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The Low Roads, Chapter 16 (M/F, feet; *s/F, UB).

Another great chapter of your story LBH. Hope you keep it going a lot more chapters.
Many more, Raven! I can see the finished chapter count running into the mid-fourties! Thank you for the encouragement!

I knew the masked one at the begining was Sephie, don't now how but I knew it. It seems that my friend Sephie has found someone close to her in Von Smutt. Good to know that, because the events are going to get over her.
It doesn't surprise me you spotted Sephie! You have a special connection to her (TR probably knows and understands her better than anyone!) You're quite right... she'll need plenty of allies in the upcoming Bogey War, and Von Smutt is a strong kindred spirit to serve as support! He could help to heal her damaged emotional state too... just as long as no misunderstandings arise. We'll have to see about that...

The pannels with the letter between Angie and Mercy are great. You have portrayed a very real friendship between them.
Thank you! The Mercy/Angie friendship was an element I personally found most appealing, and I was eager that it not dissipate due to their separation. The idea of posting letters was one I really liked, as it connected them while allowing for arial images of Walter to emphasize the distance they've drifted. As Angie's journey progresses, she'll be sending news from exotic foreign localities... her text will help to dramatize these new environs, informing the reader just as she will Mercy.

What will happen with Swillwell now? Hope this nice place won't get destroyed by this attack.
Swillwell, I fear, is in for a rough time. Some devastation is likely inevitable (the main gate's taken a hard blow already!) Happily, its inhabitants are hardy... leveling the town won't be easy, even for bloated Sid and his minions!

So, I return from my holiday travels to find yet another holiday treat! You say we will be treated to more chapters for years to come. That's great, most series that I enjoy are over way too soon. I'm glad you are able to do all this work. Don't worry too much about timeliness. We are very eager but respectfully grateful.
Season's greetings to you, Lee! And thanks so much for your understanding... these chapters are never ready as soon as I'd like them to be (I'd send them a month apart, if I could manage it. Alas, that's pipe-dream smoke!), and it's always a joy to me that each one is welcomed so warmly, and that so little continuity (especially for such involved proceedings) is lost! Especially after a ridiculous gap like the last one... I'll try never to let that happen again!

Just don't be late again or risk a rabid, slack jawed, drooling mob of fans, crazed from Low Roads withdrawal, with raised pitchforks and torches, chanting "Chapters or Death!". I'll be in the front, trying to look respectful and grateful, wiping my drool and gripping my pitchfork. 😉
Thanks for the forewarning! I'll keep my own pitchfork handy, so that if the crowd does materialize, I can melt into its ranks! XD We'll burn down the one of Kalamos' threads instead... he's tough; he can take it!

I wasn't expecting an entire Sid-pieces powered army.
Seeing that formidable horde definitely builds suspense and anticipation for the coming melee.
Thanks! Bulking up the attackers with artificial muscles wasn't something I'd originally considered... it sorta developed gradually with ongoing chapter-to-chapter detailing (Klept got his "Sid Cam" in Chapter 14 primarily for intended comedy applications; Klept clobbering Dox in Chapter 15 was a last-minute consideration as I worked out script specifics, etc.). In retrospect, it's all worked out rather happily... Sid's few-score raiders are outnumbered by the Swillwell residents, and need an advantage to seem a proper threat. Making each thug a "super-felon" also provides promising opportunities for action. Now that I've broached this possibility, I better come through!

I too loved the dangerous tickling, this time by insects. Such danger is a favorite of many, as the "Scenes of Desperation" thread attests.
Yeah, I've only done a couple of those so far, and they've both involved bugs! I'll doubtless want more... better come up with a variation next time! I likewise like the idea of some jeopardy attaching to the tickling act... it's a nice counterpoint to the gentler, fun-loving sort or pure torture so often employed (though... what's the worst Gale could expect if she were caught? To be handed over to Sid, most likely... for further tickling? Damned if you're quiet, damned if you laugh out loud!)

I agree with all the preceding commentary, especially concerning the "air-mail", connecting Angie and Mercy. I felt happy for them. It echos the holiday season of connecting with friends and family.
That's very nice to hear, a deeply gratifying sentiment! Maintaining sympathy for these characters is so vitally important... this is a really long, serious, dense story, requiring a huge investment of reader attention, and I doubt anyone would bother with it at all if they couldn't connect to the characters beyond narrow fetish concerns. For you to say that you felt happiness for Mercy and Angie is beautiful music to me... the very response I hope and pray for always!

mmmm... Got to love the chair! Got to love that chair! 😀

Nice one!
Thank you Ilohnoh! I'm very glad that resonated with you! I have a subsidiary fetish interest (linked to tickling and to bare feet) in rubber blow-up items, such as balloons, pool toys, inflatable furniture, etc. The squeaky-clean, tight-but-yielding surface tension seems an idealized exaggeration of human touchability to me. While this is the first time I've expressed this quirk in the comic, I'd like it not to be the last... not sure how to work in further instances, but I'll be on the lookout for any opportunity!

Another interesting installment. The tickling/sensuality metaphor continues to develop. Your point becomes ever clearer (one I happen to agree with) that the danger of obsessive and excessive sensuality (the bogies) is greater where normal sensuality is puritanically shunned, and sick excess looks like the only road to "pleasure." I particularly liked Sephie's scene for that reason: in order to defeat the crazed bogies, she has to wake up to the middle ground of appropriate sensual pleasure -- represented by tickling, in the story (and for most of us here, to some extent in real life). It's all very interesting, so much more than just a fetish toon.
You continue to divine and articulate this story's primary themes with a clarity that shames me into inadequacy (I've never managed to express them as concisely as you have!) That anyone bothers about the thematic content at all makes me warmly grateful for the complex depth of our Community... those who'd characterize fetishists as a pack of monolithic sloped-foreheads would do well to take note! While a tickle narrative doesn't necessarily need a world view (to deliver cracking good adventure, memorable characters and alluring sensuality is nobility enough, and one can find tons stories and comix here that do so expertly), one this extended had better delve into developing themes or risk stagnation. I'm particularly pleased that your comments have centered on Sephie... she was imagined as a pivotal character from the very first, and the battle for her persona will be a key concern of the storytelling through to the end chapter!
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You continue to divine and articulate this story's primary themes with a clarity that shames me into inadequacy (I've never managed to express them as concisely as you have!) That anyone bothers about the thematic content at all makes me warmly grateful for the complex depth of our Community... those who'd characterize fetishists as a pack of monolithic sloped-foreheads would do well to take note! While a tickle narrative doesn't necessarily need a world view (to deliver cracking good adventure, memorable characters and alluring sensuality is nobility enough, and one can find tons stories and comix here that do so expertly), one this extended had better delve into developing themes or risk stagnation. I'm particularly pleased that your comments have centered on Sephie... she was imagined as a pivotal character from the very first, and the battle for her persona will be a key concern of the storytelling through to the end chapter!

Glad you find my little musings of interest. Your storyline deserves analysis. It hits on some very important issues about repression and openness that don't get talked about enough. As for the intelligence of fetishists, I'd bet you'd find that tickle-lovers are smarter as a group than the general population. It takes fair sophistication to go in for something so subtle and sensitive. Dumb people tend to have the crudest and simplest sexuality, don't you find?
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well crap..and here i thought i pulled one over on everyone by getting my own special copy and insinuating that a new chapter was in the works on another art drawing...well grr on me lol...

oo as i said in my email to you...you never fail to amaze me with your creativity and uniqueness..and grrr you always leave us with a cliffhanger. i'm intrigued by the plot as always..and hmm what will happen to that poor town..that creepy crawly icky creature, sort of like the blob with tentacles etc..and her being pinned down by those *shudder* disgusting slimy thingies..eeks.. and some of that mob reminded me of the criminal mob in your space series..which btw i so highly recommend..i enjoyed it so much that i might just search it out and read it again..

terrific job LBH..my talented friend...*bows to your genius*
As for the intelligence of fetishists, I'd bet you'd find that tickle-lovers are smarter as a group than the general population. It takes fair sophistication to go in for something so subtle and sensitive. Dumb people tend to have the crudest and simplest sexuality, don't you find?
It does sound reasonable. If a person's preferences aren't catered to by mainstream society, they may be required to become crafty or creative in order to exercise them (or even find them. For years, I never knew there was any such thing as a fetish Community). It certainly has been the high level of discourse that attracted and still attracts me to the TTC... conversation is far more introspective than leering, civility and support far outweigh pointless bickering, points are well reasoned and frequently well researched, energetic industry flourishes. Fetish interest could be a limiting common theme, but intelligent individual perspective keeps it fresh. The reason, I think, why members stay long term, instead of looting the place and moving on.

well crap..and here i thought i pulled one over on everyone by getting my own special copy and insinuating that a new chapter was in the works on another art drawing...well grr on me lol...
Heh heh! Yeah, I noticed that, having visited Ilohnoh's thread before I saw your post here! Sorry I tripped you up, Izzy! I did send you Chapter 16 before I posted it on any of the forums, but the lag was very a very short one, everything done midday-to-late Saturday. Production had become pretty frantic toward the end, as I'd fixed myself to a December deadline. Timing on the next chapter shouldn't be nearly so urgent... I'll try to give you more of a head-start with that one!

oo as i said in my email to you...you never fail to amaze me with your creativity and uniqueness..and grrr you always leave us with a cliffhanger.
Thank you!!! And so sorry!!! The cliffhanger compulsion continues, despite all my kinder instincts, and probably will do through to the finish! For keeping people's interest high, it's hard to beat! The tactic seems mean primarily because of the long wait between chapters... about double that for regular comix, I think (and that's when I'm staying on schedule!) Really though, what would you rather be reading? Aquaman? Richy Rich? Who'd wanna see them tickled! XD

i'm intrigued by the plot as always..and hmm what will happen to that poor town..that creepy crawly icky creature, sort of like the blob with tentacles etc..and her being pinned down by those *shudder* disgusting slimy thingies..eeks..
The menace in this series does tend to be a little "loose"... soft-bodied, creeping, in flux. Hyper-villain Sid is meant to seem nearly insubstantial: his features drift out of place, bits of him can be pulled loose, he sags and drips... a mirror of his lack of moral fixity. The bogey ethic is total id, total undisciplined appetite. This doesn't necessarily hold for the bugs and worms, of course... it's just easier for them to tickle if they're rubbery!

and some of that mob reminded me of the criminal mob in your space series..
They do have a familiar caste, don't they! Well, I tend to employ the same types when forming malevolent mobs... poorly shaved bruisers; squinty, sickly types; mohawked punks, etc. The weaponry may change (though not that much. No ray-guns in sight, but plenty of blades and blunt instruments); the lucre-lusting attitude is universal!
Angie's character is also developing in an interesting way. She seems to be turning into a kind of model of a new middle way... a major tickle-fetish, but able to control it and keep it sane (part of life rather than all of life), an alternative to the bogey road for the very sensual (a road Mercy seems likely to follow too when she finishes overcoming her greater inhibitions... even Sephie too in a probably quieter and more private way). Might Angie's "sane voluptuary" path ultimately prove the means of saving her mother as well, and breaking the sinister power of LBH?

A lot of tickle fiction ends with whole communities, or the whole world, reduced to drooling tickle nuts (I have one particular series in mind, which I always had big problems with). I never liked that idea. That's one of the reasons I find your series so interesting: you seem to see a world where people can be open about sensual pleasure without it becoming corrupting... a world of friendly tickling where the 'lers and 'lees don't have to end as crazed, drooling nuts with nothing else in their lives.
Angie's character is also developing in an interesting way. She seems to be turning into a kind of model of a new middle way... a major tickle-fetish, but able to control it and keep it sane (part of life rather than all of life), an alternative to the bogey road for the very sensual (a road Mercy seems likely to follow too when she finishes overcoming her greater inhibitions... even Sephie too in a probably quieter and more private way). Might Angie's "sane voluptuary" path ultimately prove the means of saving her mother as well, and breaking the sinister power of LBH?
I believe you've made mention of Angie's mom previously... well done for centering on this character, as I've thus far given little hint of the prominence she'll achieve as the tale develops! I won't go into specifics (primarily because I've barely begun to work them out... this aspect will have long-term, story-wide importance), except to say that your reasoning serves you well and that the concerns you express about Sally have been in mind since the earliest chapters. Angie's quest for control, guided by Fiona and practiced (as we'll soon see) by many in lands remote from Tabor, is capable of granting her the means to moderate her urges... to employ them usefully, rather than be swamped by them. Mercy seeks the same sort of control, but in an independent, disorganized way... a little too cocky to feel she needs teaching, she'll rely on trial-and-error and likely stumble more often than she succeeds. Sephie has the toughest tests ahead... not merely a neutral, she's emotionally damaged (we'll see why specifically in far later chapters), prone to continue a losing strategy out of sheer bull-headed desperation. She's begun to loosen up slightly (an ideal state for introspection), but the demands of her position may force her to act, however unwisely, rather than appear impotent. Sephie's loss is that she was denied her adolescence, passing directly from childhood innocence into adult responsibility without any grace period of awkward learning. All this will be deliniated in detail... many pages from now, alas!

A lot of tickle fiction ends with whole communities, or the whole world, reduced to drooling tickle nuts (I have one particular series in mind, which I always had big problems with). I never liked that idea. That's one of the reasons I find your series so interesting: you seem to see a world where people can be open about sensual pleasure without it becoming corrupting... a world of friendly tickling where the 'lers and 'lees don't have to end as crazed, drooling nuts with nothing else in their lives.
You've pegged this series well... moderation is it's prime motive, a quest to see things in their proper perspective. It's futile and damaging for any community dynamic to deny sensuality... biological imperative won't disappear, whatever our attitude toward it. It's likewise dangerously limiting to make it one's sole concern... life ruled by appetite becomes destructively self-serving. To demystify lust and integrate it into a community's totality denies it any ability to dominate... one needn't clutch at it obsessively, fearful it will slip through his fingers and be lost forever. This series strives to include plenty of homey activity... meals, work, a good scrub, chaste intimacy, periods of quiet contemplation... each has distinct pleasure to confer; add sensuality in it's proper proportion, and you have a balanced, meaningful, fulfilling life.
I believe you've made mention of Angie's mom previously... well done for centering on this character, as I've thus far given little hint of the prominence she'll achieve as the tale develops!

Someone once said that if a gun is shown on stage in act 1, it will be fired in act 2. It's true that Sally hasn't been prominent yet, but the references to her have been too elaborate and plainly planned not to have been heading somewhere important later on.
Someone once said that if a gun is shown on stage in act 1, it will be fired in act 2.
My college theatrical training appears to have paid off, then! :laughing: Better here than on the stage... I couldn't memorize lines to save my life!
Sorry for the awfully late reply to this wonderous thread. My holiday schedule has been beating me.

With sticks.

And pillows.

And pillows on sticks. 😛

Truly another stellar installment of the Low Roads series. My favorite ongoing tickle series. Really. All of the twists and turns in this one were delightful. I especially liked the unexpected upper body tickles (I even imagined the side of a breast being tickled - that's practically debauchery in the Low Roads universe, lol.)

Over all a very awesome chapter.

Sorry for the inarticulate reply... I'm exhausted. Just know that the story is incredible, as all of your contributions to our community.
Sorry for the awfully late reply to this wonderous thread. My holiday schedule has been beating me.

With sticks.

And pillows.

And pillows on sticks. 😛
Holiday greetings to you, Deet! Needn't feel any concern about a late reply (not now or ever)... this frantic season places a monopoly on all our time, for family and celebration both! If I'd really felt the need for intense, immediate feedback, I'd have postponed this chapter till January, after things had a chance to settle down a bit. Actually, I'd never presented one this near to Christmas before... wanted to try that at least once! Anyway, I never had any fears that the special folks who enjoy this series most would miss it all-together (items don't sink that fast in the Art Forum!) A later reply has always been okay with me! Pleasure delayed is pleasure redoubled... like extending December's festivities another week!

Truly another stellar installment of the Low Roads series. My favorite ongoing tickle series. Really. All of the twists and turns in this one were delightful. I especially liked the unexpected upper body tickles (I even imagined the side of a breast being tickled - that's practically debauchery in the Low Roads universe, lol.)
Believe I saw the same thing myself! Someone must be picking up sinful influence from his very good (and totally unrestrained) friend, the Deeto! Of course, inch-worms will stray where they may, comix codes be hanged... one can't ascribe lascivious motives to their random paths!

As always, your kind appreciation bowls me over! I'm very pleased you enjoyed this latest offering... especially since it sorta reads like part 2 of the preceding installment (still working pieces into place for Big Chapter 17.... will the work ever be over!) At least Sephie's receiving a tad more focus. I've felt guilty about slighting her.

Over all a very awesome chapter.

Sorry for the inarticulate reply... I'm exhausted. Just know that the story is incredible, as all of your contributions to our community.
Praise from the Bandito, whatever his energy level, always plays like poetry! My grateful thanks for your ever-considerate attention! And please believe that I'll pick less hectic timing for upcoming chapters (... like, how's about July 4th... shouldn't be anything important happening then!)
Ah, I wanted to reply earlier, but didn't get round to it untill now... It's been a hectic week...

Anyway, what a wonderful new chapter this is yet again! One part that struck me -graphically- is how you succeed in conveying mood and emotion through subtle changes in your drawing. For example the scene with Sephie and Von Smutt: Sephie's features are hard and stern at the start of the conversation, but she gradually softens up, suggesting there's still great emotion beneath her scars and her tough appearance. Somehow she's my favourite character in the series. 🙂
Another scene that I thought was beautifully rendered, was the "postal exchange" between Angie and Mercy. Very cinematographical, but that's no surprise as you do have talent and experience in the film medium (as proven by your "Vintage Scripts" thread).

And such a cool appearance of the old pastor! He really seems to be in a jolly mood here. 🙂 It's really strange, he only ever featured in one of my drawings, yet you do seem to have a much bigger grasp on this character. Absolutely wonderful! Thank you very much! 🙂 🙂
Ah, I wanted to reply earlier, but didn't get round to it untill now... It's been a hectic week...
I entirely sympathize, Scav! The holiday season can be impossibly demanding. I'm most grateful you've taken time to send such a nice reply; pleasant no matter when it reaches me!

Anyway, what a wonderful new chapter this is yet again! One part that struck me -graphically- is how you succeed in conveying mood and emotion through subtle changes in your drawing. For example the scene with Sephie and Von Smutt: Sephie's features are hard and stern at the start of the conversation, but she gradually softens up, suggesting there's still great emotion beneath her scars and her tough appearance. Somehow she's my favourite character in the series. 🙂
Nothing evades your well-trained artist's eye! It certainly has been my intention to present Sephie's austerity as a mask to protect herself from softer (weaker, to her mind) emotions. I'm awfully pleased that Sephie has become your favorite! She's an extremely important character to me personally (perhaps because she reflects so much of my dead-serious nature), and a great deal of plot development will hang on her action. I have hopes that, despite her generally humorless demeanor, readers will come to feel empathy for her, particularly after I've deliniated events that account for her gravitas and her overwhelming mania for personal responsibility.

Another scene that I thought was beautifully rendered, was the "postal exchange" between Angie and Mercy. Very cinematographical, but that's no surprise as you do have talent and experience in the film medium (as proven by your "Vintage Scripts" thread).
Thank you! I rather wish I had pursued a career in film more diligently, though this Low Roads comic satisfies much of the aspiration I felt in my college years (I have complete creative control and no ulcer-inducing deadlines, so it's a plus all-in-all!) I'm very glad you like the way the letter-exchange scene played out; disconnecting the graphics from direct dialogue does tend to liberate them, allowing Duch angles and extreme perspective to be used more freely. I'm also rather pleased with Angie's portrayal on page 16 (the half-page panel in which she's just started the letter)... it came out almost exactly the way I wanted, reflecting a bucolic tranquility I'm not always able to achieve (... well, when you draw a hundred-some-odd panels per chapter, a few of 'em better come out right! XD)

And such a cool appearance of the old pastor! He really seems to be in a jolly mood here. 🙂 It's really strange, he only ever featured in one of my drawings, yet you do seem to have a much bigger grasp on this character. Absolutely wonderful! Thank you very much! 🙂 🙂
I couldn't be more pleased that you approve of my take on Pastor Krank! Thanks once again for your kind permission to borrow this character and for the rather free hand you've given me to explore possibilities that would compliment my story! Although you only drew him a single time, I found that whole group composition rather vivid (he, Brother Bruiser and Maryke, partnered up with the incomparable Kitzalia)... one couldn't help but extrapolate! He is in rather mellow fettle! I tried out several approaches to his little speech, a few of which were more menacing... those tended to compromise the atmosphere of celebration, so I chose a more felicitous, "casting god in my own image" approach. He still has one more bit of business to play out in Chapter 17, which should highlight the more sinister side his character. Hope this one also will meet with your approval!
Another masterpiece indeed, cunningly crafted and wondrously worked by the master of the epic tale. 🙂

Where to start? As always, having read your installments, it is hard to find a suitable place to start with the praise. Selphie's stealthy and secretive entrance in well maintained in mood and holds our attention with the same care the fiendish character tickling her waiting feet. Mmm. Delicious scene that, my friend, truly delicious.

The wedding scene was a lovely, heart warming addition; in the same way Bilbo's birthday party at the beginning of Fellowship of the Ring brought a lovely smile to your face, so this served to be a great rise before the fall into bedlam and chaos. Nothing like a bit of character building and relationship cementing. 🙂

The dialogue was, as always, delicately poised and perfectly crafted. You have a true gift for dialogue that mixes prose and the poetic. It speaks strongly of olde worlds and legends gone by. Utterly enjoyable.

But the best was left for the end. The gathering of the dark ones, an amalgam dark deeds and tender treats mixed with the promise of that wonderful torment that only helpless tickling can give.

I can't wait! I will be holding my breath, literally, so you better be quick! 😉
Another masterpiece indeed, cunningly crafted and wondrously worked by the master of the epic tale. 🙂
Another generous, eloquent round of cheery appreciation from Feathers! Thanks so much, my friend! I can't tell you how eager I always am to hear your take on the latest installment!

Where to start? As always, having read your installments, it is hard to find a suitable place to start with the praise. Selphie's stealthy and secretive entrance in well maintained in mood and holds our attention with the same care the fiendish character tickling her waiting feet. Mmm. Delicious scene that, my friend, truly delicious.
I'm most grateful that Sephie is being well received! She was such a pill in early chapters... it easily could have cost her reader sympathy. Though the plus of having her dictatorially authoritarian is that the effect of feather-to-feet is automatically electrically charged (more so than it would be with Angie, say, who'd be less likely to resist). The process of softening up will be a rocky one for her... but perhaps the next tickling encounter won't be as traumatic (like, maybe she'll get around to cracking a smile at some point!)

The wedding scene was a lovely, heart warming addition; in the same way Bilbo's birthday party at the beginning of Fellowship of the Ring brought a lovely smile to your face, so this served to be a great rise before the fall into bedlam and chaos. Nothing like a bit of character building and relationship cementing. 🙂
Bilbo's birthday is a wonderfully apt (also wonderfully complimentary) reference! It's a good investment of ink, setting up a mood of happy community feeling that helps the reader care about the threatened status quo. Frodo, Samwise, et al have a most vivid excuse when they march east toward danger; in the same way, I hope that my rather conflicted characters will gain a unifying empathy when they enjoy the bliss of celebration. Slogging through hardship is certainly more inherently dramatic (usually easier to draw, too), but without believable motivating context, it lacks urgency. A longish suspense story benefits form repeated "safe haven" moments to avoid a brutally monotonous tone. Tolkein understood this well; that's why he rested his heros up at Rivendell and Tom Bombadil's cottage before kicking them back into the wild.

The dialogue was, as always, delicately poised and perfectly crafted. You have a true gift for dialogue that mixes prose and the poetic. It speaks strongly of olde worlds and legends gone by. Utterly enjoyable.
Too terribly kind of you, sir! I tend to pound the stuffing out of my scripts, reworking exchanges incessantly till they take on some coherency and flow (the way a sculptor might batter his clay until it's bruised into the rough semblance of a person!) The first draft is always pretty ungainly... you'd be horrified to read it! Happily, I have the luxury to toy with the words till they make some sort of sense... heaven alone knows how I'd fare tangled up in a straight-jacket of time constraint (I don't know how anyone produces anything useful to a deadline. I don't doubt it can be done... I just don't understand it!)

But the best was left for the end. The gathering of the dark ones, an amalgam dark deeds and tender treats mixed with the promise of that wonderful torment that only helpless tickling can give.
Thank you! I'm naturally drawn to grotesqueries, have loved and drawn monsters since I was old enough to clutch a pencil. In a way, that's understandable and pretty basic... warped themes don't require hard-to-attain symmetry or fragile, gentle mood in order to work. Sid, for instance, is taylor-made for evil... basically just a leering face attached to a lot of groping, shapeless tendrils! Can't get much more straight-forward than that!

Gale doesn't have a speck of luck, camped out underneath a gossamer booby-trap (talk about your bug-bombs!) I'm most pleased this scene worked so well for you! The lion's share of requisite fetish content was wrapped up in it... I'd have been in big trouble if it had flopped!

I can't wait! I will be holding my breath, literally, so you better be quick! 😉
I promise to bend every effort to save you from suffocation, Feathers! 😀 In return, I beg only one thing... please, let's have some more of your own marvelous art adventures! We've languished too long without the frenzied conflict of Angels and Kats (and at their center, one imperious, libidinous, multi-appendaged, blue-hued galoot!) Nothing would please me better than to see another fine Feathers comic underway!
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The night after writing the very scene in the next Fox Girls installment where caterpillars are put to ticklish effect, LBH uses them to full effect, LOL!

I hope you don't mind seeing a similar scenario transpire in my next story, although it is some way off. Come to think of it, it may be the next story of the chronology but perhaps not the next one i do.

I love the fullness of your art and the dialogue is astonishingly well crafted.

It's beautiful.
A Foxy caterpillar encounter? Wonderful! Can't use caterpillars too often... there are millions of the little beggars and they're all under-employed! I'm most eager to see your unique take, and especially (fingers crossed) to watch 'em pester luscious Lucy to distraction! So much yummy blond acreage... a creepy-crawly's fantasy theme park! Hope it'll happen soon, but whenever it arrives it'll be a delight!

My warmest thanks for your very kind compliments! I take special care about the comic's script (I do the best I can with the artwork too, but good intentions will carry one only so far! XD), so such recognition is always deeply cherished!
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