*IFF's the HH*
Only you would use an email addy relating to tanks. That doesn't stop me from abusing it, however.
*IFF's the HH*
Buffets are always nice.
😀 😛
Only you would use an email addy relating to tanks. That doesn't stop me from abusing it, however.
Buffets are always nice.
😀 😛
I like the idea of a buffet, and I always think I'll be fine when I go to one. But I always leave wishing I had worn my Thanksgiving Day eating pants with the stretchy waist.
This one was just under 10 bucks. 😀 😛
I like the idea of a buffet, and I always think I'll be fine when I go to one. But I always leave wishing I had worn my Thanksgiving Day eating pants with the stretchy waist.
Thats not a bad price. 🙂
Yea I always eat too much too. LOL 😛
This one even had pinto beans and rice.
😀 😛
This one even had pinto beans and rice.
😀 😛
What is a pinto bean?
I think I need to buy some shorts that are two sizes too big for when at buffets. I feel so much better after I undo the button for my shorts.😈
I must put all the fun I'm going to have in this thread in the next 8 minutes or so. My cut off is 9 on school nights.
I'll bet when you undo that button on your shorts and let your gut hang out at the steak buffet, women are drawn from miles around.
For Helena:
I love this so much. Thank you for making it for me.
Goodnight, Everyone!
Hope you all have a great day tomorrow!
Goodnight, Everyone!
Hope you all have a great day tomorrow!
Sadly,I too gotta run for the night my friend. Hope these long days are over soon. 🙁
peace and wuv 😀 😛
Hello Everybody!
Hope you are all well. 😀