do ya like testament?
I actually never heard of 'em. I'll have to look them up. But that reminded me of this:
do ya like testament?
I actually never heard of 'em. I'll have to look them up. But that reminded me of this:
i have never heard of those lol
how tall are you?
I'm five foot three. A shorty.
nothing wrong with being short
can u dace like this ?
what did pie ever do to you? 😛
Called me a twatmuffin ):
aww that if awfull how dare it
describe the perfet guy for you?
Hmmm. He hasto have a good sense humor or I'm completely turned off. He'd be trustworthy, protective, likes to take charge and is kind to those who are kind to him. And also he'd be atleast ten years older than me because I don't ever want to date a guy my age. Don't know why.
And if I were being a bit shallow I'd say that I'd like him to be British or Australian but its hardly necessary xD
hay i know some one like that 😛
would u ever consider joining me and some other tmf members for a skype chat one day?
I don't know I'd have to think about it. I get nervous easily and am not much of a talker (more of a typer)
i can understand that and if ya ever did join us u could always type if u were not up for talking the people i chat with are very awsome and have said they would like it if u did join in one day 🙂 just to let u know im not a huge talker eather more of a typer but i do talk during the chats
can u sing or play an insterment?
Awww really? Thanks so much for the invite. I guess I'll have to think on it. <3
I can't play any instruments but I can sing some songs pretty decently.
what types of books do ya like to read?
what song is stuck in your head at the moment?
How the heck are you?
what is sleep?
how do they put the cream filling in Twinkies?
what do you call cheese that is not yours?
what is Santa Claus favorite dessert?
got milk?
Bonfire or Beach?