Wielder of 500 Feathers
- Joined
- Jan 12, 2002
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Regarding weather, nothing is better than a stable high pressure system. 😀 😛
Regarding weather, nothing is better than a stable high pressure system. 😀 😛
Hi everyone.How is everyone? 😀 😛
Greetings, Zod.
I"m fine today and hope that you are well. 😀 😛
Where are you tonight?
Unfortunately, scattered thunderstorms are predicted here for both tomorrow and Tuesday. 🙁
😀 😛
Hi everyone.How is everyone? 😀 😛
Sorry to hear that. 🙁
Hi General Zod.How are you my friend?
(Sorry for the delay in my posts everyone some chat room stuff I am dealing with. 🙂 )
I iz fine.How iz you?
😀 😛
Aha, you are upstate from me. 😀 😛
I ate your favorite beans for supper tonight. 😀 😛
<marquee scrollamount=5 behavior=alternate direction=left></marquee>
Glad you had a good dinner, Zod. 😀 😛
<marquee scrollamount=5 behavior=alternate direction=left>kurch</marquee> said:<marquee scrollamount=5 behavior=alternate direction=left></marquee>
*dances to the music*
Doing some smiley experiments. 😀 Gotta be careful I dont crash the servers. 😛
😀 😛
Don't wanna do that. 😛
😀 😛
I am off to bed now my friend.Peace and wuv. 5 am comes early.
😀 😛
I hope all my good friends here have a wonderful day. Long live the Armada.