Glad you are well my friend.
Sounds wonderful. The only thing better then a 3 day party is a 4 day party. 😛
whoa!!! Is it our One Year Anniversary already??! Count me in!!!
YAY!!! For Quirkville.
Indeed!!! This calls for another round!!! Where's Rolph?!?!
I'm gonna get DRUNK.
rock on
Will be there if I can.
Sounds good dude!!!11
Party time approaches.
I am so proud to be a Quirk-Ville Citizen!!!
All the final plans are set. SHould be a fine time. I hope I do not mess up my speech!!!!
Cool. I am sure you will be fantastic.
I have been mentioning the party in the Armada Status post at the end of the day in The Self Referential Thread. 😀
You are a good man! I have been sending out messages as well. We will have a grand ol' time!!!!
Thanks texas.
Yes it will be a fantastic party. 🙂
You bet buddy! I will see you here tomorrow!!!