Honestly dont know why everyone is making a big deal about this
Did anyone else catch her livestream on myfreecams Saturday night? She and the founder of Daredevil Pussycats Generva were online for about 2 hours, and did multiple tickling segments. They also went topless a couple of times...
Anyway, I’m looking forward to tomorrow’s launch of the site.
NO! I missed it! I had to work. I'm so bummed, it sounds like it was so good!! I'm super excited for the launch tomorrow!
The site is nice, but the tickling could be longer and more intense. They are awesome for trying this, but the tickling is a little too light for my taste.
Totatll agree. Alice did a live q and a and she said they heard the requests for more intense tickling and they're definitely going to include it. They encourage fans to be vocal on their forums and theyre doing research on tickling vidoesThe site is nice, but the tickling could be longer and more intense. They are awesome for trying this, but the tickling is a little too light for my taste.
https://www.daredevilpussycats.comWhat's the name of her site?
the site don't work for me...all that comes up is a page with a faint vision of the logo, and it does nothing but sit there. nothing to click on to enter, no sound, no nothing. i've tried it on 3 different browsers, and same on each.
The next update is Monday and they said they'd listen to what our suggestions are but I understand how u feel. I imagine there's a learning curve for new tickle studios and hopefully they learn from their mistakesI managed to get it to work, and I decided to keep an open mind and take the plunge by spending the 9 bucks to check it out. The very few videos there are stream only (nail in the coffin #1), and the vids are pretty lame (final nail in the coffin). I def won't be back for any more of this.
Without preview clips, i'm sticking to my guns on what I seen when I blew 9 bucks. If they really are trying to get it going based on the people who have the fetish, they should start posting preview clips and, if charging 25 bucks a month (or whatever it is), they should make the content to be downloaded. That streaming stuff is a load of donkey dodo.
They put up new content bi weekly so Monday the 12th is new content day
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From what I know they decided to go on several platforms, and they got pirated within 3 days