I've thrown out fair-sized chunks of my "Secret Stash" twice so far, both of them pre-internet access, but neither time had anything to do with guilt as much as with practicality. My stash had gotten too big, and it was time to thin out the herd, keeping the good stuff and getting rid of the rest. I took a good look at it and said "Y'know, a lot of this stuff's really just not that good. (Mostly Leg Show, Leg Show imitators, HOM and Lyndon Foot-fetish mags and a crappy Cal-Star video that gave my VCR a social disease) Am I ever going to bother looking at it again, let alone finding the time to wank to it? It's just a waste of storage space at this point." A lot of it just stopped being interesting now that it was no longer the only material on the subject I had ever seen.