Woo I've landed.
I'm glad to see all the response to the clip, and thank you for your kind words!
I am indeed still active on the forum, although sporadically. I tend to pop in and out.
As you've all said, Lee was murder.... and a thrill all at once.
Honestly this can't be called torture, I have to spoil that fantasy for you. Anything I enjoy so much cannot be torture, though some lee's will disagree with me, but my amusement is that intense that there is nothing at all negative about the situation.
As to being more ticklish... I think that I was able to relax way more this time. The first video I had flown to Las Vegas to visit a strange man... this time I was in Boston with a good friend, visiting another good friend, Jeff, who has become quite dear to me over the years
Additionally, Lee is amazing... She was wearing her work clothes, as you saw, and I was dressed all scruffy, I was terribly intimidated at first. But oh the laughter! heheh....
I felt like I could just be completely free with her, not worrying about where hands might wander as I did as a 19 yr old being tickled by a strange man. I'm a woman now, and definitely more in tune with my own body than I was 6 years ago, that surely accounts for a difference.
If there are any questions I'd be happy to answer, I saw the interview thread with Ivy up there, though I don't need anything formal, if you have any questions please shoot them in a thread rather than a PM, so all can benefit and enjoy!
It was a thrill to participate in this vid, thank you Jeff and thank you Lee for the great experience, I hope everyone enjoys watching as much as I enjoyed participating!
