tk stuff you're working on these days, if it's anything you're allowed to show us!
Exellent work as always! every new chapter is something to look forward to and every new chapter makes me even more exited to see the next one. already more than 300 pages? My, that's astounding! For some that might just be a number, but as an artist I know full well what unimaginably tremendous amount of effort and devotion this number represents!
That's very good of you to say! Yeah, the page count kind'a snuck up on me! I tend to think in terms of chapters instead of pages (mulling over where each incident ought to go) and of how much has to be done rather than how much is already complete (with the various stages of work spread out and compartmentalized so I don't get swamped. Lord knows
how I'd manage it if I had a deadline, the way you professionals do... I probably couldn't! You guys have my utmost respect!)
Again this is a fantastic chapter. I love the bird-perspective (quite literally) in the first shot. (and the little guy at the right anxiously looking up) quite the picture to start with.
I'm very pleased you like that opening shot! Dynamic deep-focus has always appealed to me, and it's so much easier to do with pencils than it is with cameras! I'm likewise extremely fond of high-angles. Also low-angles, canted angles, ersatz tracking shots, etc. ... anything to break up the monotony of eye-level sight-lines.
The scene with the reporter (I do not know how or if it is a part of a greater plot) was a great way to explain how one becoms a voluptuary, how one hates tickling yet loves it and comes to crave it... And speaking of voluptuaries, it was interesting to read that Angie has found herself a like-minded friend. I bet we'll get to see much more tickle scenes with those two!
You divine aright, sir! Another such scene due in Chapter 13! And many more after that... the benefit of turning the fetish into a regular training regimen! As for Sparrow Hall, you state it perfectly! She's meant to stand in for all of those in the earliest stages of carnal interest, a single example to represent vast numbers! Sparrow will have a continuing role, if of lesser importance than Mercy or Angie. I like to have a wealth of characters in my stories... the variety gives the plot somewhere interesting to go if the primary story-line hits a lull.
Meanwhile Mercy further explores the depths of the dreamscape... and a little, omnious looking figure is watching her... I'm very anxious to know how this is going to be continued! (as always I am 😉 ) ... Thank you very much for posting this new chapter in this epic series!! 🙂 🙂
My grateful thanks to you, Scav, for your ongoing generosity and consideration! Mercy will have much to accomplish in dreamland, and she'll start in the next chapter (nuisances great and small notwithstanding!) My hope is that her adventures will continue to deserve the quality commentary you've always been kind enough to lavish on them! Such appreciation is the treasured reward that keeps my interest high!
It is indeed here... in fact, the new Teeva pic has made it's Journey here first before venturing through TMF!
It's in the non-tickling images forum... 😉
Ah! I see it now! I looked for it in non-tk art, and it never occurred to me to check non-tk images! I'm heading there this very minute!