on number 14
"Is this thong yours?"
Number 20
"Don't talk about the pink elephant on the couch!"
Number 19
"You should stop them hiccups!"
Number 87
"You drowned my goldfish!"
Bah, I'm joining in this. xD Couldn't resist.
This: "I'm feel like putting a Easter bunny costume on and walking around in the city. Wanna join?" on #94.
Me: 1-21 😛
Sweed, my dear: "I lost my halo... but I found some horns and a tail so it's not all bad!" on #12.
Hahaha, done. 😛 Kered got that. xD
This: "Do you want to know where my most ticklish spot is? Just ask! 😀" on #74
Me: 1-21
^ Your good friend #4 will be most pleased to hear you say the following: "I had such a strange dream last night... or at least I HOPE it was a dream! If it wasn't, then I recently got ridiculously drunk and ate a 6-pack of raw eggs."
Me: 1-115 >:3
RobAce is gonna think I lost my mind.
Done. 😛 Haha, I don't think Angel77 will believe me what I said that. xD
Hahaha, I knew that one would be evil. xD
ticklingnemesis: " Hi. My name is ticklingnemesis and I'm crazy."# 55
(or if you want to, you can say your real name 😛)
Me: 1-21
Sweed: "I'm off to fight ninja chipmunks.... IN SPACE!" on #7.
Done.Deadly got it. xD
ticklingnemesis: "I'm sooo sorry! I didn't mean to smash you in the face with that chocolate pie! It was just a sudden urge! Can you forgive me?" on #5
Still 1-21...
Done. 😀
Sweed: "Go to the store and hug 5 random people then run around in circles and yell "I itch monkey butts" and run out." on #18.
Done. ^^ Gosh, haven't talked to Seito_Kaiba since I was new here or something. xD Except from that message now ofc. :S
ticklingnemesis: "I'm hungry. What do you think about mashed potatoes with peanuts, rotten eggs and salt liquorice? Yummy, huh?😀" to #34
^ Done. and86 is gonna think I'm crazy. xD
ticklingnemesis: "I'm cold. Can you warm me up?" to #88
Me: 1-21
Done. 😀
Sweed: "The yellow paint whispers to me. It tells me not to listen to the blue paint because it tells lies." on #13.
To who did you send it? xD
Done. 😛 Leafy got that
ticklingnemesis: " Chim chim-in-ey, chim chim-in-ey, Chim chim cher-ee!
A sweep is as lucky, as lucky can be! Chim chim-in-ey, chim chim-in-ey
Chim chim cher-oo! Good luck will rub off when I shakes 'ands with you!" To # 7
(god, I hope that's Carso)
Me: 1-21