Once again you've cut right to the heart of the themes I wanted to express, Moonknight! The deep affection between Mercy and Angie (even when they're snapping at each other) is a dynamic I was most keen to bring into sharp relief in this chapter. It will become of increasing importance as the tale develops. You're so right, too, about Mercy's voluptuary tendencies coming to the fore when she enters Dreamtime! Her bright May Day-style costume was intended to contrast with her dour, drab-colored, almost sexless traveling apparel, a burst of fertile springtime snapping out of her autumnal depression (expressed sub-consciously, the way that the Krell likewise summoned up id-demons in the backstory for Forbidden Planet. This is how the dreamworld's quasi-matter is meant to be manipulated by dreamers... Mercy's challenge will be to learn to do this consciously and purposefully). I'm very pleased you like the shaded faces! The shadowing cast by the broad brims was intended to cast a natural pall, one to mirror girls' internal gloom (also, I thought it looked kinda cool visually! XD) And congrats on a very sharp eye! You're spot-on about that Cheshire Cat grin seen in the Gloominvald! The image was intended as an uncredited, under-the-radar tribute, not the only one in this chapter, in fact! It might have worked better, actually, if I hadn't been quite so coy about it (thus far, you're the only one to have made mention of it). Thank you so much, Moonknight! It's so rewarding to have you pick up on this many of my major themes, many of them requiring complete knowledge of the series' complexities to appreciate! It fully justifies my attempts to put them there to begin with... so very gratifying!
Why thank you, Khali! How very nice to hear from you! Thanks so much for your appreciation of the amount of effort involved in the Low Roads creation (a gifted artist such as yourself is more likely to be cognizant of these practical concerns!) Another vote for fetish material in careful context! That heartens me, especially to hear the view expressed by you and Bandito! It's an approach that's certainly served us all well! I have an idea in mind for a Khali cameo appearance in Chapter 8 (if all goes as I hope, that chapter will be full indeed!)... please expect a PM within the next couple of weeks explaining the details and seeking approval.
Excited and pleased to hear about your literary pursuits, Alwayssilver! Two novels in the works, and more planned! Wisely expended energy is the surest path to success (so fulfilling, as well!) My own writing doesn't suffer quite so much from summer heat (not, at least, since I switched from typewriter to word processor)... artwork can be a little more dicy. The summer months tend to swarm with intrusive insects, drawn by the bright lights I need for proper visibility. Sweaty skin and paper don't mix well (gods, the smudging!) Too, as an outdoor laborer, I'm often worn to a frazzle (not to mention, burned to a crisp!) by the 100+ plus degrees we've gotten out here in recent years. So, I'm compelled to "sneak" artwork into tight corners (early in the morning, during lunch hours, filling up the weekends to the exclusion of other activities, etc.) Lord! Sometimes I pray for an Ice Age! (right! Then I'd gripe about the ink frozen in the pens!) As to other separate series, I find that sudden inspiration generally serves me best. So that while I may not have anything pressing currenly, that condition could change instantly. At present, though, I don't intend that any other projects should keep me from completing the Low Roads. I'm therefore keeping distractions at arm's length (so far as that's possible).
No more need be said, Rob! I'm thoroughly cheered and warmed by your praise! Thanks to you for your generous approval! It's the sort of thing that keeps me going strong!