First of all, thanks to all for trying the game, and kudos to those who finished it without too much problems (I believe it's a little easier than before, as I already said)!
Now, I already have a slightly updated version (the old saves should work no problem). You can find it here: . You know, I have all the intentions to make the classic game over scenes when you're defeated by a boss or similar, but I still haven't done those yet... but I leaved the code "open" for this, and so, if you got defeated by certain bosses, the game pretty much stops because waits for a scene who does not exist. I believe I've solved that in this new version.
This also means that there's the possibility that, in the final version (if I ever manage to finish the game), you will have to begin the game from the start if you want to see all the scenes. But I'm talking of a far away hypothetical future.
Firegod, I hope that the heavier tone it did not make you too uncomfortable. I'm actually planning an escalation of those tones, and toward the end I probably release two versions of the game, one more vanilla and one that maybe will be too heavy for this forum. I don't know. Again, I'm talking of a far away hypothetical future. For now, I hope you'll enjoy the story as is it!
dennizz, every character besides Hotaru and Malin should have a 10% of missing when attacking physically, and that's (almost-see below) intentional! (Malin is more precise and Hotaru is LESS precise - her concept is a character with multi-hit techniques capable of heavy damage if every attack hits... but she's not reliable as Yuri).
Said that, after reading your concern I checked the stats and I noticed I made a mistake (i believed that the % was 5% ^_^'). I'm not sure if I want to correct that, though...